Older Women & Younger Men; are they finally socially OK?

Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2003 09:23 am
Well, I'll be damned, it appears that the question of older women mating with younger men is finally socially acceptable to discuss in public.

Given the fact that most women's sexual drive increases at a later age than most men's (I swear they exit the womb horny), it seems to me to be the perfect mating if one is looking for sexual satisfaction.

It's not so good if one wants to start a family. Female's eggs tend to poop out before their sex hormones get really roaring.

Male character immaturity may be a problem for mature women. But it's never stopped mature men from mating with women young enough to be their daughters.

Does this reverse order lead to great companionship or boredom?

I've done both scenarios and I think it depends on the people involved as individuals.

What do you think?

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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 16,624 • Replies: 195
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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2003 09:32 am
I think its great
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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2003 09:33 am
BBB - are you talking about forming a meaningful relaltionship with an older woman or just recreational sex?
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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2003 09:36 am
seaglass, neither---if you are a woman.

Recreational sex is just that, recreation. I view sexual relationships as different in that they should enrich the lives of each of the partners on all levels: sexual, emotional, intellectual, companionship, and commitment.

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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2003 09:48 am
I think these relationships are perfectly acceptable now, as much as those of older men - younger woman. There's will always be some curiosity about them, maybe a little snickering behind their backs about who's getting the better of the deal but are they acceptable? Absolutely.
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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2003 10:05 am
eoe, I agree with you that it is socially acceptable in many areas of the United States, at least where I've lived. But I'm not so sure about other areas of the US, or even all of North America. I think it more acceptable in most European countries, but less sure in other societies in other continents.

Fbaezer, what is the social custom in Mexico?

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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2003 10:32 am
I dated a guy who was 12 years younger then me - I was 35 and he was 23 when we met. That relationship lasted 4 years.

I dated a guy who was 18 years older than me - I was 28 and he was 46 when we met - we lasted about a year and a half.

What can I say? I'm open-minded. I think it completely depends on the individual, not on the individual's age.
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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2003 11:15 am
I've known 45-year-olds who were less mature than most 20-year-olds, and vice versa too. So, it's entirely individual.

Pros: Older women I have dated usually have it more together, calm, cool, collected, ready to explore and develop in so many more ways.

Cons: Older women have limitted family-starting potential.

Pros: Older women I've dated really go for it, with energy, passion, and gusto. Less timid. More honest. And I learn so much from their experience!

Cons: They can't ski hard all day long, and still stay up all night. (Well ... most of them ... some of them ... okay, so I have to take vitamins now too :-( ).

Pros: There's no other way to say it ... Older women are more appreciative of a young man. Fewer games, less attitude and manipulation, more positive energy, more potential for genuine relationship.

Like window shopping -- I think life obligates us to explore different things, just to know our own selves better.
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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2003 11:58 am
Gee, this is interesting, but I do have one question BBB. What are acceptable age differences of older women with younger men.

I had what I consider a bizarre experience recently wherein my gorgeous (Hawaiian, Italian, Puerto Rican, Swedish mix) yard person made this insane declaration of love for me while we were spreading cinder in my Japanese terraces. I thought he was frigging nuts in view of the fact that I am 30 years older than him. I looked him straight in the eye and told him that I have grandchildren older than his children. My new female landscaper starts today.

But then, I do have the problem of being an older woman that doesn't look her age and I haven't had any face lifts, tummy tucks, lipo' - crap I wouldn't put myself through for anyone.

I'm four years older than my husband and at the time I thought I was robbing the cradle. But this may, in part, be due to my biblebelt, traditional value system.

Ben Franklin wrote an interesting essay on "The Praise of Older Women", and I think stated somewhere in his essay that older women are more grateful.(MCP)

Oh, Oedipus Oedipus where are you when I need you.
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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2003 12:12 pm
I think it comes down to maturity level more than age, provided both parties are legally adults, and able to properly make their own decisions. The folks at NAMBLA ought to be strung up by their balls as far as I am concerned, but that is a whole other issue. However, I still cannot explain Demi Moore and Ashton Kutchner....that has to be falling into the recreational thing, yet I hear she dragged him to a graduation party for her daughter with Bruce Willis (correct me if I have the details wrong), with Bruce in attendence as well....If I were Bruce, this would be a little weird for me....
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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2003 12:28 pm
Demi Moore and Ashton whoever is nothing more than a publicity stunt. Once "Charlie's Angels" and whatever movie he's in is released, it'll be like they never met. I'll betcha a dollar.
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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2003 12:30 pm
BBB, you knew I would be peeking in this thread!

Social custom in Latin America goes for an older male. Couples of the same age -when the woman can be slightly older- are also common.
Ten years ago, a sexual poll was conducted on Mexico's 3 major cities, and in one of them -Guadalajara- a hefty 32% of the population said it was "not correct" if the woman was older than the man in a couple.

This is slowly changing, specially with middle class urban women.

Seven years ago, a telenovela raged the country: "Mirada de Mujer" (Woman's Glance). It involved the romance of a married woman in her 50s -the wife of a traditionalist politician- with a 30 year old journalist. The "bad" one in the telenovela was the woman's conservative mother.

Mirada de Mujer had an open ending... the woman broke with her husband, but you don't know if she kept the young man.

Last monday, TV aired the first chapter of "Mirada de Mujer... el Regreso" (Woman's Glance... The Return). The 1997 heroine re-married, with a doctor her own age; but the journalist -he may now be approaching 40- is back from a seven year stay in Spain. Romance is about to rekindle... and audiences are stuck to the TV set.
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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2003 12:32 pm
IMO, when a union of an older woman and a younger man is based only on mutual interest and attraction, and the younger man is not being "bought" by a wealthy elderly woman, it is quite OK. At least, as anything that pertains to relationships of consenting adult people.
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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2003 12:35 pm
It's okay if he's being "bought" as long as everyone's clear on what the relationship is about. Being a gigolo is not illegal. No more than being a "kept woman."
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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2003 12:36 pm
eoe, can't take that bet, I would lose a dollar Very Happy
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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2003 12:43 pm
My wife is three months older than me. I hope her sex drive picks up with age, as some have metioned. Smile
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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2003 12:46 pm
about to post, and then realizing my father might come read this! Shocked
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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2003 12:48 pm
I'll just say my rule is that I won't date anyone I could have given birth to. Beyond that, I've got no problem with younger men at all, at all, at all. :wink:
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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2003 12:49 pm
ehBeth wrote:
about to post, and then realizing my father might come read this! Shocked

what the heck???? Laughing :wink: that really put my mind to a thinking sideways Razz
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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2003 12:51 pm
I'm not sure I want hamburger to know that much about my dating life.
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