AXIS of Evil.

Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2006 08:35 am
candidone1 wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
why would I be required to answer the questions of someone who had already, in the very same thread, ignored a question I asked him?

Considering your historical eagerness to "win" debates you seem to suffer from a deficiency in common sense.
A question was posed in the introductory post.
It is up to the participants of that thread to resond to the question, not to make demands of the poster to respond to their questions.
I highly doubt that a debate would function as it should if you avoided the topic and instead demanded that the organizers respond to your questions.
Seems silly to me, but I'm sure you have a perfectly logical explanation for why you're right.

My jibe was not personal, it was similar in kind to many comments that have in the past been made in your direction. The nature of it was related directly to the discussion throughout the thread, namely, to respond to the question.
I merely pointed out Asherman's articulate post and suggested that you could combat the criticisms of your MO by following his example.

In the future I will be mindful of your fragile ego and rethink my responses to you so as to not cause any undue harm.

Okay, thanks, you imbecile. And moving right along, I believe that president Bush was accurate when he described the governments of North Korea, Iran and Iraq as evil. Furthermore, I believe that it is ultimately never helpful to ignore great evil abroad in the world or to pretend it isn't there. I'm sure that had you or au1929 lived, say, in the time when Nazi Germany started persecuting Jews and putting them in concentration camps, you would have counseled that someone representing you take the tactful approach, rather than state plainly that great evil was being done, but personally I think that would be both cowardly and counterproductive.
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Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2006 10:07 am
I am still waiting for you to stop posturing and for once give a direct, intelligent response to a question asked. Is that too much to ask or for you to comprehend?
Have you ever wondered why almost every thread you are involved in ends the same way.
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Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2006 12:46 pm
au1929 wrote:
I am still waiting for you to stop posturing and for once give a direct, intelligent response to a question asked. Is that too much to ask or for you to comprehend?
Have you ever wondered why almost every thread you are involved in ends the same way.

I gave a direct answer, which you still have not. I know you're a liberal, but can you just for once try to discuss the topic and not the posters?

You asked:

au1929 wrote:
The Axis of of evil statement made by Bush during the state of the union speech made for good copy. But was it a diplomatic blunder?

To which I responded:

au1929 wrote:
...Furthermore, I believe that it is ultimately never helpful to ignore great evil abroad in the world or to pretend it isn't there.

You still haven't answered the question in my initial post in this thread, which consisted of the single sentence, "Is it true?"

"...stop posturing and for once give a direct, intelligent response to a question asked."
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Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2006 01:12 pm
the phrase is effectively meaningless.

what would 'the center of wisdom' mean? or 'the nexus of sad things'? or 'the foundation of goodness'?

It is, and this is its purpose, a slogan.

any effectiveness this slogan had looks limited to the construction of consensus within a certain segment of the domestic citizenry, such as brandon.

the negative consequences of the administration's use of the phrase are more broad and far more significant. ask folks from countries outside of america how such simplistic slogans land on their ears and you'll have a start to some understanding of why the rest of the world considers this government both dangerous and not terribly bright.

more significant is the predictable consequence that Iran and Korea would perceive a likely or potential military (and other) threat from america and validate or speed up their nuke programs as deterent.
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Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2006 01:27 pm
Blatham, do you consider the 3 nations named to be other then evil? If so, what would you consider them?
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Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2006 01:54 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Blatham, do you consider the 3 nations named to be other then evil? If so, what would you consider them?

Is Myanmar evil? Is china evil? Is rupert murdock or google in some sense or to some degree evil for doing business with them? Is america in some sense evil for helping Hussein build his military and his hold on power? Was germany evil? All of germany?

The term isn't analytically useful in descriptions of groups, if useful at all. It functions as a way of saying "I/we don't like" something or someone but doing so in a way that ends reflection or more complex analyses. You may as well ask, is James Baker supporting evil when he offers a "realist" portrayal of american foreign polcies/options. How is it that Hussein suddenly became evil when he was not earlier?
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Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 11:05 am
blatham wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
Blatham, do you consider the 3 nations named to be other then evil? If so, what would you consider them?

Is Myanmar evil? Is china evil? Is rupert murdock or google in some sense or to some degree evil for doing business with them? Is america in some sense evil for helping Hussein build his military and his hold on power? Was germany evil? All of germany?

The term isn't analytically useful in descriptions of groups, if useful at all. It functions as a way of saying "I/we don't like" something or someone but doing so in a way that ends reflection or more complex analyses. You may as well ask, is James Baker supporting evil when he offers a "realist" portrayal of american foreign polcies/options. How is it that Hussein suddenly became evil when he was not earlier?

