As soon as I
applied to be on the show, I would:
start re-learning how to tie all those knots I learned in BSA and USAF,
and recall how to make (and properly orient) a shelter,
{Remember when Rufus had them DIG a shelter and it filled with water as soon as it rained?}.
Making fire from flint and steel is learned craft, so is making it from two hardwood sticks (see Tom make fire in
Castaway) Learn that too.
(the trick is then to offer these skills to your group without becoming the leader [kiss of death number one]
Something else:
I'd practice wriggling, climbing, bending, throwing things (spears, balls etc) and ... UN-tying knots.
And one last thing:
I'd set up a stepstool on a piece of foam rubber, then I practice balancing on it for a minimun of two hours.
And i'd spend a lot of time running across 2x4s. (Another balance skill)
and swim swim swim swim swim swim swim swim swim
Joe(i'd lose forty more pounds too)Nation