Foley Quits Amid Allegations of Email Sex Scandal

Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 05:40 am
blatham wrote:
Thanks for posting that Krugman piece referencing Hofstadter's Paranoid Style in American Politics. It's a gem of analysis...

I could see your happy smile from 7000 miles when you noticed Krugman cite Hofstadter.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 06:50 am
Thomas wrote:
dlowan wrote:
Don't know about the public's, but as someone who has worked with offenders originally, (four years) and children who have been sexually abused and adults who were sexually abused as children for the past 17 and a half years I can tell you that such categories do not mean a brass razoo to me...........what matters is the individual's experience of that abuse, and a big factor in that (if it was not very violent physically) is the degree of trust that the abuser has violated, as well as a plethora of other things.

... and how does the age and the gender of the abused change things in your view? I don't think I understand your opinion on this from reading your post. On the one hand you say "those categories don't mean a brass razoo to me". On the other hand later in your post, "I think the age (non legally adult) thing and the duty of care stuff makes the page situation more morally culpable."

So, suppose the pages had been a 25 year old intern, something like Foley's version of Monica Levinski. Same violation of trust, different age, different gender. How do you think this changes the case from the victim's perspective?

Sorry not to be clear.

I'll have to drop by tomorrow to clarify, though.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 06:59 am
A 25 year old consenting adult is not a victim.
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Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 07:14 am
squinney wrote:
A 25 year old consenting adult is not a victim.

He or she barely less of a victim than a consenting juvenile who, in the judgment of the legislature, is old enough to consent to sex. I remember being 16 years old. About half the people in my class had had sex by that age. Even in retrospect, all of us 16-year-olds seem like people who could and did make reasonable decisions about sex. Granted, naughty e-mails weren't yet common when we were that age, but surely we could have made reasonable choices about these, too. Are American teenagers really so much more fragile and immature than German teenagers?

Apart from the age issue, the Foley scandal is also an abuse-of-power issue and a cover-up issue. In both regards, the Lewinski affair was worse from the victims' point of view. Clinton abused his power to sleep with Lewinski while Foley merely abused it in exchanging dirty e-mails with the pages. Clinton covered up by lying to Congress under oath, while Hastert apparently covered up by staying silent when he should have talked, with no oaths involved. On its objective merits, then, the Lewinski affair was much worse than the page affair.

Given the similarity of the cases, most people's reactions in this this thread seem to correlate with their partisan affiliations, not with the deep issues underlying both scandals.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 07:20 am
My understanding is that the pages were being hit on, not consenting, flirting with Foley, agreeing to have contact because they were as hot for him as he was for them. The e-mails indicate to me that the page was uncomfortable with the advances. Monica was not. Age aside, that is the difference. One makes a victim. The other makes a dumb choice.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 07:22 am
squinney wrote:
My understanding is that the pages were being hit on, not consenting, flirting with Foley, agreeing to have contact because they were as hot for him as he was for them. The e-mails indicate to me that the page was uncomfortable with the advances. Monica was not. Age aside, that is the difference. One makes a victim. The other makes a dumb choice.

Nobody ever consents to being hit on. That's what hitting on someone is all about: to find out what the person hit on would consent to do with the person hitting. The rest of your post puzzles me. Are you saying Clinton didn't hit on Lewinski? When she had sex with him she was hotter for him than he was for her? Kenneth Star's phone sex protocols show she was comfortable about everything that happened? Do you have evidence for any of that?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 08:22 am
In my opinion the Lewinski scandal and the page scandal both have one thing in common: the exploitation of an unequal power relationship.

There has been a lot of quibbling about whether the page scandal represents pedophilia. To me the major moral problem is the pressure the pages felt from being pursued by someone in a much more powerful position.

Clinton would agree that what he did was immoral. In the case of Foley, the difficulty for the Republican Party is that it makes a joke out of their "moral values" campaign strategies.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 08:33 am
DC Gays Say Hastert Had Sex With Young 'Men For Hire'?

