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Zionist Conspiracy Round-up!
It's Zionist-Conspiracy-A-Go-Go!
First up, an editorial in the Yemen Times asks, "Who attacked America on 9/11?" (C'mon, take a guess):
September 11 was preceded by various preparations on the American side, including the withdrawal of the American delegation from Durban human rights conference, the Chinese plane incident, besides the films that were produced about external attacks on America, such as Pearl Harbor, up to the day of September 11, when the attack took place. George Bush was then visiting a primary school, for obscurity, to show the contradiction between the innocence of the children and the barbarity of Islam. The attack on America on September 11 was a Zionist-American joint one, in cooperation with Britain.
Next, an article at American Free Press explains why the 9/11 lawsuits are still held up in the courts. What's the reason, you ask? Noting that one of the security companies named in the lawsuit is Israeli, the article observes:
U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein of the Southern District of New York...has deep and longstanding Zionist connections and close family ties to the state of Israel....Hellerstein is a member of the Jewish Center of New York and a former president of the Board of Jewish Education of Greater New York.This raises the obvious question about why, in the 9-11 terror case in which an Israeli security company is a key defendant and in which individuals from Israeli military intelligence are suspected of being involved, was Hellerstein chosen to preside over all 9-11 victim lawsuits?
Go figure. Anyone want to prove that the Zionists were/are not involved?
check out (9/11 skeptics)
there are loads of other sites on the net that connect 9/11 & zionists
Eliot Spitzer, Attorney General NY is a Zionist as well.