Zionists planned 9/11

Reply Mon 14 Aug, 2006 09:36 pm
Some things to think about as you eat your dim sum:

50% of Americans still believe that Iraqis attacked the Towers.

bin Laden is a Saudi Arabian, not an Iraqi.

Why hasn't the big, powerful American military found him?

Why did America attack Iraq, since it was proven they had no WMD's and the pilots involved in the tower attacks were 99% Saudi Arabian?

Why is it so difficult to believe that Zionists might have attacked the Towers with bombs prior to the planes flying into them? Because your media didn't tell of the possibility?

So much for free speech. Rolling Eyes Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Aug, 2006 09:55 pm
Huntleigh USA Corp. (Israeli) are being handled by U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein of the Southern District of New York.

In the case of at least one of these security defendants, Huntleigh, there would seem to be a conflict of interest for the judge because the airline security company who is responsible for the shocking security lapses at both the Boston and Newark airports on 9-11 is a wholly-owned subsidiary of an Israeli company (ICTS) headed by men with clear ties to Israel's military intelligence agency, Mossad.

Hellerstein is a member of the Jewish Center of New York and a former president of the Board of Jewish Education of Greater New York.

This raises the obvious question about why, in the 9-11 terror case in which an Israeli security company is a key defendant and in which individuals from Israeli military intelligence are suspected of being involved, was Hellerstein chosen to preside over all 9-11 victim lawsuits?

Huntleigh USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of an Israeli company called International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS) International N.V., a Netherlands-based aviation and transportation security firm headed by "former [Israeli] military commanding officers and veterans of government intelligence and security agencies."

Menachem Atzmon, convicted in Israel in 1996 for campaign finance fraud, and his business partner Ezra Harel, took over management of security at the Boston and Newark airports when their company ICTS bought Huntleigh USA in 1999. UAL Flight 175 and AA 11, which allegedly struck the twin towers, both originated in Boston, while UAL 93, which purportedly crashed in Pennsylvania, departed from the Newark airport. ICTS also operates the German port of Rostock on the Baltic Sea.

Some victims' families brought lawsuits against Huntleigh claiming the security firm had been grossly negligent on 9-11. While these relatives have a right to discovery and to know what Huntleigh did or did not do to protect their loved ones on 9-11, Huntleigh, along with the other security companies, was granted complete congressional protection in 2002 and will not be called to account for its actions on 9-11 in any U.S. court.

Hellerstein, however, is not the only player overseeing the 9-11 litigation process who has close ties to Israel. In fact, all of the key players and law firms involved are either active Zionists or work for firms that do a great deal of business representing Israeli companies and/or the state of Israel.

Kenneth R. Feinberg, for example, the special master of the federally funded Victims' Compensation Fund, is also a dedicated Zionist. Feinberg single-handedly administered the $7 billion fund that paid out U.S. taxpayer money to some 97 percent of the families who could have sued to recover tort damages for monetary loss and pain and suffering. Those who accepted funds signed away their right to litigate against the government, the airlines or the security companies.

The Kenneth Feinberg Group is listed as one of the top 10 supporters of the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies for 2004-2005. The Jerusalem Institute is an Israel-based Zionist organization that, among other things, supports the building of the illegal separation wall across Palestine.

The Feinberg Group also lists as its clients major insurance and re-insurance companies such as Lloyd's of London. These are the companies who stood to lose billions of dollars if 9-11 victims' lawsuits had gone forward.

Feinberg was appointed special master by then Attorney General John Ashcroft. Ashcroft, a dedicated Christian Zionist and supporter of such groups as Stand for Israel, is today working as a lobbyist for Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI), Israel's major military aerospace company, which hired the former U.S. attorney general to help secure the U.S. government's approval to sell an Israeli weapons system to the South Korean Air Force.

The Israelis hired Ashcroft to improve their chances against a system built by Chicago-based Boeing.

(Issue #17, April 24, 2006)

Edit (Moderator): Solicitation Removed

Not Copyrighted. Readers can reprint and are free to redistribute - as long as full credit is given to American Free Press - 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100 Washington, D.C. 20003

Laughing of course, any connection with zionists and 9/11 is purely coincidental Razz
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Aug, 2006 09:26 pm
How has your title got anything to do with your posts??
You have not proved anything.
What is a zionist anyhow??
I know the Israeli government does some raw **** but 9/11 give me a break!

Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Aug, 2006 10:21 pm
stevewonder wrote:
How has your title got anything to do with your posts??
You have not proved anything.
What is a zionist anyhow??
I know the Israeli government does some raw **** but 9/11 give me a break!

Rolling Eyes

You're kidding me, right, stevewonder? You really don't know what a zionist is? Shocked

Zionists began as terrorists and they have never stopped. For instance, they blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in the 1940's in their war of independence from Britain.