Wayne Madsen | October 9 2006

The rumors about another top GOP member of the House being involved in sexual encounters with young "men for hire" are confirmed to WMR by well-placed sources in Washington's gay community. The member in question is House Speaker Dennis Hastert, whose "alternate" life style is the primary reason for him and his staff covering up the scandal involving ex-Florida GOP Rep. Mark Foley and his lewd messages sent to underage male congressional pages. Hastert's penchant to receive anal sex is well-known to our sources in DC's gay community. Additionally, Hastert's reported extremely small penis is the subject of many jokes among Washington's gay circles.

Speaker Hastert: The "butt" of many jokes among Washington's gay community.

WMR reported on old charges that swirled around Hastert when he was a high school wrestling coach at Yorkville High School in Yorkville, Illinois. Hastert decided to enter politics in 1980 after rumors surfaced about inappropriate contact with male high school students.

In July, Hastert was hospitalized at Bethesda Naval Hospital for cellulitis, a bacterial skin infection. In the Feb. 7, 2003 issue of AIDS Treatment News, doctors reported that they saw "a large increase in aggressive, antibiotic-resistant 'staph' (Staphylococcus aureus) skin infections in gay men in some areas -- and a separate epidemic in certain prisons. Symptoms include boils or blisters; treatment can be difficult, and sometimes requires hospitalization. One HIV doctor in Los Angeles who used to see about one case a year is now seeing two a week. In the past this infection occurred mainly in hospitals." The reports of serious skin infections among gay men was also reported in the Los Angeles Times on Jan. 27, 2003.

WMR has also learned that Republicans will soon mount an effort to discredit a senior House Democratic member with a sex scandal of a rather different nature. The member is aware of the plans and is circling the political wagons if the GOP launches their expected attack.
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Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 08:47 am
wandeljw wrote:
Clinton would agree that what he did was immoral.

He wouldn't resign though -- unlike Foley.

wandeljw wrote:
In the case of Foley, the difficulty for the Republican Party is that it makes a joke out of their "moral values" campaign strategies.

It will be if the coverup charges prove justified, yes. As to Foley's transgression itself, I doubt it makes a joke of its campaign. There turned out to be a rotten apple in the Republican barrel; it no longer is. I don't see how the e-mails themselves would fester the way the Levinski scandal did. For that, you need to expose a genuine cover-up among sitting Republicans in the House.
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Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 08:49 am
Top Gay Activist Blogger Names Hastert Staffer, Seeks House Ethics Committee Investigation

Rogers Promises to Reveal Names From 'Closet Hypocrites List' Each Day, Invites Evangelical Ministers to Join in Seeking an Explanation

10/10/2006 8:15:00 AM


To: National Desk, Political Reporter

Contact: Mike Rogers, [email protected] or 202-588-9446, of BlogActive.com

WASHINGTON, Oct. 10 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Mike Rogers, the nation's top gay activist blogger, says he will out more Republicans on Capitol Hill each day for hypocritically opposing gay rights for political reasons when they themselves are gay -- starting with staff members, then turning to members of Congress and finally the leadership of the Republican Party.

Last night, Rogers posted the first two names of GOP staffers on what he says is his list of closeted hypocrites -- including one high in the office of House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) -- on his blog at http://www.blogactive.com. Rogers also wrote to the House Ethics Committee asking them to investigate the two men because as highly compensated staffers, they had "a vested interest in protecting closeted men like Mark Foley so the majority can remain in power."

A year and a half ago, Rogers blogged on Rep. Mark Foley's conflicted position as a secretly gay man who was voting and working against the gay community's interests.

Appearing on Fox News Channel's "O'Reilly Factor" earlier last night and last Thursday on MSNBC's "Tucker," Rogers said that he believes the stresses of being a closeted gay Republican contributed to Foley's predatory behavior toward House pages.

