Bush Supporters' Aftermath Thread III

Reply Mon 1 Jan, 2007 08:34 pm
JTT wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
I'm trolling on my Treo by the pool on a beautiful day here in Scottsdale. Impossible to be grumpy. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Jan, 2007 08:35 pm
Dys, ever the helpful one. Ya gotta love the guy eh, Tico? Very Happy

I expect that report I asked you for on the A2K desk first thing in the morning. Do this by yourself now and whatever you do, don't sleep in.

Nighty night, little Tico.
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Reply Mon 1 Jan, 2007 08:37 pm
You're just itchin to be #2 on my list, aren't you dys?
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Reply Mon 1 Jan, 2007 08:43 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
You're just itchin to be #2 on my list, aren't you dys?

Will you stop wasting time, Tico! You've had way too much pool time today and I'm sure the girls are sick of you ogling them - your sunglasses don't work. Very Happy

Get busy on that report, you go to guy for lessons on how the English language operates.
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Reply Mon 1 Jan, 2007 09:29 pm
dyslexia wrote:
JTT wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:
McTag wrote:
Walter, aren't you feeling extra-specially grumpy today? :wink:

No. But I hate it if something is said like "ex cathedra". Especially, when exactly the opposite is commonly known and accepted.

Such sounds in my ears as if I was taken for a ride.

English lesson for today, Walter:

The phrase "not all that" does not indicate that which follows is not true.

On the contrary, when Foxy said, it was "not all that Liberal," she was stating it WAS liberal, just not to a degree she finds to be troubling.

Does that trouble you?

Perhaps you could point out the portion of Walter's posting that indicates that he needs an English lesson, Tico.

By what process were you able to ascertain that Walter does not understand the phrase you've chosen to highlight? Could it be your renowned 'read anything I want into any text I read' ability?

I'm going to give you a gift, JTT. I'm going to respond to this post of yours. Cherish it, because it's the only one you'll get during 2007.

Breaking down Walter's post:

Walter Hinteler wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:

Doonesbury isn't all that liberal ...

As you said above: "I think it is a good thing to learn at least one new thing each day."

Walter appears to be in agreement with this statement, and it's placement in his post indicates he believes he is about to teach Foxy something ... something he believes she is unaware of when she said, "Doonesbury isn't all that liberal ..."

Doonesbury is a comic strip by Garry Trudeau, popular in the United States and other parts of the world. Frequently political in nature, Doonesbury's characters profess a range of affiliations, but the cartoon's editorial slant is primarily noted for a liberal outlook.

Okay, what do we learn from that passage? The only thing that relates to Foxy's quote is that the Doonesbury cartoon is "primarily noted for a liberal outlook."

Now why would Walter think Foxy would need to know that? Do you suppose he thinks Foxy is unaware that Doonesbury is noted for its liberal outlook? Do you think he understood, "Doonesbury isn't all that liberal ..." to mean"Doonesbury isn't ... liberal ..."? Hmmmm.

Let's continue on ...

Trudeau satirized politicians from across the political spectrum, but he approached highly charged issues such as the Vietnam War, gay rights, and cigarette smoking from a consistently liberal perspective.
source: "Trudeau, Garry." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2007. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 1 Jan. 2007 <http>.

Okay ... now what is the lesson being "taught" by Lecturer Hinteler here? Clearly he is teaching that Trudeau approached the Doonesbury cartoon "from a consistently liberal perspective." His "teaching" Foxy that in this second passage is consistent with our earlier supposition that Walter has misunderstood Foxy when she said, "Doonesbury isn't all that liberal ...", to mean, "Doonesbury isn't ... liberal ...." Could it be that Walter failed to grasp the nuance the phrase "all that" added to the sentence?

Yes, it could be indeed. The teacher is in need of a lesson, it would appear. Walter has not demonstrated himself unintelligent in these fora, but he has demonstrated the occasional error in communication one might expect from a non-native speaker. (And it is particularly pleasing -- to me -- to see him do this when he is caught up in one of his many condescending attempts to correct Foxy.)