You can look zionist up in wikipedia -but in a nutshell, the Israeli government is run by zionists. A zionist is a supporter of the state of Israel. They are socialist in nature and model themselves on the Russian communist system. Zionism began in the 1800's.

The Brits drew up the Balfour Declaration in 1947-8. The Brits set it up so that Israel would share the state with the Palestinians. This has not happened.

The above article points out many connections between zionists and 9/11. The internet is full of information about this connection -for instance, the 'dancing Israelis' who were seen right after the towers were blown up (you can check the veracity of this as well, it's true).

On the day of the attack, Sept. 11, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanayhu was asked what the attack would mean for US-Israeli relations. His quick reply? "It's very good....well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy for Israelis". Shocked

Obviously, by the Israelis framing the Arabs and making Arabs look evil, the Israelis have achieved their goal of sympathy for Israelis, haven't they?

The 'gaps' by the Israelis in security, noted in the article above was for a reason. The Arabs were allowed in the US, allowed to learn to fly and were allowed to fly those planes into the WTC.

from article above:

Hellerstein, however, is not the only player overseeing the 9-11 litigation process who has close ties to Israel. In fact, all of the key players and law firms involved are either active Zionists or work for firms that do a great deal of business representing Israeli companies and/or the state of Israel.

As a side note, and just as important, Marvin Bush, the current President's brother, had ties with the WTC security up until the day the towers went down. Here's some more for you to chew on-pay attention to the sentences in bold:


Marvin Pierce Bush (born October 22, 1956) is the youngest son of George H. W. Bush and Barbara Pierce, and brother of George W., John (Jeb), Neil and Dorothy. He is named for his maternal grandfather. He and wife Margaret have two children: a daughter, Marshall, and a son, Walker.

Marvin graduated from Woodberry Forest School in 1975, and also holds a B.S. from the University of Virginia. He spent most summers and holidays at the sprawling family estate, the Bush Compound. He was a director of the Sterling, Virginia company Securacom, also known as Stratesec, from 1993 until fiscal year 2000. The Securacom/Stratesec company was publicly traded and backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corporation.

Securacom had a contract to provide security to the World Trade Center until the day it came down. Securacom also provided security services to Dulles airport.

Is your mind blown yet? It's quite a lot to take in.

Check out:


read the article "A Heavenly Match: Bush and the Christian Zionists.
here is a short excerpt:

A heavenly match: Bush and the Christian Zionists

Part 5 in a series of 5 articles on Christian Zionism: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5

Donald Wagner

10/12/03: (Daily Star) When Israel responded to the Netanya suicide bombing in March 2002 by reinvading the West Bank and besieging Jenin, the ensuing international outcry led US President George W. Bush to order Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to withdraw his forces from Palestinian areas. Bush sent a strong message to Sharon at an April 2 news conference: "Withdraw! Withdraw your troops immediately!"

At that point longtime Christian Zionist spokesman and pro-Israel advocate Jerry Falwell and other Christian Zionist leaders, working closely with pro-Israel groups, used their media and internet outlets to mobilize their constituencies to deliver tens of thousands of telephone calls, e-mails and letters to the president, telling him to refrain from pressuring Sharon and to allow Israel to finish its job. In the aftermath of that campaign, Bush did not utter another word of opposition to Israeli military actions. Falwell told the CBS news program 60 Minutes that after the incident, Israel could count on Bush to "do the right thing for Israel every time." The lesson was that even when the Bush administration criticized Israel, the Israelis, conscious of the extensive support they enjoy in the US Congress, would not take it seriously. As Falwell said: "The Bible Belt is Israel's safety net in the US."
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Aug, 2006 10:33 pm
stevewonder wrote:
How has your title got anything to do with your posts??
You have not proved anything.
What is a zionist anyhow??
I know the Israeli government does some raw **** but 9/11 give me a break!

Rolling Eyes

Oh- to answer your first question, stevewonder (one of my favorite musician/songwriters) - how has your title got anything to do with your posts? My posts deal with the first article I posted on the first page. The troll poop that follows is typical of some A2K'ers when they haven't got a clue.

It'll be interesting to see how they will try to debunk everything here, including info from wikipedia.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 06:51 pm
My question is what link has the people caught dancing if the story is true got to do with th accusaton that 'zionists' planned it?? How can you go from point a to point e?? You just made it up. Even if there were israelis caught watching the events, does not prove ****.

Thats like saying the people who filmed the planes going into the towers were planners too!

I know israeli adiministration is nutz but 9/11 is too much, the crazies did it end of story.

whats your opinion on the fact that if you critique israel then you are an anti-seimte?

Because i hear it alot on this forum, whenever i ask anything about israels war crimes i get some peeps who dont respond just start excusing me of anti-semitism, which is funny really because they are assuming i aint jewish, in which case they would say i qualify as a self-hater, whatever that means.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 12:55 am
stevewonder wrote:
My question is what link has the people caught dancing if the story is true got to do with th accusaton that 'zionists' planned it??

SOURCE: www.sundayherald.com/37707 Five Israelis were seen.....

THERE was ruin and terror in Manhattan, but, over the Hudson River in New Jersey, a handful of men were dancing. As the World Trade Centre burned and crumpled, the five men celebrated and filmed the worst atrocity ever committed on American soil as it played out before their eyes.

Who do you think they were? Palestinians? Saudis? Iraqis, even? Al-Qaeda, surely? Wrong on all counts. They were Israelis - and at least two of them were Israeli intelligence agents, working for Mossad, the equivalent of MI6 or the CIA.

Their discovery and arrest that morning is a matter of indisputable fact. To those who have investigated just what the Israelis were up to that day, the case raises one dreadful possibility: that Israeli intelligence had been shadowing the al-Qaeda hijackers as they moved from the Middle East through Europe and into America where they trained as pilots and prepared to suicide-bomb the symbolic heart of the United States. And the motive? To bind America in blood and mutual suffering to the Israeli cause.

Mossad is Israel's CIA. Mossad is Zionist.

There are many other sources on the web to corroborate a connection between Zionists and 9/11.

How can you go from point a to point e?? You just made it up. Even if there were israelis caught watching the events, does not prove ****.

See above. It does prove ****. You prove otherwise. And please give me some websites for proof, or articles rather than just your opinion. Which to me is just **** Laughing

Thats like saying the people who filmed the planes going into the towers were planners too!

Were they laughing and dancing? Were they the Israeli equivalent to the CIA?

I know israeli adiministration is nutz but 9/11 is too much, the crazies did it end of story.

Yeah, and I find the comment that Israel's PM made after 9/11 to be rather crazy, in light of the situation, don't you? "It is good....It will generate sympathy for Israel". Sure did, and made the world hate Arabs, didn't it? What better plan than to frame your enemies?

whats your opinion on the fact that if you critique israel then you are an anti-seimte?

I think it's BS. Why should they be any different or more elevated than any other race? Because they push the holocaust all the time? So what. Yes, it was bad of Hitler, but many more people died in China because of Mao - 30 million, I believe. Many millions of people have been killed on this planet either by slavery, starvation, whatever....it's all ethnic cleansing, isnt' it? The Jews have the media in their pockets. That's why we have to hear about it all the time. My people were Irish. 3 million Irish died in the Famine, caused by the Brits. Should I be sensitive when people criticize the Irish? Should I label them "anti-gaelic?"

Because i hear it alot on this forum, whenever i ask anything about israels war crimes i get some peeps who dont respond just start excusing me of anti-semitism, which is funny really because they are assuming i aint jewish, in which case they would say i qualify as a self-hater, whatever that means.

Perhaps this forum needs a wake up call. I think in light of the Jews' latest game in Lebanon they have alienated more people. They ignored a UN sanction and attacked Lebanon again. They are the terrorists. Some people have gotten pretty twisted up with Christianity/Jews/Israel and they don't know their ass from their elbows. The Jews don't even believe that Jesus was the son of God, but in America you've got the Bible Belt sending guys to war to protect Israel. The Jews have gotten what they wanted; anti-Arabic sentiment.

Interesting that the American media has convoluted the whole thing so much that most people don't have a clue what's going on.

That's the way the Jews want it. But I think it's gonna backlash on 'em this time.
0 Replies
danny boy
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 12:36 pm
pachelbel wrote:
stevewonder wrote:
My question is what link has the people caught dancing if the story is true got to do with th accusaton that 'zionists' planned it??

SOURCE: www.sundayherald.com/37707 Five Israelis were seen.....

THERE was ruin and terror in Manhattan, but, over the Hudson River in New Jersey, a handful of men were dancing. As the World Trade Centre burned and crumpled, the five men celebrated and filmed the worst atrocity ever committed on American soil as it played out before their eyes.

Who do you think they were? Palestinians? Saudis? Iraqis, even? Al-Qaeda, surely? Wrong on all counts. They were Israelis - and at least two of them were Israeli intelligence agents, working for Mossad, the equivalent of MI6 or the CIA.

Their discovery and arrest that morning is a matter of indisputable fact. To those who have investigated just what the Israelis were up to that day, the case raises one dreadful possibility: that Israeli intelligence had been shadowing the al-Qaeda hijackers as they moved from the Middle East through Europe and into America where they trained as pilots and prepared to suicide-bomb the symbolic heart of the United States. And the motive? To bind America in blood and mutual suffering to the Israeli cause.

Mossad is Israel's CIA. Mossad is Zionist.

There are many other sources on the web to corroborate a connection between Zionists and 9/11.

