Sat 7 Jun, 2003 06:22 am
Upon my word, look what OED has done!
I'd like to add a word or two myself to THE dictionary, Oxford English.
tantemountie--an Spanish aunt who is in the Northwest Mounted Police.
Well Letty darlin' your little link is certainly the bee's knees and I gave it a serious butchers 'ook and I can say that Khazi has been in general use since before I was born 3 score years ago, half inch probably goes back to the 19th century, minging is not a word you hear often whilst bling bling I've never heard.
But if you clock some tea leaf who's about to 'alf inch your jamjar when it's parked outside your cat & mouse and 'e's got his germans on the steerin' wheel, I'd give the Peelers a bell on the old dog and get 'em on the job a bit sharpish.
I make up new words all the time!!
Where do you submit this stuff for consideration?
My favorite right now is 'Spatulate',..sounds dirty,...but it's actually the use of a spatula.
I'm confused. Bling-Bling? I still don't know what it means AFTER reading the definition. Wearing a lot of elaborate jewelry and clothes and the appreciation of it?
Apparently my jewelry and clothes are not & have never been elaborate. (Bling-Bling???)
I like spatulate as a verb in the kitchen, but y'know, there is another established meaning... as an adjective, spatulate describes fingers that are wider and flatter at their tips. It's an old palmistry word.
Piffka, nor do I

I have heard splayed as referring to the same thing of which you speak.
Jerry, it could be a dirty word if you spatulate with an unwashed spatula.
John, honey. There is no way I'll even attempt to challenge you on your alternative vocabulary

BUT I know bees knees...butcher's 'ook without going to the OED. Betcha don't know trimatry.
detergenate--wash dishes
letty ,,,, trimatry ? is like trimming hedges or whiskers ?
Very close, John.

About this time every year, peoples come around wanting to give our palms a hurricane haircut, which means:
wannabuck or as you Brits say, poundiferous (syn) spendytol :wink:
They experiment with new ways to say it and, yada yada yada, new words come into being.
Hey, edgar. The omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent "they"
Theyophecles--All knowing Greeks.
I had a strong feeling when I was in London that English-English and American-English are two separate languages. Oldandknew just confirmed that.
I still don't understand bling-bling. Can someone put it in a sentence for us on this side of the pond?
JerryR, I like spatulate. What about whiskify? Ladlize?
Ah Roberta ---------- english english and american english. yes there are some differences but not that many that i can''t understand or are not understoood on your side of the ocean, albeit with a little translation
Unless of course i break into london/cockney slang and that bewilders most brits as well. but i grew up and worked in a part of town where it's commonly used.
By the way, when were you in London ? It's over 20 years since I was on your side of the old briney.
I nominate ramerpercussions as a word. It's not really ramifications or repercussions - it's ramerpercussions! Also, coolth as the opposite of warmth (In autumn, I often enjoy the coolth of the morning.).
Ramerpercussions ? that's a bit long for everyday use isn't it. You find people saying sooperkalifrajerlipstickexpecalydoshus every other sentence. but you can't stop progress , as dear old king canute discovered.
Roberta, I will give you a sentence using bling bling..if you'll parse this one for me:
Let's grow a sentence.
John, Roberta can tell you that some Americans can barely be understood.
"the boatuhyouse" has nothing to do with sailing.
Oh yeah, bling bling - I've always understood it to mean cash or riches, as in Snoop Dogg has lots of bling bling now that his new CD has gone platinum.
Oh, yeah, she's all about the bling-bling...
Bling-bling, I think, is the sound of a cash register. "She" in the sentence above cares more about the cost of things -- is he spending enough money on her? -- than about feelings or friendship...
He's got the bling-bling, but he doesn't have a brain...
Bling bling bling went the trolley,
Ding, ding, ding went the bell,
Zing, zing, zing went my heart strings,
>From the monent I saw her I fell.
Chug, chug, chug went the motor,
Bump, bump, bump went the brake,
Thump, thump, thump went my heart strings,
When she smiled I could feel the car shake.
She tipped her hat, and took a seat.
She said she hoped she hadn't stepped upon my feet.
She asked my name, I held my breath.
I couldn't speak because she scared me half to death.
Bling went the strings of my heart. Uhoh...onomatopoeias.
Damn. I can't do a thread without music gettin' in on the act..
Roberta,..I LOVE
It's now my favorite new word!!
Ramerpercussions -- sheep with drums?