Now, your lesson is over. I hope you enjoyed it .... I hope you print and frame it ... I hope you cuddle up with it tonight and have your way with it (which I suspect won't be the first time you've done that with a post of mine). And I hope you won't be too disappointed that it will have to tide you over for the remainder of the year, you little pismire.

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Reply Mon 1 Jan, 2007 09:30 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
You're just itchin to be #2 on my list, aren't you dys?

0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Jan, 2007 09:33 pm
dyslexia wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
You're just itchin to be #2 on my list, aren't you dys?


I'd hate to miss your snappy repartee ...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Jan, 2007 10:11 pm
The reason that Doonesbury isn't all that liberal, at least in my opinion, is that Trudeau came into his own in the 60's and 70's, the some of the less liberal aspects of that era are not missing in his stuff. Also, nobody is exempt from his attentions. I think it was Henry Kissinger who once said that the only thing worse than being in Doonesbury is not being in Doonesbury. Smile

Trudeau himself is left of center, but he generally isn't unfair in his presentation and a lot of the camouflaged virtues in his work are not exclusive to either to the Left or Right nor are most of the sins exclusive to either. I personally don't think he would qualify as Conservative in much, but I also don't think he in any way qualifies as a member of the ultra leftwing nutso wacko group.
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Reply Mon 1 Jan, 2007 10:13 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
dyslexia wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
You're just itchin to be #2 on my list, aren't you dys?


I'd hate to miss your snappy repartee ...

NO, you wouldn't. Is it time for your nap?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Jan, 2007 10:35 pm
Ticomaya wrote:

I'm going to give you a gift, JTT. I'm going to respond to this post of yours. Cherish it, because it's the only one you'll get during 2007.

Ya keep saying that ya big galoot, then ya keep on answering. Add "disengenuous" to your long list of 'talents' Was this the final straw; is this why you were run out of Kansas?[/b] Smile

Breaking down Walter's post:

Walter Hinteler wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:

Doonesbury isn't all that liberal ...

As you said above: "I think it is a good thing to learn at least one new thing each day."

Walter appears to be in agreement with this statement, and it's placement in his post indicates he believes he is about to teach Foxy something ... something he believes she is unaware of when she said, "Doonesbury isn't all that liberal ..."

Doonesbury is a comic strip by Garry Trudeau, popular in the United States and other parts of the world. Frequently political in nature, Doonesbury's characters profess a range of affiliations, but the cartoon's editorial slant is primarily noted for a liberal outlook.

Okay, what do we learn from that passage? The only thing that relates to Foxy's quote is that the Doonesbury cartoon is "primarily noted for a liberal outlook."

Now why would Walter think Foxy would need to know that? Do you suppose he thinks Foxy is unaware that Doonesbury is noted for its liberal outlook? Do you think he understood, "Doonesbury isn't all that liberal ..." to mean"Doonesbury isn't ... liberal ..."? Hmmmm.

Let's continue on ...

Trudeau satirized politicians from across the political spectrum, but he approached highly charged issues such as the Vietnam War, gay rights, and cigarette smoking from a consistently liberal perspective.
source: "Trudeau, Garry." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2007. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 1 Jan. 2007 <http>.

Okay ... now what is the lesson being "taught" by Lecturer Hinteler here? Clearly he is teaching that Trudeau approached the Doonesbury cartoon "from a consistently liberal perspective." His "teaching" Foxy that in this second passage is consistent with our earlier supposition that Walter has misunderstood Foxy when she said, "Doonesbury isn't all that liberal ...", to mean, "Doonesbury isn't ... liberal ...." Could it be that Walter failed to grasp the nuance the phrase "all that" added to the sentence?

Yes, it could be indeed. The teacher is in need of a lesson, it would appear. Walter has not demonstrated himself unintelligent in these fora, but he has demonstrated the occasional error in communication one might expect from a non-native speaker. (And it is particularly pleasing -- to me -- to see him do this when he is caught up in one of his many condescending attempts to correct Foxy.)

