Q: Why do women have smaller feet than men?
A: so they can stand closer to the kitchen sink.
Q: why is a watch the worst Mothers Day present?
A: because there's a clock right there on the stove.........
how's that?
Setanta makes so many good points that I can agree with. When he mentions how the right has caused the public to view "liberal" as a dirty word, I am minded of the fact that I never wished to be known as a liberal in the liberals' heyday, but it is a label I now staunchly wear. To be anti liberal is to step on some of my more cherished beliefs.
"I (pointing to myself) am liberal."
Is this politicaly incorrect?
I think Setanta fulfilled the duty of the thread here by posting: "Muslims and Jews alike are notoriously misogynistic". Actually, I think you got the spelling right. I will add P.I. empirical observational fuel to that fiery statement by saying that in my experience, it seems that most Jewish men are completely pussy-whipped, not mysogynists. Jews adorn their women with flashy jewllery (Jew-llery, makes ya think), and cute clothes and shoes (love those stretch pants too). Muslims hide their women in burkhas (they all do, I swear). I think the Jews are ahead of the game in terms of feminism.
I was referring to the tribal values of semitic peoples, Boss, and the tribal Jews were never behind hand in their contempt for women . . .
True enough Set, I was making an attempt at your sort of humour...have you read The Book of J? It was a fascinating translation of the oldest known text in the Old Testament, which spoke of a dual Jewish God, with male and female properties, working as equals. This idea was preserved in the Kabbalistic texts, but completely eradicated in later versions of the Jewish holy texts by, yep, you guessed it, men more politics than religion. The Book of J was edited and prefaced by Harold Bloom. It is a good read indeed.
"Smoking is very glamorous"
Here's my politically incorrect statement:
The Civil War - or rather what lead up to it and it was slavery, for those of you who deny that - is a blight on this country's history. It's hard for me to believe people in the United States of America, the land of the free, equality for all, etc., could actually buy and sell human beings as if they were just another piece of property.
However, let's just get over it! Black people have been free for over 100 years. It's not the white peoples' fault that many of them live in poverty. It's not the white peoples' fault that the majority of prisoners in this country are black. It is the white peoples' fault that slavery became popular two centuries ago, but it's over, for crying out loud!
Black people have been given more opportunities than any other race in this country. It's time to stop making concessions for them. People should be hired, admitted to colleges, etc., on the basis of each individual's qualifications and nothing more.
Why is there a United Negro College Fund? Shouldn't there be a United Caucasion Peoples' College Fund? Why does Congress have a Black Caucus? Maybe they should also have a White Caucus. And I could go on and on.
Black people say they want to be equal with white people, but they insist on being referred to as African-Americans, setting themselves apart from others. How many blacks in this country were born in Africa? Should we all insist on referring to our ancestors' homeland when being addressed? Who here is German-American? Dutch-American? French-American? Australian-American?
Before anyone accuses me of being prejudiced, I am not! I'm just sick and tired of this issue. There are things happening in this country today that need to be addressed so that we can move forward. MOVE FORWARD - GET IT???
Whew! That felt good!
Chatoyant- I agree. Additionally, if affirmative action is for minorities, how come Muslims, Asians and Jews have never been included?
Can't we all just get along? <thwomp> Ahhh! What's that? A billy club beating my drunken ass!! Oops, did I say can't we all just get along? I don't remember, I was way too drunk and belligirent.....oh wait, that was last time....oh yeah, this time too...
Dedicated to Rodney King
I believe that now people who smoke are in a minority with all kinds of rules and laws stacked against them, they like many other minorities should not be victimised. They should be given special consideration and status as a downtrodden and beleagured group. In fact smokers should not have to pay tax on the smokes they buy. The tax should come as a subsidy from non smokers. Also smokers should be given their own city. I suggest SAN FRANCISCO. a nice location and good year round weather, lotsa good rock and roll and all together a very cool city. Non smokers could move to LA or NYC or anywhere in between where there would be no smoing anywhere what so ever.
Dear Max, Not as cool as a trumped up oil war.
what do you mean "who is driving" officer? we're both in the back seat!
Quote:Dear Max, Not as cool as a trumped up oil war.
Oh, come on!
The "Master of the Irreverant" can do better than that!!
Or did I misunderstand the purpose of this thread?
By the by, I think it is totally cool that you are a partially recovered headbanger, won't be able to make the big
Cirkus bash, but will be drinking one to your success!
Cavfancier wrote:Muslims and Jews alike are notoriously misogynistic".
The ultra-Orthodox Jews really share the same attitude toward woment the Muslims do, and this cannot be called favorable by standards of the 21st and not 7th century AD. Therefore, on doctrinal level Setanta is absolutely right. But majority of the modern Jews are completely secular, while Muslims maintain different level of religious observance, this explains the difference of the treatment of women in the Jewsih and Muslim families. The ultra-Orthodox women, however, are not less deprived of rights than the Iranian ones are.
Bruce Willis, in one of his Die Hards, was forced to stand on a Harlem streetcorner, wearing a sign that said the dread 'n' word.
I don't expect Bruce's tormenter thought Bruce was going to get a stern lecture.
Standing on a streetcorner bearing the word 'redneck' or 'hymie' just wouldn't have the same reaction...
Again, the disparity between burning crosses and burning flags comes to mind...
It's almost sold out already. We have people coming from all over the southeast and even Albequerque new Mexico. It's a bigget buzz than even I expected. We are filming for a dvd, and will have cd's and tshirts. Advance orders are rolling in already.
It's very gratifying.
One more comment to Mr. Setanta's posting regarding tribal influences on the purity of Islam. All the monotheistic religious have undergone such influences. While Irish tribal tradition added leprechauns to the pattern of the Catholic St. Patrick's Day, German tribes introduced the Christmas tree and Santa Claus that are not referred to in the Holy Scripture, but the Arab tribes "enriched" Islam with blood revenge, stoning of unfaithful women, female circumcision and bloodthirsty exegesis of the term "jihad". Some enlightened Muslim scholars, like Sheik Palacci, the leader of the Italian Muslim community, consider "jihad" being a mere moral self-improvement of a religious Muslim aimed to make a person closer to the Creator, but they are the least popular in the Muslim world, being outnumbered by rabid mullahs like Mullah Omar, Ayatollah Khomeiny, bin-Laden and the like.
Quote:even Albequerque new Mexico
You know, of course, that is where LeeHarveyMcVeigh resides......
Hope you have good security!!