How can you go from point a to point e?? You just made it up. Even if there were israelis caught watching the events, does not prove ****.

See above. It does prove ****. You prove otherwise. And please give me some websites for proof, or articles rather than just your opinion. Which to me is just **** Laughing

Thats like saying the people who filmed the planes going into the towers were planners too!

Were they laughing and dancing? Were they the Israeli equivalent to the CIA?

I know israeli adiministration is nutz but 9/11 is too much, the crazies did it end of story.

Yeah, and I find the comment that Israel's PM made after 9/11 to be rather crazy, in light of the situation, don't you? "It is good....It will generate sympathy for Israel". Sure did, and made the world hate Arabs, didn't it? What better plan than to frame your enemies?

whats your opinion on the fact that if you critique israel then you are an anti-seimte?

I think it's BS. Why should they be any different or more elevated than any other race? Because they push the holocaust all the time? So what. Yes, it was bad of Hitler, but many more people died in China because of Mao - 30 million, I believe. Many millions of people have been killed on this planet either by slavery, starvation, whatever....it's all ethnic cleansing, isnt' it? The Jews have the media in their pockets. That's why we have to hear about it all the time. My people were Irish. 3 million Irish died in the Famine, caused by the Brits. Should I be sensitive when people criticize the Irish? Should I label them "anti-gaelic?"

Because i hear it alot on this forum, whenever i ask anything about israels war crimes i get some peeps who dont respond just start excusing me of anti-semitism, which is funny really because they are assuming i aint jewish, in which case they would say i qualify as a self-hater, whatever that means.

Perhaps this forum needs a wake up call. I think in light of the Jews' latest game in Lebanon they have alienated more people. They ignored a UN sanction and attacked Lebanon again. They are the terrorists. Some people have gotten pretty twisted up with Christianity/Jews/Israel and they don't know their ass from their elbows. The Jews don't even believe that Jesus was the son of God, but in America you've got the Bible Belt sending guys to war to protect Israel. The Jews have gotten what they wanted; anti-Arabic sentiment.

Interesting that the American media has convoluted the whole thing so much that most people don't have a clue what's going on.

That's the way the Jews want it. But I think it's gonna backlash on 'em this time.

Your are anti-semitic, why would you choose not to seperate the action of state and people?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 10:41 pm
First, a definition of anti-Semitic: Semites, in the Old Testament, 'the sons of Shem'. The term now generally applies to speakers of Semitic languages including ancient Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and Phoenicians, modern Arabs and Israelis.

This is taken from The New American Desk Encyclopedia but the info is available anywhere.

By definition, 'anti-semitic' includes Arabs.

Another word that the Zionists Jews took for their own, along with 'holocaust' which was first used in 1526, I believe.

I am speaking of Zionist Jews here, not Jews in general. I know a lot of unorthodox Jews who think Israel is wrong in their treatment of Palestinians.

The article is about the 'dancing Israeli's -- Zionist/Mossad Jews and their connection with 9/11 - that is why they were arrested. Aside from them, the remark from Israel's PM concerning 9/11 is staggering in its insensitivity. That remark leads one to think that it is entirely conceivable that the Zionists were the masterminds behind 9/11. They wanted the world to hate the Arabs. Careful what you wish for.

And no, I am not anti-Semitic. I have Jewish friends (who told me they were Jewish soon after meeting them Laughing ) and I have Arab friends. Both are Semitic. Wonder if anyone's told the Israelis Shocked
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2006 12:35 pm
Israeli Penetration of American information systems

World Trade Center Towers (WTC) September 11 :

1) The first suspects arrested in connection with the attack were caught cheering as the towers fell, were Israelis, later identified as Mossad agents. The arrested spies worked for Urban Moving Systems, whose Israeli owner promptly fled to Israel where he was safe, the Israeli government blocking any local investigations into him..

2) Coupled with the spies themselves was the discovery of a massive phone tapping operation carried out by yet another Israeli company contracted to place phone tapping equipment on the US phone system to aid US law enforcement authorities.

3) It is also to be noted that an Israeli-based private communications company, Amdocs was also a prime suspect in the September, 11 attacks may have managed to stay ahead of any U.S. law enforcement and counter-intelligence agencies, by knowing who and when investigators are calling on the telephone. This is accomplished by obtaining and analyzing data that is generated every time someone in the U.S. makes a telephone call. (see: "How2 Read Your Mind")

Most directory assistance calls, and virtually all call records and billing inside the U.S. are done for the telephone companies by Amdocs Ltd., an Israeli-based private telecommunications company.

At that time, Amdocs has contracts with the 25 biggest telephone companies in America, and even more worldwide. The White House and other secure government phone lines awere protected, but it was virtually impossible for any American to make a call on any American phone without generating an Amdocs record of it.

