GOP insiders agree: Hastert cannot survive scandal
Republican insiders and political strategists admit privately that embattled Speaker of the House Dennis J. Hastert cannot survive the rapidly-expanding and increasingly damaging Congressional page scandal.
"There's no doubt about it: Hastert has to go," a GOP political campaign operative said late Wednesday as the House Ethics Committee prepared to meet today to investigate former Repubican Rep. Mark Foley's incredibly bizzare behavior towards young male pages along with Hastert's failure to take action.
Kirk Fordham, chief of staff to National Republican Congressional Committee head Rep. Thomas Reynolds and a former top aide to Foley, resigned Wednesday and told reporters he had warned Hastert's office about Foley's inappropriate behavior three years ago but that the Speaker did nothing.
Like Foley, Fordham is gay, as are a number of top Republican staff members in the House, Senate and national GOP committees. Investigators for the House Ethics Committee want to know if gays in the House conspired to protect Foley.
"We're talking tip of the iceberg here," one House Ethics Committee staffer tells Capitol Hill Blue. "This thing will just keep getting worse."
Committee investigators are also focusing on the actions, or inaction, of Hastert's chief of staff, Scott Palmer who some say may have stonewalled any investigation of Foley.
For Republicans, already struggling to hold on to control of the House and Senate, the scandal could not have come at a worse time. New polls show support for Democrats increasing as problems mount for the GOP.
The Associated Press reports: