Anon wrote:McGentirx:
This will be my only message addressed to you!
Like I said before in my PM, don't secrete your **** droppings in my mailbox! I have not addressed anything to you, and I don't want your putrid excretions in my mailbox ... So stop it!!
PM someone who thinks you've got something intelligent to say, because it sure as hell isn't me!!
I deleted your poison without reading it, and will continue to do so!!
If you want to be a dick about it, be my guest, but if you're going to be public about it, make sure you have your facts straight.
This will be my only message addressed to you!
Like I said before in my PM, don't secrete your **** droppings in my mailbox! I have not addressed anything to you, and I don't want your putrid excretions in my mailbox ... So stop it!!
PM someone who thinks you've got something intelligent to say, because it sure as hell isn't me!!
I deleted your poison without reading it, and will continue to do so!!
McG, Here's a link that explains the illegal action taken by the US against Iraq. It states the reasons why it was contrary to International Laws. If you can't grasp the message, you probably never will. I will aso attempt to find something on Afghanistan. c.i.
Didn't an illegal immigrant just kidnap and rape a 9 year old girl in California? Seems they aren't doing enough.
McGent, There are many - do you get that? - many US citizens that rape and kill. Not all illegal immigrants come here to rape. c.i.
McG -- Have you travelled much overseas?
True. Very true. Tell that to that girls parents and to the little girl. Explain to her that because the government didn't do enough to protect her from illegal immigration and that because of the fact that the government was getting pressured from the left to be more sensitive that she will need to bear those scars for the rest of her life.
Tartarin, yes I have. at least around Europe.
How about police who don't protect people who are killed, molested by their neighbors, spouses, etc.? How about people who walk past crimes being committed and look the other way? Why illegal immigrants who (don't know, but I betcha) have a really low crime rate compared with other groups?
McGentrix wrote:
Tartarin, yes I have. at least around Europe.
From here you got your ideas
You think America has a monopoly on good judgement?
Tartarin - I was simply pointing out that it seems to me that illegal immigration is a problem. The government is trying to do something about it and is being stopped because some illegal immigrants may or may not have been mistreated. First of all, they are ILLEGAL immigrants. Come into the country legally if you want to immigrate to America. Itherwise, don't expect a red carpet when it is discovered you are here illegally.
Illegal immigration is a problem because it's illegal -- it's an issue on which we need to fish or cut bait. I hope you've noticed that no administration (or congress) does anything definitive to stop it. Why? Well, I live in one of the states bordering the Mexican border and can attest to the fact that much of our local economy depends on illegal immigrants, and many of those business people are Republicans. So there's a kind of schizoid policy here -- we have to stop illegal immigration/we have to continue illegal immigration. Rather than dump on people who need jobs badly -- something which makes many Americans sound very racist and intransigent -- why not either open the borders entirely, or open them via limited work permits? Or find some other way of accomodating what is now a perfect example of free market activity?
I completely agree with you on this one. **** or get off the pot.
Tartarin wrote: fact that much of our local economy depends on illegal immigrants, and many of those business people are Republicans. So there's a kind of schizoid policy here -- we have to stop illegal immigration/we have to continue illegal immigration.
Most of the agriculture in California comes out of the central valley which is a Republican stronghold! Yea, you've got it ... guess who "liberally" uses illegal immigrants to plant, tend and harvest crops ... at a cost to American citizens and "legal" immigrants!
You only get one guess now!!
You got me thinking, anon. I had a brother-in-law in California who owned a place that did a lot of foam mock-ups for Hollywood sets. A firm, unmovable republican. Once, when we were traveling together in Portugal, he spied graffiti on the wall that said ...... contra ........., and immediately assumed that this was a criticism of the US and the Contras. He wanted to complain to the police there that he was an American and this was an insult.
But this brother-in-law would only hire illegal immigrants to work in his factory. He said they worked longer hours, would accept less pay, and certainly no benefits. And he saw nothing wrong with that. Said American workers who came to apply wanted too much.
At the same time, he complained bitterly about immigrants coming into the country, and the housing and feeding of them.
It's difficult to keep up with thinking like that, because it's founded on shifting sand,
mamaj, It's more like quicksand. They know it's there, but they'll use it for their own purpose and tell everybody else to watch out! c.i.
Excerpts from "Secret Weapons" by Ted Schwartz.
Quote:[...]there had been feverish activity on the part of the Central Intelligence Agency's Technical Services Staff (TSS) to develop remote control killers. The idea was to use an implant in the brain that could be stimulated to create behavior. Unwitting adults, unconnected with any of the intelligence agencies could have devices implanted that would stimulate the desired behavior without the person ever knowing what he or she had done.
Quote:In the last few years, a number of individuals have come forward to reveal being locked in cages and used as laboratory rats.
With regards to this, and in concurrence with my personal reflections on the purpose of the camp, I guess Saudi Arabia and Morocco may have been paid visits recently by some of its members.