Ooo, I wanna be on TV! Gotta go find me some monkeypox...
I've already did my share - with foot in mouth disease! c.i.
I was being politically incorrect, patio...what else?
I just wanted to take note that Dovey is a complete plank . . .
I think that meter maids, those that stick a ticket on your car, should be tied to a parking meter and tarred and feathered. Is that politicaly incorredt enough ?
dov1953 wrote:I'm disappointed because people seem to be unwilling to speak freely. I guess that is part of America's past.
I thought you were ignoring my posts because I spoke TOO freely.
Ironic, honestly. :-)
I was just telling him to slow down, to retard the spark. What are you talking about, cav?
Filthy canuck. Get off my friggin' back, eh?
I'm gettin' tired of my freedoms..........Get me out of this scent-free, nut-free, alcohol-free, smoke-free, fat-free, msg-free, salt-free, pet-free, child-free environment......
politically incorrect? Dang, I'm stumped....
oh! FART. <heh, heh>
I have read all of the replies to my original questions and I can certainly say that most, if not all, of the replies were from Americans. We pick up and dust off everything we might want to say and turn it around and upside down to make sure we are "covered" and that we're not going to offend anybody. I'll go down in flames before I give up unvarnished opinion. When I'm old and in the Nursing Home and I commit the crime of offensive language, the police will come and drag me away and I'll shout "Atica, Atica".