4) In 1999, the National Security Agency, issued a Top Secret Sensitive Compartmentalized Information report, TS/SCI, warning that **records of calls** in the United States were getting into foreign hands – in Israel, in particular.

5) And this same agency strongly suspected that Israelis were using that very same system to listen in on the phone calls of Americans when high profile drug investigations into Ecstasy rings (run by the Israeli organized crime) were derailed using information only obtainable from police phone calls. In the Kenneth Starr report, it is reported that Bill Clinton was aware that an unnamed foreign power had made recordings of his phone sex sessions with Monica Lewinsky.

6) In the end, three Israeli companies with deep penetration of the American communications infrastructure were implicated in the phone and internet tapping scandal. One of these companies, Odigo, had an office near the World Trade Towers, and received a two hour advance warning of the impending attack. Two hours means the warning was sent before the planes that eventually crashed into the World Trade Towers had even left the ground on their final flights!

7) Someone knew of the plan, someone who decided they needed to warn Israelis working for a company linked to Israel's spying operation.


1) The CIA, concerned that their continuing silence about full knowledge of this terrorist attack, long before it occurred, might later be used by their Mossad informants as a form of blackmail, now informed both the anti-terrorist section of the Department of State, the FBI and the INS about Almihdhar and Alhazmi, who were then immediately put on a watch list as presumed members of Qaeda.

2) All of these reports were duly passed to the top leadership of the CIA, the Department of Justice, the U.S. military intelligence organs via the Department of Defense and, last but by no means least, directly to the officials in the White House who headed the National Security Section and who reported directly to the President on a daily basis.

3) When George W. Bush discovered that what he called “traitors,” and the Vice President called “dissident elements,” in the CIA that threatened to release CIA files showing very clearly that the top leadership of the United States had been well, timely and fully informed by the Mossad about the pending attacks, he sacked George Tenent, the DCI **but only after the latter agreed to destroy over a hundred highly secret CIA files in toto.**

4) The quid pro quo for this was that Tenent would resign “with honor” and be presented with the Medal of Freedom by the President himself.

5) It has become evident that the Bush Administration has done everything within its power to block any official investigation into the circumstances surrounding the 9/11 attack. In previous matters, such as Pearl Harbor or the Kennedy assassination, the administrations concerned made every public effort to support official investigations, and the American media made every public effort to support findings of the various investigative bodies (but only insofar as these findings supported the administration’s views).

6) Frantic attempts on the part of the Bush people, and especially on the part of the President himself, to either totally avoid any investigation into the background of the September 11, 2001 attacks or, second best, to completely derail it, does not speak well of its motives, but it certainly highlights their foreknowledge.

7) Evidence that the President and his senior staff were fully aware of the impending attacks and made no effort to stop them, issued no timely warnings to American military units to prepare for such attacks and simply awaited them with the full knowledge that they would then be able to attack and occupy Iraq, secure its enormous oil reserves and support Israeli policies in the Mid East is not only circumstantial but direct as well.
(see: Google "The Dog That Didn't Bark" at http://www.WhatReallyHappened.com

8) The sudden decision of the President to take his top staff with him to Florida where he read “My Pet Goat” to a class of minority children and then show absolutely no emotion when informed that there were massive terrorist attacks against American soil is quite simply not believable but his subsequent panicked flight, not to Washington but to a secure bunker in the Midwest is indeed typical of him. Bush is a physical and moral coward and his actions have never been hose of a bold or competent leader.

9) Franklin Roosevelt has long been suspected of knowing, through intelligence intercepts, that the Japanese were about to launch an attack against the United States and, wishing to get the United States into a European war, did and said nothing to let the approaching Japanese know he was aware of them and worse, neither Roosevelt or any of his military staff warned the U.S. military commanders at Pearl Harbor or Manila that an attack was in train.

10) It is never seriously been put forward that either Roosevelt or Bush actively plotted against the United States for personal or political reasons but by being fully aware, and reliably informed of a pending attack and permitting it, by default, to happen, were indeed guilty of the thousands of deaths that followed.

11) There are doubtlessly readers who will assume that the theme of this observation is anti-Semitic. It is not.

12) It is more than clear that the Israeli Mossad penetrated the terrorist groups and even gave them suggestions to enhance their own abilities but one should note, very clearly, that the Israeli government most certainly notified the U.S. government, to include the White House and CIA, in a timely way. It is not the Israelis that are the target of this comment but the U.S. government, at the highest levels.

13) In legal terminology, a failure by one not an accessory, or a duly elected or appointed official, to prevent, or notify, of a felony is called the misprison of a felony and is a serious criminal charge, in the present case, easily grounds for impeachment.

14) ”Osama bin Laden and "Al Qaeda" cannot be the organizers nor the performers of the September 11 attacks. They do not have the necessary organization, resources or leaders. Thus, a team of professionals had to be created and the Arab kamikazes are just extras to mask the operation.