Also last Thursday, Rogers wrote to leaders of the Christian right in Western New York, asking them to join him in calling on Rep. Thomas Reynolds (R-NY) to come clean with constituents on why he did no more than pass the buck to Hastert after he learned of the Foley affair.

Anne F. Downey of North Boston, N.Y., the New York State director of Concerned Women for America, called Rogers back to say that her organization focuses on prayer -- specifically prayer for elected officials -- and that they would be praying for those involved in the scandal. She did not mention praying for the underage victims. The voice mail she left may be heard at http://www.blogactive.com/cwfa.mp3.

Rogers said he would continue outing closeted Capitol Hill Republicans who work against the gay community, despite their own sexual orientation.

"Those who equate being gay with immorality will be surprised just how diverse the House Republican caucus is when it comes to sexual orientation," Rogers said.

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Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 09:00 am
The winners of the Caption the Photo contest!!

Here's the Photo:


In fifth place...

 While most of the assembled party were happy to see the new Child Protection Act passed, Congressman Foley was troubled by the potential impact on his social life...

(submitted by rwt1138)

In fourth place...

Let us prey!

(submitted by kay1217)

In third place...

 Above Bush's head: LIAR

Above Santorum's head: LIAR

Above Foley's head: PANTS ON FIRE! 

(submitted by cosbo)

In second place...

 A Wanker, a canker and an underage Spanker. 

(submitted by posttoasty)

AND THE WINNER IS (drum roll please!)...

#18 !!!

President Bush: "Sex offenders are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our children, and neither do we."

0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 09:00 am
Thomas wrote:
squinney wrote:
My understanding is that the pages were being hit on, not consenting, flirting with Foley, agreeing to have contact because they were as hot for him as he was for them. The e-mails indicate to me that the page was uncomfortable with the advances. Monica was not. Age aside, that is the difference. One makes a victim. The other makes a dumb choice.

Nobody ever consents to being hit on. That's what hitting on someone is all about: to find out what the person hit on would consent to do with the person hitting. The rest of your post puzzles me. Are you saying Clinton didn't hit on Lewinski? When she had sex with him she was hotter for him than he was for her? Kenneth Star's phone sex protocols show she was comfortable about everything that happened? Do you have evidence for any of that?

First, I didn't say "Hotter." I said "as hot"" indicating a mutual attraction.

Sure there was a power issue with the Lewinsky case. But, with Monica it was an ego boost, as in "Wow! I'm hot enough for the president of the United States!" The footage of her in crowd giving/receiving a hug as Clinton goes by shaking hands with those around her, did not indicate to me she felt like a victim. She looked like she had a wonderful little secret.

If it comes out that one of the pages saved a blue shirt with Foleys semen on it as a souveneir of their time together, I'll reconsider whether or not Monica was a victim.
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Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 09:07 am
squinney wrote:
First, I didn't say "Hotter." I said "as hot"" indicating a mutual attraction.

Point taken.

squinney wrote:
Sure there was a power issue with the Lewinsky case.

Not to mention a cover-up case. And since Mr. Foley has resigned, the only relevant comparison remaining seems to be Mr. Hasterd's looking the other way vs. Mr. Clinton's lying under oath.

squinney wrote:
If it comes out that one of the pages saved a blue shirt with Foleys semen on it as a souveneir of their time together, I'll reconsider whether or not Monica was a victim.

Now there's a good, objective test! Cool.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 09:10 am
Hi Finn,

Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Others will, of course, disagree that gender in this case does not makes a very big difference, but I don't; as to the substance of his transgressions. It does make a very big difference in terms of media coverage because there is no way anyone can avoid the irony and (as some would argue the hypocrisy) of a conservative Republican being found out as a homosexual with an obvious penchant for post-pubescent boys.

Yes, I agree.

If the objects of Foley's attention had been female pages, the transgression would have been no less and no worse, but I don't think the story would not have been quite as steamy.

