You are feeling sorry for yourself--and this makes you vulnerable to cads. Are you a bawd for the plucking?
Remember, a good man is hard to find.
Damn those cliches. They're always right.
That's not true at all. A good man, a good woman, they are easy to find! They're out there on the street every f*cking day! The hard part is GETTING them!
What would you do if you were me Mr Can?
What? Huh? Oh, I didn't read your original post. I just felt like barging in. Sorry. Let me go back and give it a look...
You have to kiss a lot of frogs.
My simple answer to your problem is to stop thinking about it right now. I'm not even sure what your problem is, but I'm assuming you've already boinked this guy, or have come very close to it. If that's true, then I don't see how him being interested in f*cking you would be a problem in the first place. If you've given him a taste of the sweetest drug in the world, then why are you surprised when he wants more? Let me see if I can help you out when it comes to guys. We like *****.
Oh, and I don't think you should have him meet your kid at all just yet. She's only 7, for god's sake. I'm not sure how long you should wait for that kind of thing, but I'm pretty sure that two weeks is not enough time for you to know if this dope is gonna stick around or not. And you kind of want to know that, you know?
DP wrote:
Yes it is!
It's worth ALL the tea in China, it's worth 'this much' (smorgs stretches arms as wide as she can), it's worth a zillion GBP, it's value is immeasurable...
Thanks Mr Can and smorgs
When you find the answer let me know!!
martybarker - I don't think I'll ever know "the answer" but things are a little clearer today.
I think I need to try not to analyse things too deeply and concentrate on things that really matter.
He wants to see me tomorrow so, I'll see if things are still cool.
Balance is all.
Will you elope with him if he asks you to?
Tsk, tsk. Marry in haste and repent at leisure.
How did the weekend turn out?
Don't worry, I wouldn't really.
It went ok I think. I must have over-reacted but I still feel wary so I will have to stay objective about things. I don't know what's going on.
Wary is a good idea when you've known the guy for two and a half weeks.
He may be a Prince--he may be a Frog. He may be someone else's Prince. He may be a Frog with real talents.
Which do you think is better? Someone elses Prince or a frog with talents?
Definitely a Frog with Talents. Avoid other people's Princes. Philandering men tend to overrate themselves.
A frog is good unless he croaks :wink: