nimh wrote:Scrat wrote:Invariably the reality is that they don't care what Clinton did or did not do, because he was their man. Conversely they are troubled by every action or inaction of Bush because he is not. There is no more rational thought involved in their opinions than that.
I honestly dont know who you're talking about here.
I'm not going to list names for you, but again, pick any self-avowed Bush hater, and you probably have one of these.
But let's assume it's not an absolute but a leaning these people have. Consider the Bosnia/Iraq comparison. Can anyone really complain that Bush didn't have UN approval and simply brush aside the fact that Clinton didn't even consult the UN before taking his action? Can anyone legitimately gripe that the US shouldn't be "in the business of regime change" regarding Iraq, but fail to make the same complaint about Bosnia? These are clear examples of the bias of which I write. These people don't care about "regime change", they don't like Bush. They don't care about the US acting without UN sanction, they don't like Bush. Get it?
Now, to the person out there thinking, "Hey, I complained about Bosnia too, and just as loudly!" Well, good for you. Then I'm not talking about you. The rest of you have ZERO credibility.