With reference to Patio's remark, please see the following:
Wimmins driving[/color]
Ok , love it. Street theatre is fun. The meter maids are an addition and the novelty is the nostalgia of tarring and feathering. We could charge people a dollar to put a feather on the M/M and 2 dollars for brush load of tar. It could make peak viewing on one of those obscure cable TV channels
Obscure . . . hell, the Fox Network will put it on prime time . . .
Set. I've never seen Fox TV, are they gullable, stoopid or do they have more money than sence
Rupert Murdoch's American Television Network, spelled F-O-X . . .
Zat put it in perspective fer ya, Boss?
OaK, I would say that Fox network is all three
It sounds just like the Mad Murdoch's SKY TV in the UK. Banal rules the airwaves
I just said something politically incorrect, but you, my friend, were too much of a deaf moron to hear it.
Rule Banality, Banality rules the waves
And Couch Potatoes never, never will be slaves . . .
Should we send dov over to Joseph Morgan's thread?
Have fun! The rest of us are tired of it, but you will get at least one politically incorrect thesis to argue for or against.
Very good, an emmy or an oscar or a doggybag for Setanta
Politically Incorrect depends on
1) who's politics
2) what they strive for
If somebody wasn't stupid enough to be pushing their ideas onto someone else,
there would be no in/correctness.
So what are you pushing? Well, "whatever it is, it's stupid!"
There, I feel like a teenager again.
Huh huh, Setanta said tit....
Well, OAK, maybe if you added a blatantly sexual element . . . you know, a little titilation?
I vote for the reinstatement of 'retard' instead of 'mentally challenged'. It's only the smart ones who can tell the difference anyway.
What about, "Damn women can't drive so they've got to hand out parking tickets."
That do it for you?

I began this post and I must say that I am surprised and disappointed. There are almost no politically incorrect statements. Why is that? I think there are pressures put upon us that we are not acknowledging. I can not understand why people are confusing statements of opinion with political correctness. Someone recently made a comment about Hillary Clinton. The quote was anti-Hillary, not politically incorrect. I can say, "Mrs. Clinton would not make a good President". That is opinion or "fact". If I then said "Mrs. Clinton would not be a good President because no white woman would ever be good at the job". That's politically incorrect. I know that the readers of these posts have unacceptable opinions. I ask for them because I am anxious to hear true diversity of opinion which is called "freedom of speech". This condition is under grave pressure and may eventually disappear. That one amendment is one of the most powerful pillars of American culture and history. I'm disappointed because people seem to be unwilling to speak freely. I guess that is part of America's past.
At least we only have SARS up here, not bloody monkeypox...
Oh my God, has it gotten worse? It's bloddy monkeypox now? WHERE'D THE BLOOD COME FROM?
Well, if you squeeze the pustules hard enough....hey, maybe someone down there with monkeypox can do a Jackass-style ebola imitation and get on MTV....