You have no phucking idea, whatsoever, just what Walter understood or misunderstood. You go from a, and I quote, "with our earlier supposition that ...".

That was not an "ours" supposition. The only one doing any "suppositioning" around here appears to be a gentleman who has been sucking up way too many drinks with umbrellas poking out the top.

Oops, sorry, a supposition that is clearly not warranted from the available evidence.

Next you move from a "Do you think he understood ..." to a highly conditional "Could it be that Walter failed to grasp the nuance ..." and then you make that quantum leap to yet another highly conditional, "Yes it could be ..." driving your dubious conviction home with the addition of an "indeed".

You clearly owe Walter an apology, Guv'nor. Stub out the cigar, suck it up and act like the gentleman we all know you are.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 1 Jan, 2007 11:22 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

Trudeau himself is left of center, but he generally isn't unfair in his presentation ...

I didn't say - perhaps Tico JD., head of the English for non-native speakers department will show me different - thaught something different.

Might well, too, that my understanding of the AE term 'liberal' as 'left' was wrong as well.

After some sleep, I think, I have to thank
- a for the English lesson,
- for the one in comics history.

(Have just ordered Understanding comics by Scott McCloud again at the library and will look more often in my dictionary before posting :wink:)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Jan, 2007 11:49 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:

Trudeau himself is left of center, but he generally isn't unfair in his presentation ...

I didn't say - perhaps Tico JD., head of the English for non-native speakers department will show me different - thaught something different.

Might well, too, that my understanding of the AE term 'liberal' as 'left' was wrong as well.

After some sleep, I think, I have to thank
- a for the English lesson,
- for the one in comic's history.

I don't know about over there, but 'liberal' (at least in its modern definition) and 'left' are used pretty much synonymously over here. The English lesson wasn't about that, however.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 1 Jan, 2007 11:52 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

I don't know about over there, but 'liberal' (at least in its modern definition) and 'left' are used pretty much synonymously over here. The English lesson wasn't about that, however.

I know and din't want to indicate that.
As well as I certainly noticed about what Tico taught me.

But thanks for highlightened that again.
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Reply Mon 1 Jan, 2007 11:58 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:
- perhaps Tico JD.,

Might as well add the "LL.M" Walter, while you're at it.
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Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 12:10 am
I'm out of the loop on this thread but just caught m'name, not in vain.

I'm left of liberal as understood in the US, but as I understand myself, I'm pretty middle re the world take on these matters. Ok, ok, left of that, but not by so much. I think of me as middle. I have reprehensible governments in my scope on both sides. Anyone remember Craven's grid?
both sides as a concept doesn't get there, there is (are) more than one axis.

I have the odd pockets of libertarian viewpoint and will listen about conservative in the old days (Taft). Mostly I am left of a lot here on a2k.
I don't speak up all that much since I admire arguers of whatever side, but
don't want to spend my days arguing, even if I were swift at it. That's not a dump - for me it would entail batches of hours I'm not into allotting.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 12:15 am
Sorry, Tico, to have missed that.
(I wrongly thaught, JD was a doctorate, including a LL.M.)
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Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 12:18 am
Ticomaya wrote:
I think blatham's just cranky after that all-day Photoshop session. Maybe he'll get drunk tonight and feel better tomorrow afternoon.

But he'll probably still think I can't comment on someone's lack of personal social manners because I post Ann Coulter articles on A2K and support the Iraq War. Laughing

We did get a little drunk and we did feel better today......... or yesterday, it is now.

Happy New Year, you curmudgeony ole bad guys!
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Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 12:19 am
Lola wrote:
Happy New Year, you curmudgeony ole bad guys!

You must be talking to Walter.

Happy new Year, Lola!
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Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 12:30 am
Well Tico probably doesn't, but I probably do qualify as curmudgeony now and then. (At least in the female version.) And a happy and prosperous New Year to you, Lola. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 02:47 am
All I did was mention a Doonesbury drawing. Gracious! Rolling Eyes Smile
0 Replies

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