okie wrote:Why aren't the Democrats just as culpable in covering this up for years?
Presumably, they didn't know about it, especially to the extent that the Republicans seem to have known about it.
Quote:If it was common knowledge there, then anyone should have reported the crimes, especially the people victimized by the crimes.
Who said it was common knowledge amongst the Democrats? I have heard this thrown around by several Republicans, but they are unable to provide a shred of evidence that it is true. Most of those who were 'victimized' didn't know what to do; they didn't have anyone to go talk to about the problem, they certainly didn't think anyone would believe them. Get serious, man, these are 17 year old kids we are talking about...
Quote:How can you do something against somebody if no crimes are reported to authorities?
You find out someone is doing something wrong, and if you have the power, you look into it. Simply asking someone if they did it and telling them to stop is insufficient. If you find out that they did in fact do something wrong, you report them to the cops yourself. This is easily understandable, why are you being mendacious?
Quote:After all, being gay is no crime is it? There has to be something more reported, not just innuendos and gossip to blame anything on Hastert. He didn't make Foley a gay or elect him.
This is nothing more than Democrats trying to milk more political hay out of this for the election. This is childish grade school mentality.
There was a lot more than 'innuendo and gossip.' There were multiple complaints for years. Have you not been keeping up with the news?