It's a useful category and it doesn't end more complex analysis. The idea that no one is evil, or that no country pursues generally evil policies, or that no country treats its own citizens in a generally evil way, or that no boy is bad is naive. Saddam Hussein was obviouly evil throughout his entire adult life, not suddenly. If some country like Canada seeks the bomb, sure it's nothing to be happy about, but we know that they generally pursue sane, and reasonably moral policies. If someone like Idi Amin Dada or Pol Pot were to have shown signs of developing nuclear or bio weapons, it would have been a cause for concern, since their history of evil behavior suggests that they couldn't be trusted with the weapons, and might do terrible harm with them. If it's such a useless category why do so many America-haters on this board refer to US policy as evil (or synonym)?
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Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 01:16 pm
Saddam Hussein was obviouly evil throughout his entire adult life, not suddenly.

and the way you deal with evil is to....smile and shake hands with it? (rummy, remember), sell it armaments? give it intelligence data? allow it to purchase from america the chemical constituents used against the Kurds and then withhold criticism when he uses it on them?

"Axis of evil" has the same truth value as "blondes have more fun" or "don't squeeze the Charmin".

You've been sold a product. Perhaps you think that is exaggerated. Andrew Card, on when the war might start... "From a marketing standpoint, you don't roll out a new product in August."
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 02:54 pm
Brandon, you insist that I am the imbicile, but perhaps it is the imbicile who needs to be prodded to answer a simple question for 3 pages.
Perhaps the imbicile is the self-proclaimed masterdebater who fails on almost every account to follow proper debating protocol.
Maybe it is the imbicile who resorts to puerile, grade school ad hominems when asked to respond to the question presented in the original posting.
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Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 03:35 pm
Re: AXIS of Evil.
au1929 wrote:
The Axis of of evil statement made by Bush during the state of the union speech made for good copy. But was it a diplomatic blunder?

probably didn't change much with l'il kim. he's kinda insecure and beligerant. it did, however, provide him with an excuse to get all huffy, no matter how thin his rationale is.. even if he's the only one buying it.

from what iranian folks here tell me, the axis remark put a pretty good ding in whatever movement was being made away from theocratic rule in iran. that may have happened anyway due to other factors, but making threatening comments doesn't seem to have helped the internal pro-democracy movement there.

all in all, the axis of evil declaration seems to have been helpful to dubya (for a while), but it hasn't solved any problems for the rest of us.
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Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 12:06 pm
Re: AXIS of Evil.
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
au1929 wrote:
The Axis of of evil statement made by Bush during the state of the union speech made for good copy. But was it a diplomatic blunder?

probably didn't change much with l'il kim. he's kinda insecure and beligerant. it did, however, provide him with an excuse to get all huffy, no matter how thin his rationale is.. even if he's the only one buying it.

from what iranian folks here tell me, the axis remark put a pretty good ding in whatever movement was being made away from theocratic rule in iran. that may have happened anyway due to other factors, but making threatening comments doesn't seem to have helped the internal pro-democracy movement there.

all in all, the axis of evil declaration seems to have been helpful to dubya (for a while), but it hasn't solved any problems for the rest of us.

To which I say, well put. And amen!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 12:11 pm
Blatham, you have not answered my question.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 12:51 pm
blatham wrote:
Saddam Hussein was obviouly evil throughout his entire adult life, not suddenly.

and the way you deal with evil is to....smile and shake hands with it? (rummy, remember), sell it armaments? give it intelligence data? allow it to purchase from america the chemical constituents used against the Kurds and then withhold criticism when he uses it on them?

"Axis of evil" has the same truth value as "blondes have more fun" or "don't squeeze the Charmin".

You've been sold a product. Perhaps you think that is exaggerated. Andrew Card, on when the war might start... "From a marketing standpoint, you don't roll out a new product in August."

I also think that the government of the People's Republic of China is evil, but that doesn't mean that I favor cutting off all relations with them. The world is more comlicated than that. Just because we make a deal with someone doesn't imply that we like them. Sometimes they're the enemies of our enemies. Are you actually going to entertain us with a denial that Saddam Hussein was evil? For a national leader to never comment on great evil occurring in the world, especially when such evil looks like it may eventually manifest itself in a very dangerous way, and that some prep work needs to be done soon, would be irresponsible. Inability to psychically predict the outcome of every action of ours is not a fault.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 01:00 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
Inability to psychically predict the outcome of every action of ours is not a fault.

Is this your rationale for giving Bush and Rumsfeld the benefit of the doubt re the mess in Iraq? Only a psychic would know that adequate post-invasion planning was needed?
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Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 01:01 pm
candidone1 wrote:
Brandon, you insist that I am the imbicile, but perhaps it is the imbicile who needs to be prodded to answer a simple question for 3 pages.
Perhaps the imbicile is the self-proclaimed masterdebater who fails on almost every account to follow proper debating protocol.
Maybe it is the imbicile who resorts to puerile, grade school ad hominems when asked to respond to the question presented in the original posting.