15) The September 11 operation modified the course of events in the world in the direction chosen by transnational mafias and international oligarchs; that is, those who hope to control the planet's natural resources, the world information network and the financial flows. This operation also favored the US economic and political elite that also seeks world dominance.” General Leonid Ivashov

16) General Leonid Ivashov was the Chief of the Department for General Affairs in the Soviet Union's Ministry of Defense, Secretary of the Council of Defense Ministers of the Community of Independent States (CIS), Chief of the Military Co-operation Department at the Russian Federation's Ministry of Defense, and Joint Chief of Staff of the Russian Armies. He was serving at the time of the 9/11 attacks. BH



Tere are several Critical Factors missing from the above

1) Who had access to the WTC towers to plant the explosives? (see Steven Jones 'physics analysis')

2) Who ordered the removal of forensic evidence so that it could not be examined?

3) Who arranged the 'stand down'" There were 63 previous intercepts for 'planes off course'

4) Who arranged to have the "war games" played on the same day?

5) Where are the financial transaction records on who placed 'options'

7) Silverstein "We said, "lets pull it" - Who and How was WTC-7 pre-rigged to blow?

8) What about the thermite? Who placed the thermite?

9) How did C Rice know to warn Willy Brown to not fly that morning?

10) Where's the 2.3 Trillion missing...that a drop of that (225M) could have been used to repair New Orleans levees?. They still could have stolen $2.27 Trillion. Why we're the levees repaired in time? (no funds..right)

11) Who ever controls MSM is 100% "accessory after the fact" in covering-up and not bringing to full attention

12) The American Public is as complict in hearing and knowing..and not responding with "reasonable effort" to prevent further harm. They have allowed their Fellow Americans to die, the 256 firefighter to die, the 12,000 First Responders

13) Why were the Isralie Art Students and 5 dancing Isralies allowed to leave, and that info is now "National Security Gag Order." Who authorized that? On what authority?

14) Where are the video tapes recorded at surrounding gas stations at Pentagon?

15) How did they know to pick those up in minutes..and why were they taken from owners? Why were they never released?

16) How could there only be '5 frames' of video - in the highest electronic/video secuity building complex in USA (Pentagon)

17) What about the 100's of eyewitness testimony (firemen, public) who heard and saw explosions?

18) 911 was 'basis and reason' for slaughtering 10 of Thousands in Afganistan. They then dropped 3,000 tons of DU in Afganistan. There is now a biological nightmare unfolding right now. They need help.

19) In the atmosphere of 911 'War on Terror', after the lies above about 911...then the lies about "WMD" but ignoring the Downing Street Memos. "Shock & Awe"....watch tonight! Action Movie! Dropped how many Tons of DU there? There is a biological nightmare unfolding right now as you read this. [See: "Footprint in the Sand - II ]

20) 911 was basis to destroy Constitution, Patriot Act, Homeland Security, CIA re-organization of power structure, checks and balance in US Govt.

21) It is all based on a lie, and fraud, and apathy, and lack of cooperation and lack of timely response on the part of too many Americans that know better. We/They are as complicit to stand back..from Pearl Harbor, to JFK, to Ruby Ridge, to WACO to OK City...to allow all those fellow Americans to be slaughtered..while we starred, made excuses..and did nothing. And we still are.

22) Google: "Big Dan's Boston Pool Room Rape" "Who's to blame"...the guy rapping the girl on the table while she's screaming for help ...or the 13 'men' standing around ...watching it? Who really is the criminal?

23) s a consequence of of Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Gulf War i, Afganistan, Iraq ...now Lebanon - get this: a radiosity...a radiation equivalent of 400,000 Nagasaki bombs have been dropped by these same people. A biological nightmare is unfolding on Planet Earth....right now. What i call a "Genetic Forrest Fire"...out of control.

What does it take to wake people up to respond and pull together? Who's the Criminal? Israel....? George Bush... or the American People standing around watching them Rape the World...while ignoring the screams...

Who really is the criminal here? How much more are they going to have to see...to know to take action, all actions....NOW.

Get real.
0 Replies
danny boy
Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 04:00 pm
Dont you think it is very simplisitic to blame Israel for 9/11?
There are alot of crazy people who ar upset about alot of things so why should we say it is Israel's fault?
What would Israel gain from carrying out such an act give it has so any problems of its own.
I think that these theories are far fetched. Israel and the United States government has nothing to gain from such acts.
We need to look at why we are targeted by terrorism and how we can stop its root causes. Bombing other countries does not resolve this problem, democracy is the solution to all problems.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Sep, 2006 12:07 am
danny_boy wrote:
Dont you think it is very simplisitic to blame Israel for 9/11?
There are alot of crazy people who ar upset about alot of things so why should we say it is Israel's fault?
What would Israel gain from carrying out such an act give it has so any problems of its own.
I think that these theories are far fetched. Israel and the United States government has nothing to gain from such acts.
We need to look at why we are targeted by terrorism and how we can stop its root causes. Bombing other countries does not resolve this problem, democracy is the solution to all problems.

