Zionists planned 9/11

Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 11:58 pm
Smorgs- You speak of tolerance and indulgence? Have you read the nasty things Sentana says to people who do not agree with him? A little balance, please.
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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 12:02 am
Setanta's a friend of mine.

...and is never boring and repetative!

Unlike some on here...
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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 12:11 am
Setanta never boring? That is a laugh. I will find one of his interminable lectures he copies from his old books and replicate it for you. If you don't think he is boring then, you are beyond and help.

Read this incredible pointless rambling supercilious pedantic meaningless Bullsh*t and then tell me that Setanta isn't a bit dotty.

Setanta wrote:

2318553 -

One can never know for sure. I don't consider it Whig propaganda to the extent that i don't think it originated with the Whig Lords. Rather, i think that they did not originate or encourage the story, but did nothing to discourage the story, either. Charles II was insistent upon descent in the right line, which was a source of increasing discomfort for them as Catherine of Braganza consistently failed to produce and heir and Charles aged, while producing a quiver full of bastards. Stories that Charles converted to Catholicism on his deathbed cannot be confirmed, and there is no good reason to assume that he intended a specifically Catholic succession--he only insisted upon descent in the right line, which meant that James would succeed him.

Claims that the Old Pretender did not resemble his Stuart forebears are bootless. His greatgrandmother was Catherine de Medici, and if he was legitimate, his mother was Mary of Modena. The influence of Italian ancestry was strong enough in the children of Charles I and Henrietta Maria that Charles II was described as "a black man," meaning his black hair and his swarthy complexion (a result of his Italian ancestry) were uncommonly dark by the standards of England in the seventeenth century. The so-called "James III" was in fact rather fair than dark, and his character (on the few occasions upon which he displayed any) was that same stubborn, unyielding variety which cost his grandfather his head.

The warming pan baby story simply lacks compelling evidence--it was based originally on speculation and sustained by innuendo. With the birth of an heir, the situation changed completely in England, and the Whigs were no longer simply waiting out the life span of a King whom they found distasteful, but facing the prospect of a second consecutive Catholic heir. Stories like the warming pan baby meant that the Whig Lords could more effectively rally support for their substitution of Mary and William for James, without actually having to do anything--they need only not to discourage a silly rumor. William being James nephew and son-in-law, and Mary his daughter meant that they could console themselves that they were preserving descent in the royal line, if not actually in the right line. The warming pan baby story simply helped them with the opinion of the commons.

YOU SEE, SETANTA KNOWS--HE KNOWS-- HE SAYS "They did not originate or encourage the story but they did nothing to discourage the story either."

How does he know that? Well he WAS THERE!!! LOL

or faling that, he copied his screed from some old book but did not, like a good plagiarist, give the writer credit.

Get wise--Setanta is a dreadful plagiaristic bore!
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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 12:21 am
I found that most stimulating!

(actually, it WAS really boring)

It was a one off!

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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 12:29 am
Smorgs wrote( about Setanta's blurb)

(actually, it WAS really boring)

Well, you are an honest man, Smorgs!
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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 12:30 am
...or a dishonest woman!

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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 02:36 am
You're proceeding from error, MarionT - having been face to face with Setanta for hours on end over coffee and cigarettes (mostly MY cigarettes - but that's another matter Twisted Evil ), and having participated in fairly protracted telephone discussion with the boy, I can assure you Setanta carries on a conversation in strikingly similar manner to his practice of discourse on these boards. In fact, a lady - also a member here - had occasion to weather a bit of conversation between Set and myself - she commented some time thereafter "You two sound just like you write on A2K" ... or words indistinguishable from that effect.

Yhe "boring" part I'll not comment on - I rarely find his contributions boring, but then I'm sure many find my contributions boring.
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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 07:16 am
You're never boring, Timber...

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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 10:57 pm
pachelbel wrote:
I have never bothered to wait for a reply since he spews out nothing but balderdash.

If anyone is interested in how much the US spends on Israel check out http:fpc.state.gov --or google US spends on Israel.

but you've all probably got better things to do, like post on the insult thread or whatever silly game is playing here.

The US is subsidizing Israel. Israel thumbs their nose at the US and buys their weapons, with which they KILL Palestinians with no intervention by the US, from the cheapest buyer. Israel doesn't have to payback any loans from the US- they are waived.