As it happens, Foley was not much of a social-conservative. He was undoubtedly a conservative but not one in the vein of a Brownback, Inhofe, or Stearns, who each received 100 ratings by the Family Research Council, Eagle Forum, and Christian Coalition.

In comparison, Foley had an average rating of 82 which made him 176th on the list of rated representatives and actually below at least one Democrat, Lucas of Kentucky.

Whether or not Foley was a "true" social-conservative has no more bearing on the extent of his transgression than the gender of his targets, but it is interesting to see how both factors are treated in the media.

It is. I think it's inevitable from an entertainment standpoint that the more conservative he is, the better story it makes. Not necessarily anything politics-driven there (though not necessarily good journalism, either).

It is also interesting to consider that if an adult female has sex with a 16 year old male, the general reaction runs from "ho-hum" to "way to go kid!" If the genders are reversed we tend to have a much harsher view of the adult and an entirely different view of the status of the victim.

I started to take issue with this as I do not consider situations in which an adult female in a power position uses that power to have sex with a young boy to be ho-hum -- have in fact argued the opposite of ho-hum in several threads on the subject on A2K. And I was responding to Okie's question posed to liberals as a liberal, that is, what I think.

But I do think you're right that society in general does tend to be more outraged when it's a female victim.

It appears that what applies to Adult Male - Underage Female affairs almost applies to Adult Male - Underage Male affairs. I don't know though, perhaps in Gay communities the young homosexual male is getting the same high fives as the young heterosexual male.

I don't think we are going to get serious consideration of the issue because of the politics involved, but somehow I doubt that most people will see homosexual underage boys in consentual sexual affairs as having the same victim status as underage females in the similar affairs with the same degree of consent.

It's an interesting question, I'm not sure what I think. There is an overriding "ew!" factor for many when the relationship is homosexual but I'm not sure which direction it would go -- that it's even worse for the poor boy because it was ya know homosexual, or if it's not so bad because if the kid was going along with it he must actually be homosexual and also at fault. :-?


(If it needs to be said again, my take is that the problem is age and abuse of power and gender is immaterial.)

Our thinking on sex is quite complex.

True. Then again, so is sex.
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Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 09:12 am
There's also whether a page started it all by flashing his thong at Foley...
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Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 09:19 am
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Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 09:30 am
Shocked Laughing
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Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 09:32 am
sozobe wrote:
There's also whether a page started it all by flashing his thong at Foley...

That's just what I was thinking. When it comes out that one of the pages snapped their thong at Foley, then we can talk in terms of teasing and flirting. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 10:24 am
That is right. Monica was 24 when she seduced her boss by flashing her thong.

BTW, I keep hearing about Rep. Kolbe, who is gay, making his home available to pages and others. Is there an implication that he was improperly involved with pages?
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 07:36 pm
sozobe wrote:
Hi Finn,

Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Others will, of course, disagree that gender in this case does not makes a very big difference, but I don't; as to the substance of his transgressions. It does make a very big difference in terms of media coverage because there is no way anyone can avoid the irony and (as some would argue the hypocrisy) of a conservative Republican being found out as a homosexual with an obvious penchant for post-pubescent boys.

Yes, I agree.

If the objects of Foley's attention had been female pages, the transgression would have been no less and no worse, but I don't think the story would not have been quite as steamy.

As it happens, Foley was not much of a social-conservative. He was undoubtedly a conservative but not one in the vein of a Brownback, Inhofe, or Stearns, who each received 100 ratings by the Family Research Council, Eagle Forum, and Christian Coalition.

In comparison, Foley had an average rating of 82 which made him 176th on the list of rated representatives and actually below at least one Democrat, Lucas of Kentucky.

Whether or not Foley was a "true" social-conservative has no more bearing on the extent of his transgression than the gender of his targets, but it is interesting to see how both factors are treated in the media.

It is. I think it's inevitable from an entertainment standpoint that the more conservative he is, the better story it makes. Not necessarily anything politics-driven there (though not necessarily good journalism, either).

It is also interesting to consider that if an adult female has sex with a 16 year old male, the general reaction runs from "ho-hum" to "way to go kid!" If the genders are reversed we tend to have a much harsher view of the adult and an entirely different view of the status of the victim.

I started to take issue with this as I do not consider situations in which an adult female in a power position uses that power to have sex with a young boy to be ho-hum -- have in fact argued the opposite of ho-hum in several threads on the subject on A2K. And I was responding to Okie's question posed to liberals as a liberal, that is, what I think.

But I do think you're right that society in general does tend to be more outraged when it's a female victim.

It appears that what applies to Adult Male - Underage Female affairs almost applies to Adult Male - Underage Male affairs. I don't know though, perhaps in Gay communities the young homosexual male is getting the same high fives as the young heterosexual male.

I don't think we are going to get serious consideration of the issue because of the politics involved, but somehow I doubt that most people will see homosexual underage boys in consentual sexual affairs as having the same victim status as underage females in the similar affairs with the same degree of consent.

It's an interesting question, I'm not sure what I think. There is an overriding "ew!" factor for many when the relationship is homosexual but I'm not sure which direction it would go -- that it's even worse for the poor boy because it was ya know homosexual, or if it's not so bad because if the kid was going along with it he must actually be homosexual and also at fault. :-?


(If it needs to be said again, my take is that the problem is age and abuse of power and gender is immaterial.)

Our thinking on sex is quite complex.

True. Then again, so is sex.

But gender is only immaterial in the theoretical.

I'm sure you have no less outrage for a teacher seducing a student simply because the teach is a 24 year old woman and the student is a 16 year old boy, but the fact of the matter is that society does. What's more than that, so does the victim.

Adult women who seduce young teenage boys do not suffer societally or legally as do adult men who seduce young teenage girls.

The question I have is what is the mixture of cultural and biological factors that leads to this.

While the anecdotal evidence can't conclude that 100% of heterosexual teenage boys would feel as if they had died and gone to heaven if an attractive woman teacher seduced them, it can probably come close. Not having been a teenage girl discussing these sorts of things with other teenage girls I can't say from experience what the typical teenage girl's reaction is. I suppose we have to conclude that unless rape or extreme coercion was in play, a teenage girl having sex with an attractive male teacher, is probably somewhat OK with it - at least initially. Clearly there are biological as well as cultural differences in the sexuality of men and women, but it's hard to imagine that any come into play in this setting.

No, putting aside for now the argument that all culture ultimately flows from biology, it seems that the extreme difference in reactions to these very similar situations stem mostly from cultural influences, and the main one is the desire in our society(especially by fathers) to maintain the chastity of young girls. For certain, this desire is no where near as strong as it was only a few decades ago, nor it as strong in the West as in other parts of the world, but it does persist.

Again, I'm not a mother (at least of the biological kind) and perhaps I am unable to detach myself from the typically male bias on the subject, but it seems to me that a mother's reaction to finding out her son had been seduced by a female teacher is of a different quality to that of a father's who learns a male teacher has seduced his daughter.

Don't get me wrong, I find such behavior reprehensible in both adult male and females for a number of different reasons, but it certainly seems that this entire arena of sex between "unequal" partners greatly lacks any real consistency of opinion.

I certainly agree with those who find it difficult to draw a bright line distinction between an adult having "consentual" sex with a mature 16 year old and an immature 24 year old. The whole notion of an age of consent is a legalistic construct, and one we need to have, but it's silly to suggest that it has some actual fixed meaning. A miraculous process of emotional maturation doesn't kick in for every kid at age 18 versus 16.

What's more I'm fairly certain that the attempt to place one incident (Clinton's) on one side of the bright line and the other (Foley's) on the opposite side has much to do with anything other that political affiliation.

Ultimately, I think the topic provides good evidence of while it may be appropriate for people to think and discuss in the world of shades of grey, for society to work they must act in the world of black and white.
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