Take any notice of that stuff DP and things will never improve.
You wrote this on another thread which has 110,000 views and debates a matter of great importance-
Quote:Don't bother, it's well boring.
Saying things like that interests nobody apart from it telling them that you are self-centred.
I knew a woman years ago who said things like that. You should see her now.
If something bores you keep quiet about it. Offer a pleasantry.
You might learn that other people are as important to themselves as you are to yourself.
The old Frank Harris adage that if things are going wrong it is your own fault is as true today as when he wrote it.
You can start progressing from that. Cheap flattery will take you backwards.
You will be "somewhere" in 10 years and in 20 years and so on. Only you can decide what you would settle for and your responsibilities for a child are such that security and stabilty should be most important.
Whether you know it or not, and whether you believe it or not, men are very wary of a woman with a child. It means you bring to a relationship an aircraft-carrier full of baggage of one sort or another and often accompanied by a deep sense of injustice. Very few men will seek to saddle themselves with that-rightly or wrongly.
You need to see yourself and the world as it is not as you wish it to be.