And this snippet is from wikipedia. There are more sources on the web than I care to list - about 90,000- concerning Mossad and deception.
By Way of Deception
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
By way of deception - The making and unmaking of a Mossad Officer (ISBN 0-9717595-0-2) is a book written by Victor Ostrovsky and Claire Hoy and published by St. Martin's Press, New York, 1990.
Contents [hide]
1 Life story
2 Mossad Operations
3 Legal Affair
4 References
5 External links
Life story
This book is said to be a true story about the Mossad as seen by Victor Ostrovsky, and the first part describes his experiences with the organization. It starts when Victor is first approached by the Mossad during his service in the Israeli Defense Forces and is subjected to numerous tests, including psychological ones. While at first rejecting an offer to be trained as a recruit, Ostrovsky eventually accepts and joins a class of Mossad candidates going through tradecraft training. After successfully completing the training Ostrovsky begins working as a katsa (Case Officer).
Throughout the book, Ostrovsky reveals details of the internal workings of the Mossad itself. Ostrovsky claims that Mossad has access to Jewish helpers all around the world called sayanim (sg. sayan). Their services can be requested on short notice and no questions are asked. Because of this, Mossad only needs 30-40 active case officers at any given time. He also explains the different departments functions and how liaisons are conducted with foreign intelligence agencies.
As he progresses as a katsa, Ostrovsky experiences growing disillusionment with the organization and its leaders, and begins to question its motives. This culminates in his retirement from the Mossad after being scapegoated for a failed attempt at capturing top PLO officials.
The title of the book is a mistranslation of what Ostrovsky alleges is the former Mossad motto: be-tahbūlōt ta`aseh lekhā milkhamāh (Hebrew: בתחבולות תעשה לך מלחמה, "For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war: and in multitude of counsellors there is safety." - Proverbs 24:6) where deception stands for wise counsel.
Mossad Operations
The book describes not only his own experience but devotes the second half to other operations that Mossad allegedly carried out between 1971 and 1985, including:
Operation Sphinx - A Mossad operation where Iraqi nuclear scientists were recruited while in France to gather information about Iraq's nuclear reactor Osiraq, ultimately ending with the Israeli airstrike in 1981.
Legal Affair
In 1990 Israel tried to stop the sale of the book, by the means of a preliminary injunction. This was the first time, that a sovereign state tried to stop a book publication in another sovereign state. However this claim was rejected by courts in the United States.
Ostrovsky, Victor. By Way of Deception-The making and unmaking of a Mossad Officer. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1990. ISBN 0-9717595-0-2
External links
"What Did Mossad Know, and When?" by David Wise, New York Times 9/7/90
Retrieved from ""
Other sites:
It's obvious who controls the media in America- to the rest of the world. Is it not obvious to Americans? Do you really expect to find the truth on Fox network, ABC, CNN, etc?
I have yet to speak to anyone of Jewish extraction who does not think that they are The Chosen.
The facts of Sept. 11 have been so screwed by the media that no longer do Americans think, if they think at all, that the invasion of Iraq was about WMD's (of which there were none). Now it's about democracy and bringing peace and freedom to those poor, underpriviledged people. At the end of a gun barrel. And you wonder why the Sunni & Shiites hate America?
You can thank the Zionist Mossad jerks for that. They're lovin it. As long as they can hide behind the skirts (or tanks) of Americans. Why are you Americans letting them use you for cannon fodder? If they hate Arabs so much, why don't they do their own dirty fighting?
Do you think the Zionist Jews have not planned this out so well in advance that they'd admit to having a hand in Sept. 11 events? With the American press in their pockets they can spin any story they like.
They've got you people running from one bogeyman to another.
Who's the current one? Iran?
It's good for the MIC, isn't it? (Military Industrial Complex) and all those arms that the US sells Israel.