Israel is a welfare state and a bunch of bullies. But as long as your church tells you to support them, duh, you will.

And in the end, you will find out what the Shylocks and Barabas think of the US. You're a whole lot of smucks.

Besides debating the pressing & important issue of whether or not some member is boring (he is) I should think you yanks would be better to consider the above post. Unable2know? Unable2learn? Unabletogoogle?

Interesting how some of you try to sidetrack an issue when you can't debate it.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 03:19 am
MarionT you really are ignorant. Setanta was giving me his take on the Baby in the Warming pan story, something which was both interesting in itself and of surprising historical importance.

this what the Department for Education and Science puts out for secondary teachers of History in the UK

Links can be made to the issues raised in the pupils' study of the English civil war. The family tree and Stuart succession information sheet (pupil sheets 13,14) in Optional Tasks and Tests may help to clarify relationships.

* Key skills: these activities provide opportunities for pupils to demonstrate evidence of communication (listening, discussion, presenting a point of view).

This unit is divided into sections. Each section contains a sequence of activities with related objectives and outcomes. You can view this unit by moving through the sections or print/download the whole unit.

1. Why did the birth of the Warming Pan Baby cause so much controversy?
2. What was the Glorious Revolution?
3. What was the impact of the Glorious Revolution on Ireland?
4. What was the impact of the Glorious Revolution on Scotland?
5. What was the reaction in Scotland to the Act of Union in 1707?
6. Why did the rebellion of 1715 fail?
7. Was the rising of 1745 a real threat to the Hanoverian succession?
8. How united was the kingdom by the mid-eighteenth century?

What would your answers be MarionT

"Duh??? wassa Hanoverian?" Laughing

Some of us on a2k have a particular specialism. With Set it is history. And I am constantly surprised and delighted that he can give a detailed and colourful account on just about any topic, and does so without doing much research or cut paste jobs but because he knows[/i], the direct opposite of which appears to be your specialism my dear.
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Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 12:32 pm
What is a zionist ??
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Reply Thu 19 Oct, 2006 12:48 am
stevewonder wrote:
What is a zionist ??

wikipedia: source. there are many others. for added interest, google christian zionist.

This article is about Zionism as a movement, not the History of Israel. For other uses, see Zion (disambiguation).

Zionism is a political movement that supports a homeland for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel, where Jewish nationhood is thought to have evolved somewhere between 1200 BCE and late Second Temple times,[1] [2] and where Jewish kingdoms and self-governing states existed up to the 2nd century CE.

It has been described as a diaspora nationalism.[3] Its proponents regard it as a national liberation movement.[4]

While Zionism is based in part upon religious tradition linking the Jewish people to the Land of Israel, the modern movement was mainly secular, beginning largely as a response to rampant antisemitism in Europe during the 19th century.[5] At first one of several Jewish political movements offering alternative responses to the position of Jews in Europe, Zionism gradually gained more support. The destruction of the existing Jewish society in Europe during the Holocaust accelerated migration to Palestine, in turn accelerating the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. Since 1948 Zionism is a national ideology within the State of Israel, [6] and outside it is primarily a movement in support of that state.[citation needed]

The word "Zionism" itself derived from the word "Zion" (Hebrew: ציון, Tziyyon), one of the names of Jerusalem, as mentioned in the Bible.

1892 issue of Self Emancipation describing the principles of Zionism. It was coined as a term for Jewish nationalism by Austrian Jewish publisher Nathan Birnbaum in his journal Self Emancipation in 1890.

Since the founding of the State of Israel, the term Zionism is generally considered to mean support for Israel as a Jewish nation state. However, a variety of different, and sometimes competing, ideologies that support Israel fit under the general category of Zionism, such as Religious Zionism, Revisionist Zionism, and Labor Zionism. Thus, the term is also sometimes used to refer specifically to the programs of these ideologies, such as efforts to encourage Jewish emigration to Israel. The term Zionism is also sometimes used retroactively to describe the millennia-old Biblical connection between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel, which existed long before the birth of the modern Zionist movement.

Certain individuals and groups have used the term "Zionism" as a pejorative to justify attacks on Israel. In some cases, the label "Zionist" is also used as a euphemism for Jews in general by apologists for anti-Semitism (as in the Polish anti-Zionist campaign and Zionology)
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Reply Thu 19 Oct, 2006 10:07 pm
Israel kills Palestinians with Dime weapons, denies it
Published on Wednesday, October 18, 2006 by the Guardian/UK

Gaza Doctors Say Patients Suffering Mystery Injuries After Israeli Attacks
· Deaths caused by burning and internal wounds
· Jerusalem denies using experimental weapon

by Rory McCarthy in Gaza City

Doctors in Gaza have reported previously unseen injuries from Israeli weapons that cause severe burning and leave deep internal wounds, often resulting in amputations or death.

Palestinian girl injured in an Israeli air raid arriving at Shifa hospital. Photograph: Mahmud Hams/AFP/Getty Images

The injuries were first seen in July, when Israel launched operations in Gaza following the capture of an Israeli soldier by Palestinian militants.

Doctors said that, unlike traditional combat injuries, there was no large shrapnel found in the bodies and there appeared to be a "dusting" on damaged internal organs.

"Bodies arrived severely fragmented, melted and disfigured," said Jumaa Saqa'a, a doctor at the Shifa hospital, in Gaza City. "We found internal burning of organs, while externally there were minute pieces of shrapnel. When we opened many of the injured people we found dusting on their internal organs."

It is not clear whether the injuries come from a new weapon. The Israeli military declined to detail the weapons in its arsenal, but denied reports that the injuries came from a Dense Inert Metal Explosive (Dime), an experimental weapon.

In Gaza, Dr Saqa'a said the small pieces of shrapnel found in patients' bodies did not show up under x-ray. "We are used to seeing shrapnel penetrate the body making localised damage. Now we didn't see shrapnel, but we found the destruction," he said.

Most of the injuries were around the abdomen, he said. The doctors also found that patients who were stabilised after one or two days suddenly died. "The patient dies without any apparent scientific cause," he said.

At the Kamal Odwan hospital, in Beit Lahiya, the deputy director, Saied Jouda, said he had found similar injuries. "We don't know what it means - new weapons or something new added to a previous weapon," he said. He too found patients with severe internal injuries without signs of any large shrapnel pieces. "There was burning, big raw areas of charred flesh," he said. "This must be related to the type of explosive material."

Photographs of some of the dead from Shifa hospital showed bodies that had been melted and blackened beyond recognition. In several cases doctors amputated badly burnt limbs.

At least 250 Palestinians have died in Gaza since the latest military operations began and hundreds more have been injured.

Neither of the doctors could give exact figures for the numbers of patients suffering the new injuries, although both said that most of those brought in during July showed signs of these injuries.

Dr Saqa'a said the injuries occurred over six weeks beginning in late June, while Dr Jouda said he believed patients admitted even in recent days still showed signs of unusual injuries.

The health ministry in Gaza reported that these injuries came from an "unprecedented type of projectile," and also noted severe burning and badly damaged internal organs. It called for an investigation into the cause of the wounds.

"You have complete burns that lead to amputation. You find shrapnel entering the body and leaving very, very small holes. We have never seen this before," said Khalid Radi, a spokesman at the health ministry.

Tissue samples from patients in Gaza were given to journalists from the Italian television channel RAI. In a documentary shown last week, the channel said the injuries appeared similar to the effects of Dime. An Italian laboratory that analysed the samples reportedly said its results were compatible with the hypothesis that a Dime weapon was involved.

The weapon is new and in the US it is still in the early stages of development. It has a carbon-fibre casing and contains fine tungsten particles rather than ordinary metal shrapnel. It causes a very powerful blast, but with a much more limited radius than other explosives.

However, the Israeli military denies the use of Dime weapons. Evil or Very Mad LIARS

"The defence establishment is investing considerable effort to develop weaponry in order to minimise the risk of injury to innocent civilians. With regard to allegations of the use of Dime weaponry, the Israel defence forces deny the possession or use of such weapons," the military said in a statement. "Due to operational reasons, the IDF cannot specify the types and use of weapons in its possession. In addition it should be emphasised that the IDF only uses weapons in accordance with the international law."

Some Israeli military experts have also dismissed the suggestion that a Dime weapon is involved.

Isaac Ben-Israel, a professor at Tel Aviv University and a retired Israel air force general who was involved in weapons development, had seen some of the photographs of the dead and injured and said he believed that the wounds came from ordinary explosives. "I can tell you surely that no one in Israel ever developed such a Dime weapon. It doesn't exist at all," he said.


The International Committee of the Red Cross, which monitors weapons used in conflicts, said it had heard reports of similar injuries from Gaza and was collecting information on the case. "We haven't come to any sort of conclusion about what kind of weapon it was," said Bernard Barrett, an ICRC spokesman.

© Copyright Guardian News and Media Limited 2006

Evil or Very Mad and where did Israel get these weapons....let me guess...the US.
Why is Israel allowed to practice terrorism on these people? Why don't they leave them the he** alone?

Israel kills citizens and children. They are terrorists. Why the Christian Zionists in the US want to be connected with these demons is beyond me.
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Reply Sun 22 Oct, 2006 01:35 pm
What does your last article have to with this thread?

And how do you explain a persons affiliation zionism and 9/11???
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Reply Mon 23 Oct, 2006 08:42 pm
You'll have to read the pages. It's quite well explained.
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Reply Mon 23 Oct, 2006 11:31 pm
It was the Dreyfus Affair in France that started the modern Zionist movement. Dreyfus, a Jewish officer in the French military, was accused of treason. He was acquitted and Theodor Hertzl, a journalist, started to write that Jews needed a homeland as Europeans were anti-Semitic that was 50 years before WW II started.
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Reply Wed 25 Oct, 2006 01:08 am
talk72000 wrote:
It was the Dreyfus Affair in France that started the modern Zionist movement. Dreyfus, a Jewish officer in the French military, was accused of treason. He was acquitted and Theodor Hertzl, a journalist, started to write that Jews needed a homeland as Europeans were anti-Semitic that was 50 years before WW II started.

Yes, and this was in the era of nationalism in Europe; Attaturk (the Young Turks), Serbia and the Balkans, etc. Jews wanting a homeland was part of a national trend in Europe for groups wanting their own nation.

Balfour Declaration:
statement of British policy issued in 1917 by Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour. It guaranteed a Jewish natl'l home in Palestine without prejudice to the rights of non Jews there (yeah, right). but did not mention A SEPARATE JEWISH STATE. In 1922 the League of Nations approved a British mandate in Palestine based on the Balfour Declaration.

Zionism was/is the movement to establish a Jewish nat'l home in Palestine. Ever since the destruction of their state in 70 AD, the Jews retained their identity and kept alive their dream of an eventual return from exile. The dream turned into a political movement in the 19th C largely in response to persecution of Jews in Russia and Austria, and Jewish farmers and artisans began to settle in Palestine. The decisive impetus came in 1897 when Theodor Herzl organized the first World Zionist Congress after which Zionist groups were established all over the world. In 1903, the British gov't offered the Jews a home in Uganda, but this was rejected. Leadership of the Zionist movement was assumed by Chaim Weizmann who was largely responsible for the Balfour Declaration in 1917.

So, how did Israel develop into a separate state? Through terrorist campaigns that drove the Brits out. The Palestinians were supposed to be incorporated, but of course that has not happened.

Zionists continue to garner support through the Christian coalition, supported by the folks I've mentioned in this thread; Falwell, Hagee, etc. who are, in turn, supported by the folks in the Bible Belt of the US.

Zionists are also a powerful lobby in Washington, no one can deny that. They'll work every angle they can to get what they want. Blaming 9/11 on the Arabs is not hard to believe at all. If the world hates Muslims, so much the better for the Zionists.

Zionism is built upon lies and deception. Their motto: By deception shall we conquer.
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Reply Wed 25 Oct, 2006 01:26 am
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Reply Wed 25 Oct, 2006 09:54 pm
Amigo wrote:

hey Amigo. Haven't seen you for awhile. Got anything to add here?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Oct, 2006 11:23 pm
Hi, how are you? Let me read through the thread. This is a extremely important topic that depends on a network and input of everyday people. It is on a very short list.

I take it youv'e already seen Loose Change 2nd edition
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