Zionists planned 9/11

Reply Thu 12 Oct, 2006 11:20 pm
Americanadian wrote:
mrcool011 wrote:
pachelbel wrote:
mrcool011 wrote:
This takes blaming the jews for everything to a whole new level. Hitler would be proud!

Hitler? You mean Bush? Same thing.

Yeah a man who started a war that killed 60,000,000 and killed 6,000,000 jews and bush are the same. You're a nut

Ha..ha..ha... convenient of you to place all of the blame on Hitler and nothing on any other party that had a role to play in the war.

If you know your history at all, what started WWI ? Who assassinated the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria? A Serb. When Serbia refused to put the assassin on trial, Austria declared war on them. So....who supported Serbia? Russia, who was backed by France, who was further backed by Britain. Those are the big players anyhow. Italy was in there as well, but they weren't anything to worry about.

Fast forward to the Treaty of Versailles, 1918. The allies totally stripped Germany of everything. They were made the scapegoat to pay for WWI as if they were the culprits who started it all. They were merely supporting the country who had justification in the whole war. And I might add, that if it wasn't for America entering the war, Germany had everyone beat, hands down. As early as 1916, they had the "upper hand" with no battles being fought on German soil. The Soviets were off to deal with their civil war, France was backing out, Britain was on the brink of starvation and lack of supplies, due to the surprising and successful U-boat campaign. Germany offered to leave everything as is, but just to end the war. Britain was considering it, until the Zionists approached the British War Cabinet and made a deal to bring America into the war on their side, in exchange for Palestine at the end of the war. (The Zionists had a lot of pull in Germany as they ran many of the banks, shipping companies etc...)

Once Britain agreed to this deal, the media propaganda machine went to work, using their smearing and villifying tactics to portray the Germans as evil people who ate babies and whatever else they could conjure up. You might remember their media posters stating "beat back the Hun", encouraging Americans to do their part to support the war. America was brought into the war and we know the rest of the story.

Now the interesting thing, was the Germans were unaware of the deception by the Zionists. Not until the Zionists held up the paper of the Balfour declaration at the Treaty of Versailles, did the Germans realize what had occurred. This set the stage for WWII.

On another note altogether, one must also consider historic events that were a few centuries prior to all of this.

On a more religious note in history, if I may draw your attention to the 16th century where the Vatican held all the power in Europe. It wasn't until a German monk by the name of Luther, defied the Vatican and translated the Scriptures into German, so everyone could read it for themselves instead of being manipulated and controlled by the Roman Church. This was called the Protestant Reformation.

The Vatican set up what is called a Counter Reformation. This is what is known as the Jesuits. The two world wars were simply the materialization of the planning and execution of the Vatican plans for "breaking" Protestant Germany. Revenge enacted on the very country which stood up against the Vatican in the 16th century. Islam and America (Protestant) are the next targets. Of course, America is used as the pawn to win these battles, as noone can dispute the industrial might of the US. America is being deceived into believing they are at risk by Islam, when they are not. It is the Vatican using their influence through the Zionist Israel, and other agencies to weaken America by fighting to weaken Islam. The Vatican then achieves their goal of eradicating two religious entities.

One other note, is that there are only 5 countries remaining in the world that do not have a centralized bank. This may have been posted by another member here, but this is interesting.
North Korea

Ahghanistan and Iraq were #6 and #7. But as we observe, they have been attacked and restructured. Iran is a target, North Korea is part of the "Axis of Evil", Sudan is enduring a civil war, and Libya & Cuba have always been dubbed as "Communist/terrorist" countries, so that's a no brainer.

Combine that with the plans to amalgamate North America into the NAU (North American Union between Canada, US and Mexico. Much the same as the EU) and a one world banking system will be in place to further control the money, and therefore, the people.

Yes, I have found out that the Zionists are indeed a problem, but they are a subterfuge for the entity working 'behind the scenes', and have been ever since the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century; the Vatican.
This should be alarming to anyone whether you're religious or not. They WILL force everyone to conform to their religious ideology otherwise, dissenters and heretics will be dealt with. Freedoms such as speech and religion will be no more. Things will return to the way they were when Rome was in power back in the dark ages. They'll just have more technology and toys to keep people in line, that's all.

I suppose, Finn, you think that anyone who is Canadian (especially those ex-pats) are objectionable. Just because it doesn't fit your worldview doesn't make it wrong. I think Americanadian is right on. Anyone with a brain stem would think so.

As for Israel, I have objections to a country who has WMD's, who practices terror on citizens (Palestinians) and who are supported by the US, who, for some obscure reason, doesn't wish to call Israel a terrorist nation.

The fact is, Israel wants every country around it to disarm. The US doesn't mind having a perpetual war; hell, war means profit for those bas***ds in Adm. How would YOU feel if you were an Iranian? Israel could blow them away. I know you're from Texas and that excuses a lot of your ignorant remarks.
You can spew your brew somewhere else Finn. It doesn't wash here :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Oct, 2006 11:28 pm
danny_boy wrote:
Do you think if you post twice it makes you right? You believe and advocate far fetched BS to justify your anti-semitism and I am the nut job?
Just explain to me what dont you blame on mossad??

Name me some major **** going down in the world that you dont believe mossad was behind??

Do you think they are behind global warming also?? Which if it existed you would most certainly blame on Israel.

Come on. You make as much sense as Bush. Which is nothing. You state no sources, you wish to hold onto your myth of Jewish innocence in all crimes? If the Jews are telling the truth, why don't they allow an investigation of the claims of the Holocaust? Anyone who comes up with proof that 6 million did not die are thrown in jail. It's all a hoax to push guilt on people. Sure, maybe some did die, but not 6 million.

The Mossad: you look it up. I already have. "By deception shall we conquer". Nice guys, those Zionist 'CIA' creeps. They got what they wanted from 9/11: Arab hatred. Mission accomplished, alright.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Oct, 2006 11:32 pm
Oh, brainstem-less one, danny- global warming DOES exist. You really are as smart as Bushie, aren't you?

Glaciers are melting, the snow on Mt. Kilimanjaro is all but gone. Get a clue. Try reading something besides comic books.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Oct, 2006 12:20 pm
Israel has benefited to a degree from 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq, I dont think they were involved. We must come to terms with the facts, we were unprepared and our soft nature was taken advantage of by terrorists.

I also think that if Israel were stupid enough to be involved in such acts, it would be its undoing, and given that these things sometimes have habit of coming out, they would be insane to even contemplate the idea, after all we the only friends they have on the planet.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 13 Oct, 2006 07:59 pm
pachelbel wrote:

I suppose, Finn, you think that anyone who is Canadian (especially those ex-pats) are objectionable. Just because it doesn't fit your worldview doesn't make it wrong. I think Americanadian is right on. Anyone with a brain stem would think so.

As for Israel, I have objections to a country who has WMD's, who practices terror on citizens (Palestinians) and who are supported by the US, who, for some obscure reason, doesn't wish to call Israel a terrorist nation.

The fact is, Israel wants every country around it to disarm. The US doesn't mind having a perpetual war; hell, war means profit for those bas***ds in Adm. How would YOU feel if you were an Iranian? Israel could blow them away. I know you're from Texas and that excuses a lot of your ignorant remarks.
You can spew your brew somewhere else Finn. It doesn't wash here :wink:

See Danny?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Oct, 2006 10:43 pm
Too bad you didn't read the entire thread Finn. You're speaking from a position of ignorance - but what else is new? If you want to side with Danny Boy, go ahead. He's got a great track record.

See if you can read the following and then tell me that Israel/Zionists aren't involved.

All of the relatives' wrongful death criminal lawsuits against the airlines and their security companies have been consolidated by the presiding judge into a negligence lawsuit, which is a civil case and much less likely to be argued or investigated in an open trial with a jury. The 9-11 wrongful death and personal injury cases against American Air Lines (AA) or UAL or any of the foreign security companies, namely Argenbright Security (British), Globe Aviation Services Corp. (Swedish) and Huntleigh USA Corp. (Israeli) are being handled by U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein of the Southern District of New York.

In the case of at least one of these security defendants, Huntleigh, there would seem to be a conflict of interest for the judge because the airline security company who is responsible for the shocking security lapses at both the Boston and Newark airports on 9-11 is a wholly-owned subsidiary of an Israeli company (ICTS) headed by men with clear ties to Israel's military intelligence agency, Mossad.

Hellerstein, 73, on the other hand, has deep and longstanding Zionist WHY?

Hellerstein, however, is not the only player overseeing the 9-11 litigation process who has close ties to Israel. In fact, all of the key players and law firms involved are either active Zionists or work for firms that do a great deal of business representing Israeli companies and/or the state of Israel. Twisted Evil

Kenneth R. Feinberg, for example, the special master of the federally funded Victims' Compensation Fund, is also a dedicated Zionist. Feinberg single-handedly administered the $7 billion fund that paid out U.S. taxpayer money to some 97 percent of the families who could have sued to recover tort damages for monetary loss and pain and suffering. Those who accepted funds signed away their right to litigate against the government, the airlines or the security companies.

The Kenneth Feinberg Group is listed as one of the top 10 supporters of the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies for 2004-2005. The Jerusalem Institute is an Israel-based Zionist organization that, among other things, supports the building of the illegal separation wall across Palestine.

The Feinberg Group also lists as its clients major insurance and re-insurance companies such as Lloyd's of London. These are the companies who stood to lose billions of dollars if 9-11 victims' lawsuits had gone forward.

Feinberg was appointed special master by then Attorney General John Ashcroft. Ashcroft, a dedicated Christian Zionist and supporter of such groups as Stand for Israel, is today working as a lobbyist for Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI), Israel's major military aerospace company, which hired the former U.S. attorney general to help secure the U.S. government's approval to sell an Israeli weapons system to the South Korean Air Force.

The Israelis hired Ashcroft to improve their chances against a system built by Chicago-based Boeing.
(Issue #17, April 24, 2006)

Twisted Evil you got something you care to refute here, Finn or Danny Boy? I'd like to see it. Otherwise, I'll hold with my opinion that the Zionists/Israel were and are behind every evil occurrence. The above article removes any doubt from a thinking person's mind. Course, that let's you guys off......
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 13 Oct, 2006 11:42 pm
Nothing to refute pachy.

Clearly you have it all in sharp focus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Oct, 2006 12:49 am
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Nothing to refute pachy.

Clearly you have it all in sharp focus.

The person who wrote the article has 'it all in sharp focus'.
Obviously, you don't.
Does anything GOOD ever come out of Texas?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 02:26 pm
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
danny_boy wrote:
Do you think if you post twice it makes you right? You believe and advocate far fetched BS to justify your anti-semitism and I am the nut job?
Just explain to me what dont you blame on mossad??

Name me some major **** going down in the world that you dont believe mossad was behind??

Do you think they are behind global warming also?? Which if it existed you would most certainly blame on Israel.


Don't get caught in pachy's web.

I have no doubt he believes the outlandish nonsense he spews, but at the same time he loves to come to these threads and attempt to provoke Americans. If they happen to be pro-Israeli Americans, so much the better, and if they happen to be Israelis...I suspect he is in heaven.

Provocation is not so bad, it is the mind numbing repetitiveness of pachy's that is objectionable.

That's the problem in America. You have been deceived into believing Israeli problems = USA problems. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's the lobbying power of the pro-Zionists in America that ensure support for Israel. Even many religious leaders in America have formed the Christian Zionist group which endeavor to see Israel expand their borders to the Biblical account. This would include Iran, Jordan, Iraq, Syria etc...of course, the result of attempting that would mean all out war in the middle east. The result is the frothing at the mouth evangelicals who suppose the rapture is coming to take them all away. Funny thing is, you can't support violence and war and call yourself a Christian. It just doesn't work that way.

Christian Zionists

It's official. "CUFI" (Christians United For Israel) is on the march. Never mind that the CUFI label is misleading; "Christian Zionists United For Israel" (CZUFI) is the accurate label. Led by Christian Zionist TV Evangelist John Hagee, some 3400 mega-church leaders and supporters met in Washington in August to lay out their goals and strategy.

Their overriding goal is to assure that all U.S. Foreign Policy toward the Middle East be geared to "restoring Israel's Biblical borders". The strategy is to divide the U.S. into 12 zones controlled by various mega-church leaders. These will oversee a network of supporters who can lay down a blanket of 20-40 million emails, phone calls, media spots, you name it, in a matter of hours to pressure policy makers on Israel related issues.

And what issues might those be? Well, working from their Scofield Bible Notes, the "end times" scenario of this powerful, Zionist-supported sect unfolds like this: Israel began getting its "Biblical Borders" (Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, parts of Turkey, Iraq, and Iran) when it was established in 1948. With Palestine now occupied, all efforts to complete the conquest of these other territories must be supported by the U.S. All who resist the expansion must be enemies not only of Israel, but of the USA.

The reason Christian Zionists are so eager to press for Israel's expansion is because the battles that will ensue will result in their being "raptured" just before the Biblical Armageddon takes place. There was much excitement that the "rapture" was imminent when the recent Israeli blitzkrieg of Lebanon broke out. CUFI leaders--in concert with mostly Jewish neo-cons--quickly ratcheted up the rhetoric that this was the time to knock out Syria and Iran. "Harper's Magazine reported traffic on bulletin boards, talking about rapture or end times, greatly increased following the outbreak of violence in the Middle East. One person wrote online, 'I've been having rapture dreams and I can't believe that this is really it! We are on the edge of eternity'!!!!!!!!!! Another person wrote, 'I too am so excited!! I get goose bumps, literally when I watch what's going on in the Middle East!!'" As it turns out, Hezbollah had other ideas.

Two things are important to note in all this: 1) Though well-heeled and dominant in American religious media and mid-East policy, Christian Zionist end time doctrine (mistakenly assumed to include the whole "Religious Right") has strong opposition from other Bible Fundamentalists, not to mention the vast number of liberal Christians. 2) Many--perhaps most--Jews, inside and outside Israel, are opposed to Zionism and do not agree with those like Netanyahu who are working with Dr. Hagee's CUFI for U.S. support of their own expansionist goals. Those goals have nothing to do with a belief in a "pre-tribulation rapture" nor Jesus returning to rule from Jerusalem for a thousand years.

Indeed--as is plain in Zionist writings--the State of Israel itself is the prophesied "Messiah" of Jews who reject any and all Christian beliefs about Jesus and the New Testament of the Bible. So strong is this rejection that Hagee and CUFI leaders have--in direct contradiction of numerous New Testament teachings--agreed not to try to convert Jews, teaching, rather, that the Jews have their own covenant with God and nothing further is needed. This collusion is raising the threat of adopting laws that would make it a "hate-crime" to say or write anything critical of the Jews...or even to pray in Jesus' name in public places. This is the same type of "hate-crime" law that was passed shortly after the Jewish-dominated Communist government came to power in Russia almost ninety years ago.

A computer search on "CUFI Hagee" will give names of other supporters and details about their plans

Those who are interested in seeing Scriptural evidence which falsifies both the "pre-tribulation rapture" and literal "millennium" doctrines held by Christian Zionist Dispensationalists, should read these five essays beginning with this 4-page URL:

Likewise, those who are interested in understanding the long-hidden but now out of the closet real power behind both Jewish and Christian Zionism can start with this first URL of seven essays on Kabbalism: http://www.fixedearth.com/kabbala%201.htm

Finally. Looking for a can't miss solution after getting loaded up on the problems? Here's one that will do the job in the USA first: http://www.fixedearth.com/HB%20179%20PART%20I%20MODEL.htm

Marshall Hall. Pres.
The Fair Education Foundation, Inc.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 02:49 pm
Oh, my! Well, since The Fair Education Foundation, Inc., which has proved the earth is the immovable center of the universe about which all else revolves, says its all a Zionist Plot, there's no reason to have any further doubts, is there? To quote Mama Gump, "Stupid is as stupid does".
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 04:13 pm
What the hell are you doin' in a thread like this, Big Bird?

Are you bored?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 04:56 pm
Yeah, that's pretty much the deal. Shows, does it? Well, I'm sorta surprised to see you here too, but on the other hand, its fun once in a while to just stomp around in the mud puddles, ain't it?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 10:07 pm
timberlandko wrote:
Oh, my! Well, since The Fair Education Foundation, Inc., which has proved the earth is the immovable center of the universe about which all else revolves, says its all a Zionist Plot, there's no reason to have any further doubts, is there? To quote Mama Gump, "Stupid is as stupid does".

Shouldn't call yourself stupid, timberlandko. You still have room in that bird brain to learn new things, don't you?

Evangelicals to launch 'Christian AIPAC'

A leading US evangelist is forming an umbrella organization under which all pro-Israel Christians in America can speak as one in support of the Jewish state.

Pastor John C. Hagee of San Antonio, Texas, is to launch Christians United for Israel (CUFI) at an invitation-only "Summit on Israel" next Tuesday at his Cornerstone Church.

The Texas-size church seats 5,000 worshipers and has some 17,000 members, but the summit will host a much smaller congregation: the spiritual leaders of an estimated 30 million US Christians.

"Think of CUFI as a Christian version of AIPAC [the American Israel Public Affairs Committee]," Hagee told The Jerusalem Post. "We need to be able to respond instantly to Washington with our concerns about Israel. We must join forces to speak as one group and move as one body to [respond to] the crisis Israel will be facing in the near future."

Hagee declined to specify which crisis, noting that Israel faces one "every day the sun comes up." But at the top of the CUFI agenda is what the pastor calls "the Bible issue," namely what he considers to be the mistaken policy of trading parts of the biblical Land of Israel for peace, an agenda that AIPAC, for example, neglects.

Accordingly, Hagee says, CUFI intends to "interact with the government in Washington" and persuade it "to stop pressuring Israel to give up land for peace. Besides the fact that this does not work, Israel has a Bible mandate for the land. Now that Gaza has been given to Hamas, it has a military foothold a thousand yards from Jerusalem."

CUFI's Washington efforts are to be led by national director Hagee and a blue-ribbon board supervising 12 regional directors, each of whom is responsible for four states.

"Every state in the Union, every congressional district" will be accounted for, Hagee says. Board members comprise an evangelical who's who, including Jerry Falwell, Benny Hinn, Jack Hayford, George Morrison, Rod Parsley and Steven Strang. Televangelist Pat Robertson is to attend the summit, but is not on the board.

Asked whether this had anything to do with Robertson's infamous attribution of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke to divine retribution for the withdrawal from Gaza, Hagee called Robertson's remark "insensitive and unnecessary." He also derided similar attempts to link Hurricane Katrina or other disasters to the Gaza disengagement, saying, "We have no desire to try to guess God's opinion about a storm."

CUFI aims to speak for Israel, but not to Israel, particularly during the present election campaign. While the organization supports moving the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, its main concern is "the Bible issue" and not Israeli politics. To this end, Hagee says, CUFI will back "whoever is for keeping the land."

Yeah, right, there's no connection between American politics and the Zionists. Falwell, Hinn, Hagee and all the rest of the nut cases are on board here. All Zionist lovers. You Americans don't get it do you? The Zionists don't like Americans. They are USING you. Do you ever ask yourselves why you feel you have to support Israel, who is only interested in itself? Mama Gump was right. Suckas.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 11:38 pm
The suckas on the right look to the likes of evangelicals and crew for guidance, the suckas on the left look to the likes of Soros and C.R.E.W. for guidance. Fortunately for both left and right, and even moreso for the center, the suckas are fringies, nothing more than strident, shrill minorities granted far more media attention than they merit, and far less general credence than they presume they have. Indeed, stupid is as stupid does; idiocy knows no ideology.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 09:23 am
timberlandko wrote:
. . . its fun once in a while to just stomp around in the mud puddles, ain't it?

You got it . . . and it don't get no muddier than conspiracy theory . . .
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 10:43 pm
Setanta wrote:
timberlandko wrote:
. . . its fun once in a while to just stomp around in the mud puddles, ain't it?

You got it . . . and it don't get no muddier than conspiracy theory . . .

I see you're still bored, Setanta. What's the matter? The insult thread getting to you?

The connection between fundamental Christian born-agains and Zionism is not a conspiracy theory. Unfortunately for the US. There is more than one verifiable source on this, but obviously you are too lazy to check it out.

You guys make comments with no facts to back anything you say. Some debate. Able2know should be renamed Able2notknow. Or Unable2know -It's much more apt. Some things are just truth, and conspiracy theory is a convenient way to dismiss what you don't want to investigate. Check out Falwell, Hinn, Pat Robertson, Hagee, Roberts. They are all tied to Zionism.

Don't tell me Israel has nothing to gain by discrediting Muslims. They have everything to gain and are doing it under the american suckas noses. How many billions did the US spend on Israel this year? How many WMD's do the Jews/Zionists need?

America......the clueless country.....
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 10:47 pm
Well, Pachelbel, you stuck it to Setanta and broke it off. He ususually doesn't respond when he feels he has been bettered, so don't bother to wait. If he does respond, he will recite a long winded tale copied from some textbook or other which has absolutely nothing to do with the subject.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 10:57 pm
I have never bothered to wait for a reply since he spews out nothing but balderdash.

If anyone is interested in how much the US spends on Israel check out http:fpc.state.gov --or google US spends on Israel.

but you've all probably got better things to do, like post on the insult thread or whatever silly game is playing here.

The US is subsidizing Israel. Israel thumbs their nose at the US and buys their weapons, with which they KILL Palestinians with no intervention by the US, from the cheapest buyer. Israel doesn't have to payback any loans from the US- they are waived.

Israel is a welfare state and a bunch of bullies. But as long as your church tells you to support them, duh, you will.

And in the end, you will find out what the Shylocks and Barabas think of the US. You're a whole lot of smucks.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 11:11 pm
He spews out balderdash? Is that a synonym for Bullsh*t? If it is, you are correct. View, if you will, some of his interminable screeds on "the milkmaid in the 12th Century" or "Why Greenland was invaded by the Vikings". Of course, he copies this garbage from old irrelevant History books to show his erudition and learning. He does not know, however, that he is usually far off track. Hoewver, reading his junk is mind numbing so most people do not examine if for the many errors it inevitably contains.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 11:47 pm
pachabel wrote:

You guys make comments with no facts to back anything you say. Some debate. Able2know should be renamed Able2notknow. Or Unable2know -It's much more apt.

That's not very witty! Prefer not2know would have sounded much better.

So why don't you go somewhere else if you think the good people of A2K make for a deaf audience?

Looking through the thread, I'm surprised at how tolerant and indulgent members are of you...

I'd have told you to **** off long ago.

but you've all probably got better things to do, like post on the insult thread or whatever silly game is playing here.

Too right! They are great fun! Why don't you make your way over there?
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