Americanadian wrote:danny_boy wrote:Americanadian wrote:pachelbel wrote:Thank you for your informative and eloquent post. Your patience with danny boy is much better than mine. I don't believe he has a brain stem.
I also read your post on the Nuke Iran thread. Lots of info for some of those posters to absorb. I think they check every day to see how close they are to Armageddon. How the crazy bast**ds can rationalize killing=Christianity=Rapture is beyond me. Too bad religion has always been used as a guise for world domination.
The propaganda surrounding Israel and the taboo about mentioning any other Holocaust (I have a thread on the Irish Holocaust) is despicable. These people actually believe, or want the world to believe, that they have suffered more than anyone else. And how many did Mao murder in China? Or Stalin in Russia?
I pointed out in this thread that Semitic is Arab as well. So, if you call someone anti-Semitic you're calling them anti-Arab too. Think the Zionists will explain that, or the BushCo Adm to the feeble minded Yanks?
Americans are gullible fools - I really don't care what they do, but they seem to like to bully other countries to come help them out of their scrapes. If it was up to me, Canada would stay a peacekeeper rather than having our guys killed for American interests.
The terrorists of the world are the Americans and Israel, no doubt about it. How many bombs do these countries have?
As a fellow Canadian I could not agree with you more.
Welcome to the forum & hope to hear more from you.
Most people are more concerned with their Tim Hortons, or Star Bucks every morning, and working to buy the latest toys. Most people don't even inquire or question the validity of the information provided by the mainstream press. Until something drastic happens that affects life as we know it, most people continue on as they are.
It is good to see people like yourself spend the time to read and learn. This seems to be a popular forum anyhow. Many posters here with 15,000+ some odd posts. I hope to spend some more time here soon. Right now, life's pretty busy. I just happened to be surfing and came across this forum and saw our buddy Danny Boy providing subterfuge for the Zionist cause, so I couldn't resist.

Funny...he hasn't popped back to visit.
See you out there Pachebel.

You got to be kidding me?
You are talking pie in the sky conspiracy theories, why can you not accept that you are deluded?
Israel has got other things to worry about than interferring with American internal affairs.
Do you have any idea the magnitude of the risk Israel would take in carrying out such an act? No one is that stupid.
Israel is more concerned about ensuring that Iran does not aquire nukes, bcause they are human rights abusers and violent crazies who should not have any nukes.
We have removed the threat from Iraq now we must deal with Syria and Iran, the USA must prepare to deal with these two rogue states whatever the outcome, it is a price worth paying.
Who would gain the most from an attack on America? Israel. Now they can just point and say "they did it!" and off Uncle Sam will go with Boy George in tow to fight the Muslim extremists. Mission accomplished.
Israel is the only one concerned with Iran obtaining nukes. Iran has signed the NPT, unlike Israel who possesses hundreds of nukes. Israel hasn't even permitted the UN to inspect or confirm the numbers of what they have. Just a big "?" So it's okay for Israel non-conformation to the rules that the rest of the world follows? Bullsh!t.
Israel wouldn't risk that type of attack? ha..ha..ha... what a joke. That's like saying Bin Laden, who's been holed up in a cave, had the facilities to manufacture a Cover Girl cosmetic bomb to blow up jetliners. Never underestimate the Zionists. They are the same ones who turned their backs on Jewish people wanting to escape Europe in WWII. The Nazis made them a deal, which they refused. They allowed the innocent to be slaughtered, to ensure they would obtain Palestinian land. Life is only valuable to the Zionists when it correlates with their pipe dream.
Let's not forget the attack on the USS Liberty that the Zionists wanted to blame on Egypt. It's not hard to see two American flags flying from the ship. What can we say? Too bad most of the media in America is Zionist owned. That's why there will be no criticism of Isreal EVER, in the mainstream media.
If anyone is a delusional slavering cattle it is yourself. You ingratiate yourself with the stool samples from the mainstream Zionist owned media, and expect non-biased coverage? And then you officiously pass it off as gold. That stool sample is "Israel is completely innocent" in all of this. "They did nothing" to warrant the acrimonious indignation from their neighbors." If you want to watch human rights violators at work, watch the Zionists.
I like the military bulldozer examples the best. How about Rachel Corrie? A play dedicated to Rachel Corrie was not mentioned or permitted to play in a New york theater. Can anyone spell "suppression" by the media?
It is a continuous circle of obfuscation and subterfuge. The Zionist mentality is obduracy to the extent that noone is indispensable for their cause. The US is to blame as they enable the Israelis to do as they wish.
Absolutely agree. Your assessment of mainstream media in the US is accurate; but most Americans never look outside the bubble or "Truman's World" to ascertain if what they are being told is true. Perhaps they are afraid to; but my assessment of Americans, being an ex-pat living in Canada, is that most are too damn lazy to really investigate what's going on. They swallow the swill that the media pumps out and enjoy their massive consumerism, cheap food and mindless videos. The fact that media is corporate owned doesn't seem to register with them. Newspapers used to dummy down their articles for an average 6th grade mentality. I believe this may have been lowered to accommodate the Americans today who can't extrapolate and must be spoon fed Pablum.
The Zionists have everything to gain by placing blame on the Arabs. No doubt about it. It's been accomplished, hasn't it? It's interesting that coverage about bin Laden's whereabouts have disappeared. Suddenly the big boogeyman is Iran or Hezbollah, Syria, you name it.
Israel wants to disarm every country surrounding them, and they want America to pay for it. Check out a map of the world, America. See for yourself. Billions of dollars are sent to Israel from the US. It would go a long way to helping with your miserable medical system. Not to mention social security.
Why isn't Israel made to sign the NPT? They are the terrorists, and the world knows it. Why don't Americans wake up? They're like robots, repeating the same phrases over and over. Kind of like BushCo.
From now on, robots should be considered "Electronic Americans" or EA's. For the most part, EA's don't look much different than you an I, less brighter, and more likely to get their news from the Fox News. EA's were not artificially conceived in some Sony lab, but rather programmed in America. EA's are generally recognizable by their propensity to recite ad nauseum every absurdity being spun by the corporate-led media currently embedded in the White House.
EA's are more likely to quote the undead, mostly white males who dominate the op-ed pages of the Wall Street Journal and USA Today than they are to dust off a volume from the canon of Western Civilization. The ones who might have actually read something from it obviously snoozed through the bits where the hubris and folly of a corrupt administration ushered in the end of an Empire.
Following are just a few examples of the phrases EA's are programmed to recognize and repeat verbatim, followed by the definitions they are incapable of grasping, thanks to recent technological advancements:
A Failure of Diplomacy: to describe Bush Adm.'s repeated sabotage of the inspection process they knew would yield Palaces of Mass Decoration as opposed to WMD's, what Noam Chomsky described as 'a failure of coercion' on the part of the US to bring the UN into line with its Messianic mission to liberate the Muslim hordes from their own resources.
The Irrelevancy of the UN: The irrelevancy, in other words, of countries outside Planet USA and its orbiting satellite, the UK.
Supporting the Troops:What EA's claim to do when they applaud the administration's decision to send an expendable force of mostly underprivileged youths to slaughter and be slaughtered in a country that poses no threat to the US or any of its former allies (but are perceived by ISRAEL as a threat), the thing EA leadership claims they are doing as they cut veterans benefits while rewarding billionaires with yet more tax breaks, the trite rallying cry of EA's everywhere whenever anti-war protests look like they're making inroads into public consciousness.
Embedded Reporters: Khaki clad mascots who stand on the hoods of tanks waving the corporate logo of whatever news agency they happen to be working for. Occasionally, they climb off the tanks to report that they can't reveal their locations, and conveniently slouch off to the safety of the nearest trench when things get a little too bloody. For EA's, this is journalism at its finest.
French Cowards: what passes for humour among EA's who think it's funny to mock and trivialize the millions of French people who perished in two World Wars, dying alonside American soldiers for the very things les Americaines Electronique have been programmed to forget.
For AE's, liberty doesn't ring any bells so it may be useless to remind them of the school children of the country who sent you the Statue of Liberty (yes, America, that statue was a gift to you from France), the government and people who put aside their shock and awe at your ignorance and dreadful table manners long enough to offer heartfelt condolences on Sept. 11.
When artificial intelligence turns on itself and starts thinking, it may be the time to reboot the "Saddam gassed his own people' program by repeating this phrase non stop until your EA starts reciting it on his/her own.
For the majority of EA's, though, Divinity Studies, or at least higher learning, is comprised of the three R's of Rumsfeld, O'Reilly, and Rush. For Ann Coulter, it's the rubber walled institution where she graduated Magna Cum Estee Lauder.
I enjoy your rebuttals, AmeriCanadian. Keep them coming. It's doubtful that you'll get through to the EA's who are not programmed to receive such information