Don't you think it is very simplistic NOT to blame Israel?

Why did Israel's PM (President) say right after Sept. 11??"it will be good..well it will be bad, but it will bring sympathy for Israel".

What would Israel gain? Are you kidding? Do some research about the Mossad, Israel's "CIA". Look at their motto. Do a google search. I've already discussed why I and many others think Israel is behind all this crappola.

Not to mention the five dancing Israelis seen right after 9/11.....you know, Israel is a terrorist state and they have WMD's. Why are they allowed to terrorize Palestinians?

Why does the US support a nation that does not even believe in Jesus Christ? Ask yourself that.

Oh? Democracy is the solution for all problems? A bit simplistic, given that it isn't working in the US very well. It doesn't work very well at the end of a gun, either. Until the US stops being imperialistic assholes, and stops making money from giving contractor bids to US companies such as Halliburton, George Bush Sr or Dick Cheney to rebuild Iraq, you bet the US will be a target. You guys don't get it.

Military defense spending is the biggest expense in the US - this includes making warheads, etc., and I think it's a bit of a conflict of interest to have the VP and Bush Sr. sitting on the receiving end of stocks who invest in such things. You bet the US and Israel are interested in keeping war going.

The US is the biggest arms dealer in the world. The US is the arms supplier to Israel. The US loves war; it is profitable.

The US speaks with forked tongue. The world knows it, too.
0 Replies
danny boy
Reply Sat 2 Sep, 2006 04:10 pm
You could say 9/11 benefited the shia or Kurds of Iraq because they have more freedom now so maybe they did it???
But the benefit is not direct or tangible that you can assume Israel did such a thing.
Anyway do you have any idea what would happen if it was an internal job or the Israels did it? Their life would not be worth living, which is why they would never do such a horrendous thing.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Sep, 2006 11:46 pm
Ok. Yeah. You're right.

Why didn't I think of that. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 02:11 pm
danny_boy wrote:

Your are anti-semitic, why would you choose not to seperate the action of state and people?

Interesting you would resort to the very Zionist smear tactic they use to suppress any type of debate/questioning of their motives/actions. Maybe you should look up the definition of "Semite" before waving "anti-Semite" around. I'm not one to care who labels me as what. The only result people who employ that smear tactic want to see is their adversary resort to the defensive and forget all about the question/subject at hand. Truth doesn't need to go on the defensive.

If you choose to look, there is a big difference between Zionists and true Torah Jews. Look at the following websites;



Also, another good Jewish author, whose parents lived through the Nazi Holocaust and debunks Zionists at any turn; Norman Finklestein. He has written books such as "The Holocaust Industry".

If you look at those websites you will find the reasons why true Jews do not support the Zionist state of Israel. Enlighten yourself.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 02:20 pm
danny_boy wrote:
Dont you think it is very simplisitic to blame Israel for 9/11?
There are alot of crazy people who ar upset about alot of things so why should we say it is Israel's fault?
What would Israel gain from carrying out such an act give it has so any problems of its own.
I think that these theories are far fetched. Israel and the United States government has nothing to gain from such acts.
We need to look at why we are targeted by terrorism and how we can stop its root causes. Bombing other countries does not resolve this problem, democracy is the solution to all problems.

Israel has much to gain from 9/11. Have the last 5 years not provided that proof? Iraq is occupied by US forces, the very same Iraq that launched scud missiles into Israel in 1991. Israel is the one who will suffer from neighboring countries that may choose to attack, not the US. Saddam never had any weapons that would have reached US soil. But he could reach Israel correct? Who is the main enemy of the various Arab religions? Israel.

Who was in charge of security for the airports from whence the 9/11 airliners departed? Hmmm....an Israeli company.

Israel attacked the USS Liberty with the intention of blaming it on the Eygptians. When that failed, they claimed it was an "accident".

Israel spies on us and steals military secrets in which they sell off to other countries (like China).

With allies like them, who needs enemies?

Why would they do it? This was to secure support in the middle east for the Zionist pipe dream. With the Arabs blamed for the 9/11 attacks, the Zionists just have to sit back and watch while America bleeds for their cause. It's pure and unadulterated bovine excrement that stinks from here to Tel Aviv.
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danny boy
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 06:48 pm
Anyone who critizes Israel is anti-semitic. Israel did not attack the USS liberrty. Israel is a democratic nation and upholds human rights as much as any other state why would it do terrorism if it is a victim of terrorism?
You only have conspiracy theories and no proof.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 11:35 pm
danny_boy wrote:
Anyone who critizes Israel is anti-semitic. Israel did not attack the USS liberrty. Israel is a democratic nation and upholds human rights as much as any other state why would it do terrorism if it is a victim of terrorism?
You only have conspiracy theories and no proof.

