Sam, If you consider Shakespear "light reading," I'll have to bow my head in shame.
If it were a simple case of "Bush bashing" I would be sympathetic to his Republican groupies. But, when it is impossible to see a good thing in the man and to say so aloud, that is not by definition "bashing", but a statement of truth. Simple, simple.
I had an old friend who used to teach Shakespeare and Psychoanalysis classes, forget their titles as I am versed in neither very well. Gee, maybe I should snag some quotes and post them, I have at least one of his papers..
Anyway, I and my ex spent a lot of time with him tasting the odd singlemalt scotch before dinner, hitting the best chinese restaurants, and talking about Lear. Okay, they talked, I listened.
I'm just worried.
Not many modern presidents have gone without such insults, although I think that our poor President W. has endured more than his share. The expectablility of the sometimes personal attacks on our country's spokesperson and leader by suggestion can be quite immature.
I'd like to defend liberals, such as myself, who believe that authority is not measured in level of respect given to either end of a relationship. Aurhority is measured in responsibility, capabilities to fulfill a position, and consideration. Questioning his level of responsiblily, capabilities to fulfill a position, and consideration is one thing, disrespect is another.
Anyone should be in the position to realize that any human being deserves a certain level of respect - especially the leader of our country, if only out of tradition alone.
art, Your ideas about repect is wrong. Respect is earned, not given gratis to anybody that sits in the white house.
Welcome to a2k.
There can be criticisms or attacks which are 'immature', yes. I think that is inevitable, regardless of the person or the position. We humans are quite varied in learning, humility, manners, and rationality.
I'm not sure if I agree with your use of 'respect' here though. I don't think anyone is due respect automatically because of his/her position. One is due a certain amount of time or opportunity to be given the chance to meet the requirements of a postion, but if incompetence becomes apparent and serious, then respect ought to fall to the position, not the holder of it. A person clearly unfit for a position who remains in that position is himself a great danger to undermining respect for that position.
Re: I'm just worried.
artofthewaythingsare wrote:Anyone should be in the position to realize that any human being deserves a certain level of respect - especially the leader of our country, if only out of tradition alone.
Respect is earned, not simply granted. If you act in such a way that earns you respect, fine. Bush has not earned respect. Bush has harmed this country in ways beyond comprehension, he's set us up for attack, he's taken away our rights, he's bankrupting us with his personal crusade against the Muslim world and you want me to respect him?
Screw him!
In my view, the man has dishonored the office. The only way to restore respect, from my perspective, is to resign.
We know he's not going to resign. We just wonder how much more damage he's going to do until January 2005.
I suppose respect is a system based upon honor and the man has hardly proven himself an empathetic human being. I see everyone's point. But an opion is not wrong. If anything, uneducated. I defend how I thought, and although, now I suppose I have considered new ideas that I hadn't before, an opinion is not wrong.
I'm sure we all join in encouraging you to tell us what you think, artofthe. Welcome to a2k.
If respect is given to the individual sitting in the highest seat in any country, we must also respect too many tyrants, and I'm sure you don't mean what you say.
Welcome, artoftheway.
We appreciate good communications around here. You certainly seem to be up to the task.
I've been in situations where I was compelled to respect the title, the position, the office -- but had no respect for the man.
Our elected officials -- sort of like professional athletes -- are unique in that by virtue of their service they get to catch the slings and arrows of those who disagree with their positions and policies.
President Whistle Ass is no exception.
artofthewaythingsare wrote:I suppose respect is a system based upon honor and the man has hardly proven himself an empathetic human being. I see everyone's point. But an opion is not wrong. If anything, uneducated. I defend how I thought, and although, now I suppose I have considered new ideas that I hadn't before, an opinion is not wrong.
Goodness...your opinions are as welcome as the rest of us yakking away here, and just as valid. We are kind of an argumentative group, but most of us enjoy that aspect, and use it to work out and clarify our ideas.
Go ahead and jump right in. You don't need a particularly tough skin, just consider it rather like a game. Nice to have you here.
Read this
After you read the following, you will wonder why we don't bash Bush even more. ---BBB
As has been said before,by others more eloquent then me,I have no problem with legitimate complaints about President Bush.
Its the silly,illogical,shrill,nonsensical charges that annoy me.
The people that say Bush is responsible for all the worlds ills bother me.
I can post links to many sites,even on A2K,where the Bush haters make outlandish charges and claims.Bush already has OBL in custody,Bush is hoping for a WMD attack on the US to divert attention,Bush is the reason the sun isnt shining,Bush is the reason the corn isnt growing,etc.
It seems to me that the people making those claims are the "idiot fringe",but whats sad is that they arent denounced by the mainstream of their party.
I get the impression that the virulent Bush haters are hoping enough people will believe them.
But,when the "mainstream" of their party,either party,refuses to denounce the "idiot fringe",it does make it difficult to accept anything that is said by that side.
And yes,I know that both sides have their "idiot fringe".I am NOT singling out any aprty.
mysteryman wrote:As has been said before,by others more eloquent then me,I have no problem with legitimate complaints about President Bush.
Its the silly,illogical,shrill,nonsensical charges that annoy me.
Ah, like all that crap about Clinton that the right-wing still whines about, huh?
mm, Let's face it; there are outlandish charges from both sides of the isle. In fairness, we should challenge anything that is outlandish whether they attack the democrats or republicans. I doubt any of us has that much spunk.
cicerone imposter wrote:mm, Let's face it; there are outlandish charges from both sides of the isle. In fairness, we should challenge anything that is outlandish whether they attack the democrats or republicans. I doubt any of us has that much spunk.
I do and I have. I'm just not seeing a lot of outlandish charges against Bush, they all seem to be pretty damned accurate.