Back to political incorrectness: I consider Jews to be the most superior "race" on Earth.
I think blacks are slightly mentally inferior to whites and slightly superior to whites in physical terms. They have the best formed bodies in the world.
I know there is no god. It's not my opinion, it's something that is true.
I know that homosexuality is a function of natural selection. It has nothing to do with morals. By the way, what is a homosexual lifestyle?
I believe that men are biologically territorial and women are biologically domestic. Men are biologically more promiscuous than men.
I think that Germanic people are more inclined to barbarism than any other people.
The morals of Rome had nothing to do with it's fall. It was that they "lost their will to Empire".
Nature is God.
Christianity, and most other religions, are forms of mass hysteria, and their only value is the making of a sense of community and their restraining value, such as it is.
I think Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are dangerous and the believers have intentionally abdicated their freewill, which is a great sin against the people themselves. It gives them an excuse for not thinking.
I hate the norm of not thinking of the poorer, more needy, people in this world.
I am somewhat superior to the average person.
Don't hate me for being beautiful.
So there, you conformists!