Your incessant infantile whining defense of Israel is duly noted. So tell me...why are they not able to be criticized? Are they above all other human races and nationalities on this planet? If you believe in equality at all, you would also believe that if a country or people commit crimes they are accountable for their actions. Israel has a history of flagrant disregard for the human rights of the Palestinian people, or the entire world for that matter (in the aspect of disregard of UN resolutions).

Here is some proof for you that isn't conspiracy theory.

Israel has violated more than 75 UN resolutions. More than any other country on the planet. Whenever they violate a UN resolution, the US vetoes it to ensure they aren't held accountable for their actions.

Israeli terrorist groups, namely the Stern Gang, Hagunah, and Irgun gangs terrorized and killed people in Palestine to secure the state before the UN implemented the Israeli state. Not only Arabs but British soldiers were killed.

True Torah Jews do not support Zionism or the state of Israel. In their opinion, the Zionists are opposing the Will of God by illegally occupying Palestinian land by force.

Israel has no constitution, nor any definitive borders. Hence the Zionist agenda of annexation of more territory before implementing such things.

Israel has an estimated 400 nuclear warheads, and have never allowed any UN inspectors to validate, confirm or survey the weapons.

Israel also has never signed the NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty).
Ironically, Iran has, but is receiving acrimonious feedback from Israel and the Western world for desire to develop nuclear energy.

"The Holocaust" and "anti-Semite" slogans are the two top smear tactics used by the Zionists to secure control over various scenarios. Ever read about how they screwed the Swiss banks in the mid 90's out of 1.25 billion dollars? You should read about it sometime.

Israel utilizes a host of propaganda tactics to maintain its "victim" role in the eyes of America. A terrorist regime with nukes hardly fits the description of a "victim".

Oh...how about the fact that Israel receives $3 billion annually of American taxpayer money? I like it how they don't need to pay it back either. All the loans are forgiven.

Or...how about all of the F-15 and F-16 fighter jets, or tanks, Apache helicopters, M-16's (and so on) that Israel receives from the US at discount prices? Thanks to various people in high places in America, namely AIPAC, who pull the strings to ensure Israel gets a fair share of the military equipment they so desperately need to continue their ethnic cleansing in Gaza and the West bank.

And if you don't believe that Israel didn't attack the USS Liberty, maybe you should go to their website and read the testimonies of the American sailors themselves.


For all I know, and from what it appears, you're nothing more than a junior Zionist brownshirt who is paid to trawl these chat forums and deflect criticism of Israel. You still haven't answered me on the definition of Semite. It doesn't soley apply to Jews.

The war in Lebanon has increased world wide criticism of Israel in many ways. Anyone with a brain stem can observe the actions in history and the present, to draw a conclusion based on cognitive reasoning. Anyone who can't see the obvious is merely reiterating the already regurgitated propaganda that has emancipated from the bowels of Zionism.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Sep, 2006 12:27 am
Thank you for your informative and eloquent post. Your patience with danny boy is much better than mine. I don't believe he has a brain stem.

I also read your post on the Nuke Iran thread. Lots of info for some of those posters to absorb. I think they check raptureready.com every day to see how close they are to Armageddon. How the crazy bast**ds can rationalize killing=Christianity=Rapture is beyond me. Too bad religion has always been used as a guise for world domination.

The propaganda surrounding Israel and the taboo about mentioning any other Holocaust (I have a thread on the Irish Holocaust) is despicable. These people actually believe, or want the world to believe, that they have suffered more than anyone else. And how many did Mao murder in China? Or Stalin in Russia?

I pointed out in this thread that Semitic is Arab as well. So, if you call someone anti-Semitic you're calling them anti-Arab too. Think the Zionists will explain that, or the BushCo Adm to the feeble minded Yanks?

Americans are gullible fools - I really don't care what they do, but they seem to like to bully other countries to come help them out of their scrapes. If it was up to me, Canada would stay a peacekeeper rather than having our guys killed for American interests.

The terrorists of the world are the Americans and Israel, no doubt about it. How many bombs do these countries have?

As a fellow Canadian I could not agree with you more.

Welcome to the forum & hope to hear more from you.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Sep, 2006 04:22 am
Thankyou for putting forward this ****

I saw Spielberg's film MUNICH the other day and the final scene really creeped me out. There were the Mossad Agents in New York - and there were the twin towers behind them.

Following any crime, a detective will ask himself "Who has the greatest motive?"
"Who stands to gain?"

Not the Arab world - that's for sure
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