I believe that's spelled imbecile.
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Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 01:08 pm
Dartagnan wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Inability to psychically predict the outcome of every action of ours is not a fault.

Is this your rationale for giving Bush and Rumsfeld the benefit of the doubt re the mess in Iraq? Only a psychic would know that adequate post-invasion planning was needed?

If you read my post, you ought to know that I was talking about our relationship with Saddam Hussein in the 80s. Try reading posts before you reply to them.

I do not regard the invasion of Iraq as a mistake at all. At the moment of invasion, based on the totality of our information about Iraq, there was a non-trivial chance that Hussein was continuing to develop WMD in hiding. Only an absolute fool would have put his head in the sand and ignored this moderate chance of an absolute calamity. Diplomacy having failed, Bush was right to invade. Your idea that every war which is difficult is a mess is naive.
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Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 01:12 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
Dartagnan wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Inability to psychically predict the outcome of every action of ours is not a fault.

Is this your rationale for giving Bush and Rumsfeld the benefit of the doubt re the mess in Iraq? Only a psychic would know that adequate post-invasion planning was needed?

If you read my post, you ought to know that I was talking about our relationship with Saddam Hussein in the 80s. Try reading posts before you reply to them.

I do not regard the invasion of Iraq as a mistake at all. At the moment of invasion, based on the totality of our information about Iraq, there was a non-trivial chance that Hussein was continuing to develop WMD in hiding. Only an absolute fool would have put his head in the sand and ignored this moderate chance of an absolute calamity. Diplomacy having failed, Bush was right to invade. Your idea that every war which is difficult is a mess is naive.

My post was based on my overall sense of your opinion of the Iraq situation based on reading your posts for quite some time now. And I've never said that every war that is difficult "is a mess."
0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 Oct, 2006 07:14 am
McGentrix wrote:
Blatham, you have not answered my question.

Do you still beat your grandmother? Who is more incompetent, Reagan or Dubya? Is France evil? Are republicans evil? Are democrats evil? Is Halloween evil?

Your question wasn't an attempt to get aid or provoke understanding. It was an attempt, though not intentional, of avoiding complexity.

What on earth can the term "evil" mean? Does it refer, as General Boykin holds, to the footprints of Beezelebub?
"The battle this nation is in is a spiritual battle, it's a battle for our soul. And the enemy is a guy called Satan...Satan wants to destroy this nation. He wants to destroy us as a nation and he wants to destroy us as a Christian army."

Does it refer to some circumstance (a baby burning in a fire or your cousin being eaten by a grizzley or your neighbors being blown apart in a bombing raid)? Does it refer to some intention held by a self-aware person? Can it be applied to any past British or Dutch or American policy? Any present American policy? Any present American leader? Was Love Canal an "evil"? Are tobacco execs "evil"? Can you imagine yourself in the shoes of a Lebanese computer technician who's wife and children were heat-melted by phosphorous weapons two months ago and now has unchangeable notions about "evil" and who is properly described by the term?

You tell me what "evil" means.
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Reply Tue 31 Oct, 2006 07:28 am
blatham wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
Blatham, you have not answered my question.

Do you still beat your grandmother? Who is more incompetent, Reagan or Dubya? Is France evil? Are republicans evil? Are democrats evil? Is Halloween evil?

Your question wasn't an attempt to get aid or provoke understanding. It was an attempt, though not intentional, of avoiding complexity.

What on earth can the term "evil" mean? Does it refer, as General Boykin holds, to the footprints of Beezelebub?
"The battle this nation is in is a spiritual battle, it's a battle for our soul. And the enemy is a guy called Satan...Satan wants to destroy this nation. He wants to destroy us as a nation and he wants to destroy us as a Christian army."

Does it refer to some circumstance (a baby burning in a fire or your cousin being eaten by a grizzley or your neighbors being blown apart in a bombing raid)? Does it refer to some intention held by a self-aware person? Can it be applied to any past British or Dutch or American policy? Any present American policy? Any present American leader? Was Love Canal an "evil"? Are tobacco execs "evil"? Can you imagine yourself in the shoes of a Lebanese computer technician who's wife and children were heat-melted by phosphorous weapons two months ago and now has unchangeable notions about "evil" and who is properly described by the term?

You tell me what "evil" means.

That's a lot of unneccessary flair Blatham. Makes me wonder if you didn't read the question or maybe you didn't understand it. It really wasn't that difficult and certainly didn't intend to invoke your tired wrath.

Read the question again Blatham, I will highlight the part I actually expected you to answer.

McGentrix wrote:
Blatham, do you consider the 3 nations named to be other then evil? If so, what would you consider them?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 Oct, 2006 07:48 am
Obviously, the first question isn't answerable until you draw out some careful and consistent definition of what that term might even mean.

To your second question, I could share that all three fall away from my notions of how governance ought to be done.
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