Well gosh, how to put a price on Slappy parts?? Hmmm.......How about a dollar? I really want to meet the Slapster.
My dollar is for the whole, no need making the guy feel bad by letting him know how much we think of each of his body parts...then again, the girl folks might kick in more if there really was a prollem with the hand.. I mean..if he doesnt have the hand..hes out in the population....and thats just scary.
Friday or Saturday works for me...I guess whatever works best for Lola would be the thing to go by.
I've been sick so I can't go out and eat with you because the stooopid doctor doesn't know what in creation is wrong with my poor stomach yet <sniff>. I get to have more needle sticks tomorrow - yeaaa! But if I'm out and about, I'll see if I can't pop in and say hello. I'm looking forward to some nicer weekend days for some drinks al fresco, maybe Waterworks or The Barking Crab or....? No biggie - those things can always be planned in a few hours with those we have on hand. Just looking forward to sunnier Saturdays with my buds here in celebration of my last single summer (or in mourning of it).
You guys are scaring me! Is Slappy just good pickings or does he really deserve all this "attention".
Slappy's playing hard to get, I think. I'll hide a dollar or two in my garter if that will be an attraction for Slappy........
Also Friday is best for me, but I can make Saturday if that means more can be there.
Can't wait!!!!!
This is for NEXT Friday or Saturday..yeah?
Just asking..the life of the unemployed makes dates like...dissappear for some reason.
However, it makes me free for either as well.
Cant tell if more could show on Friday or Saturday...humm..maybe jes could put her org skills into action and figure it out from above and let us know
Quote:My dollar is for the whole
you won't pay for the butt, but you'll pay for...
Aw nemmind.
when ya put it that way umm...
...Id put a dollar out for whatever personality wants to show up
What Quinn says. It makes no difference to me whether Friday or Saturday, I just want to see you all again!
Oh, and GreenEyes, Slappy is worth all the attention and then some. As for good pickings....................
GreenEyes--All the girls in Boston have history with Slappy....He's been slapped by every one of us.
TerryDoolittle wrote:GreenEyes--All the girls in Boston have history with Slappy....He's been slapped by every one of us.

Ohhhhh.... I think I met him at Trios!
Maybe it will help to lock in a specific day, if I list people's preferences stated thus far.
(I would be willing to edit this to incorporate changes or new info)
EITHER FRI. (6/20) or SAT. (6/21) --[4]
Jespah, diane, Quinn, Terry doolittle,
jjorge, littlek, Slappy*
Bob Smyth, Sealpoet, Fishin
MAY DROP IN AFTER (either day?) [1]
*coy about attending
Maybe it will help to lock in a specific day, if I list people's preferences stated thus far.
(I would be willing to edit this to incorporate changes or new info)
EITHER FRI. (6/20) or SAT. (6/21) --[4]
Jespah, diane, Quinn, Terry doolittle,
jjorge, littlek, Slappy*
Bob Smyth, Sealpoet, Fishin
MAY DROP IN AFTER (either day?) [1]
Eek, helfino how many people are more inclined for Sat. or Fri. I say we just stay and eat for 48 hours.
I'm up to what? $10? Keep it coming....
Still can't say yes or no...
Greeneyes, you a big Trio fan?
Slappy - you seem to be quite popular around here! Is that a good thing? Yes, I love Trio.
No one has stated a preference for either Friday or Saturday except me and Slappy. I've said Friday's better and Slappy said maybe Saturday would be better. Let me check a couple of things, and I'll be back about this. I may be able to do Saturday. Let me check it out.
I did?
And the only reason I'm popular around here is because I sent all those nudes of myself to the women. They haven't left me alone since.
He even e-mailed out x-rated photos of his cat.
I am strangely turned on right now.