Zionists planned 9/11

Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 28 Sep, 2006 08:26 am
So it really is an international jewish conspiracy to take over...what exactly? And why should I care if it is?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Sep, 2006 12:10 am
The Jewish/Oil Cartel conspiracy aims to control all of the world's wealth and oil. Then all workers rights will be taken away and unions will be forbidden. It is a massive push for power!
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 29 Sep, 2006 03:54 am
Good Lord! I had no idea. That explains everything.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Sep, 2006 07:42 pm
mrcool011 wrote:
pachelbel wrote:
mrcool011 wrote:
This takes blaming the jews for everything to a whole new level. Hitler would be proud!

Hitler? You mean Bush? Same thing.

Yeah a man who started a war that killed 60,000,000 and killed 6,000,000 jews and bush are the same. You're a nut

Ha..ha..ha... convenient of you to place all of the blame on Hitler and nothing on any other party that had a role to play in the war.

If you know your history at all, what started WWI ? Who assassinated the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria? A Serb. When Serbia refused to put the assassin on trial, Austria declared war on them. So....who supported Serbia? Russia, who was backed by France, who was further backed by Britain. Those are the big players anyhow. Italy was in there as well, but they weren't anything to worry about.

Fast forward to the Treaty of Versailles, 1918. The allies totally stripped Germany of everything. They were made the scapegoat to pay for WWI as if they were the culprits who started it all. They were merely supporting the country who had justification in the whole war. And I might add, that if it wasn't for America entering the war, Germany had everyone beat, hands down. As early as 1916, they had the "upper hand" with no battles being fought on German soil. The Soviets were off to deal with their civil war, France was backing out, Britain was on the brink of starvation and lack of supplies, due to the surprising and successful U-boat campaign. Germany offered to leave everything as is, but just to end the war. Britain was considering it, until the Zionists approached the British War Cabinet and made a deal to bring America into the war on their side, in exchange for Palestine at the end of the war. (The Zionists had a lot of pull in Germany as they ran many of the banks, shipping companies etc...)

Once Britain agreed to this deal, the media propaganda machine went to work, using their smearing and villifying tactics to portray the Germans as evil people who ate babies and whatever else they could conjure up. You might remember their media posters stating "beat back the Hun", encouraging Americans to do their part to support the war. America was brought into the war and we know the rest of the story.

Now the interesting thing, was the Germans were unaware of the deception by the Zionists. Not until the Zionists held up the paper of the Balfour declaration at the Treaty of Versailles, did the Germans realize what had occurred. This set the stage for WWII.

On another note altogether, one must also consider historic events that were a few centuries prior to all of this.

On a more religious note in history, if I may draw your attention to the 16th century where the Vatican held all the power in Europe. It wasn't until a German monk by the name of Luther, defied the Vatican and translated the Scriptures into German, so everyone could read it for themselves instead of being manipulated and controlled by the Roman Church. This was called the Protestant Reformation.

The Vatican set up what is called a Counter Reformation. This is what is known as the Jesuits. The two world wars were simply the materialization of the planning and execution of the Vatican plans for "breaking" Protestant Germany. Revenge enacted on the very country which stood up against the Vatican in the 16th century. Islam and America (Protestant) are the next targets. Of course, America is used as the pawn to win these battles, as noone can dispute the industrial might of the US. America is being deceived into believing they are at risk by Islam, when they are not. It is the Vatican using their influence through the Zionist Israel, and other agencies to weaken America by fighting to weaken Islam. The Vatican then achieves their goal of eradicating two religious entities.

One other note, is that there are only 5 countries remaining in the world that do not have a centralized bank. This may have been posted by another member here, but this is interesting.
North Korea

Ahghanistan and Iraq were #6 and #7. But as we observe, they have been attacked and restructured. Iran is a target, North Korea is part of the "Axis of Evil", Sudan is enduring a civil war, and Libya & Cuba have always been dubbed as "Communist/terrorist" countries, so that's a no brainer.

Combine that with the plans to amalgamate North America into the NAU (North American Union between Canada, US and Mexico. Much the same as the EU) and a one world banking system will be in place to further control the money, and therefore, the people.

Yes, I have found out that the Zionists are indeed a problem, but they are a subterfuge for the entity working 'behind the scenes', and have been ever since the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century; the Vatican.
This should be alarming to anyone whether you're religious or not. They WILL force everyone to conform to their religious ideology otherwise, dissenters and heretics will be dealt with. Freedoms such as speech and religion will be no more. Things will return to the way they were when Rome was in power back in the dark ages. They'll just have more technology and toys to keep people in line, that's all.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Sep, 2006 10:06 pm
Americanadian is to be congratulated for his interesting explanation. He is basically correct but he does not highlight the influence of the oil cartel. The oil cartel is the group which has funded the bankers who control the flow of funds to support Zionism.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 02:14 am
MarionT wrote:
The oil cartel is the group which has funded the bankers who control the flow of funds to support Zionism.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Oct, 2006 12:13 am
You have it exactly right. It proves that the Oil Cartel exists. Oil is the life blood of capitalism and it could not exist without oil.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 12:34 pm
MarionT wrote:
You have it exactly right. It proves that the Oil Cartel exists. Oil is the life blood of capitalism and it could not exist without oil.
oil is the life blood of civilisation my dear

and why should we not protect it?

do you want to live in a tent in the desert with nomads?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Oct, 2006 01:22 am
Not if it costs millions of lives and can possibly lead to world wide nuclear disaster. We can live even if we cut our oil consumption radically. We would not live as well but at least we would live. The alternative is death by nuclear devices in our cities.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Oct, 2006 09:30 pm

The Bretton Woods Agreement was in 1971 and the US Dollar was decoupled from gold duriong Nixon's time.

See here: Bretton Woods 1971
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Oct, 2006 09:37 pm
Coal could be converted to oil.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Oct, 2006 11:59 pm
Coal converted to Oil? You must be kidding. Don't you know that the planet is drowning in its own wastes and that coal mining is deadly insofar as it releases tons of Co2 into the air?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Oct, 2006 11:30 pm
Americanadian wrote:
mrcool011 wrote:
pachelbel wrote:
mrcool011 wrote:
This takes blaming the jews for everything to a whole new level. Hitler would be proud!

Hitler? You mean Bush? Same thing.

Yeah a man who started a war that killed 60,000,000 and killed 6,000,000 jews and bush are the same. You're a nut

Ha..ha..ha... convenient of you to place all of the blame on Hitler and nothing on any other party that had a role to play in the war.

If you know your history at all, what started WWI ? Who assassinated the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria? A Serb. When Serbia refused to put the assassin on trial, Austria declared war on them. So....who supported Serbia? Russia, who was backed by France, who was further backed by Britain. Those are the big players anyhow. Italy was in there as well, but they weren't anything to worry about.

Fast forward to the Treaty of Versailles, 1918. The allies totally stripped Germany of everything. They were made the scapegoat to pay for WWI as if they were the culprits who started it all. They were merely supporting the country who had justification in the whole war. And I might add, that if it wasn't for America entering the war, Germany had everyone beat, hands down. As early as 1916, they had the "upper hand" with no battles being fought on German soil. The Soviets were off to deal with their civil war, France was backing out, Britain was on the brink of starvation and lack of supplies, due to the surprising and successful U-boat campaign. Germany offered to leave everything as is, but just to end the war. Britain was considering it, until the Zionists approached the British War Cabinet and made a deal to bring America into the war on their side, in exchange for Palestine at the end of the war. (The Zionists had a lot of pull in Germany as they ran many of the banks, shipping companies etc...)

Once Britain agreed to this deal, the media propaganda machine went to work, using their smearing and villifying tactics to portray the Germans as evil people who ate babies and whatever else they could conjure up. You might remember their media posters stating "beat back the Hun", encouraging Americans to do their part to support the war. America was brought into the war and we know the rest of the story.

Now the interesting thing, was the Germans were unaware of the deception by the Zionists. Not until the Zionists held up the paper of the Balfour declaration at the Treaty of Versailles, did the Germans realize what had occurred. This set the stage for WWII.

On another note altogether, one must also consider historic events that were a few centuries prior to all of this.

On a more religious note in history, if I may draw your attention to the 16th century where the Vatican held all the power in Europe. It wasn't until a German monk by the name of Luther, defied the Vatican and translated the Scriptures into German, so everyone could read it for themselves instead of being manipulated and controlled by the Roman Church. This was called the Protestant Reformation.

The Vatican set up what is called a Counter Reformation. This is what is known as the Jesuits. The two world wars were simply the materialization of the planning and execution of the Vatican plans for "breaking" Protestant Germany. Revenge enacted on the very country which stood up against the Vatican in the 16th century. Islam and America (Protestant) are the next targets. Of course, America is used as the pawn to win these battles, as noone can dispute the industrial might of the US. America is being deceived into believing they are at risk by Islam, when they are not. It is the Vatican using their influence through the Zionist Israel, and other agencies to weaken America by fighting to weaken Islam. The Vatican then achieves their goal of eradicating two religious entities.

One other note, is that there are only 5 countries remaining in the world that do not have a centralized bank. This may have been posted by another member here, but this is interesting.
North Korea

Ahghanistan and Iraq were #6 and #7. But as we observe, they have been attacked and restructured. Iran is a target, North Korea is part of the "Axis of Evil", Sudan is enduring a civil war, and Libya & Cuba have always been dubbed as "Communist/terrorist" countries, so that's a no brainer.

Combine that with the plans to amalgamate North America into the NAU (North American Union between Canada, US and Mexico. Much the same as the EU) and a one world banking system will be in place to further control the money, and therefore, the people.

Yes, I have found out that the Zionists are indeed a problem, but they are a subterfuge for the entity working 'behind the scenes', and have been ever since the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century; the Vatican.
This should be alarming to anyone whether you're religious or not. They WILL force everyone to conform to their religious ideology otherwise, dissenters and heretics will be dealt with. Freedoms such as speech and religion will be no more. Things will return to the way they were when Rome was in power back in the dark ages. They'll just have more technology and toys to keep people in line, that's all.

Thank you for an intelligent reply, which I completely agree with- except that I do think the Zionists are more of a threat. The world's key bankers are Jews/Zionists (see previous posts on this thread). There is perhaps a competition between the Vatican and the Zionists to get the world under their thumb.

I started a thread awhile ago about the Euro versus the dollar, and the significance of Iran wanting to go Euro. I predicted the US would threaten war, as they did with Iraq over the same issue.

Funny how the truth gets buried under political spins & propaganda such as "WMD's, war on terror, or let's bring em democracy and freedom!"

Would the troops in Iraq be there if they knew they were there to secure oil fields or the US dollar?

I don't think the Trojan war was over Helen, either. But I digress Cool
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Oct, 2006 12:21 am

Important News!!!- EURO vs DOLLAR- Important News!!!

Some time back I did a post about Iran's methodology in bringing the west to its knees. Iran has opened its Iranian Oil Bursary the IOB to European trading. The thing about that is this. Iran is offering Europe cheaper fuel, and now according to the Middle East News report, and many others I might add, the Euro is set to replace the dollar as oil currency, this will happen in July. This will send the stock market into a tail spin, because the American dollar is over inflated and needs OPEC to continue to trade with the American Dollar.

This will have a major impact on the market because when word gets out that the American dollar is no longer stable and starts to slide then share holders will be pulling out of American company stocks. Crash!!! Investors will lose faith in the American Stock Market, and will sell their stocks before they fall to much further. There are signs that this is already happening because the American dollar is losing ground against the Euro. You have to ask what will happen in July when the Euro is in full swing in trading with the IOB???

We have already seen that the dollar is sliding, and the thing to watch is if Gold starts to rise, then it will become obvious that the American dollars is not stable at all.

Here is my post that you really should read which gives you a basic background and understanding about the IOB and the American dollar. It will give you the answers to why is the dollar inflated, and why is the gold important? Trust me it is easy reading, if I can understand it then anyone can! Then come back to read the quotes that have been posted around the net from a number of different resources all saying the same thing.

Middle East News:

Iran: Euro to replace dollar as oil currency In July Iran will ditch the dollar in favour of the euro as the currency in which it will accept payments for its oil and natural gas exports, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced Friday. The switch, first mooted months ago, was expected but Ahmadinejad's decision comes just as Washington is stepping up pressure on other United Nations Security Council members to act against Tehran for flouting agreements taken with the UN's nuclear watchdog. Ahmadinejad's announcement, made in Baku, Azerbaijan where the Iranian leader is attending a regional economics conference, appears aimed at weakening the United States' resolve to seek sanctions against Iran if it does not comply with the UN International Agency for Atomic Energy's demands. Some observers beleive the Iranian move could deal a severe blow the the American currency as many central banks from oil importing nations could choose to stock up their currency reserves with euros rather than dollars- AKI.

A BIG factor in what's going on in Iran and a BIG factor with the invasion of Iraq. It is not about WMD's, or democracy. Bottom line - it's about money. America wants to be top dog. At any cost. Who knew?
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danny boy
Reply Wed 11 Oct, 2006 04:43 pm
Sometimes you blame american imperialism and sometimes on MOSSAD why dont you nut jobs make up your mind!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Oct, 2006 09:32 pm
danny_boy wrote:
Sometimes you blame american imperialism and sometimes on MOSSAD why dont you nut jobs make up your mind!

because, nutjob, it is both: american imperialism and mossad. can you possibly assimilate that fact? duh
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Oct, 2006 09:32 pm
danny_boy wrote:
Sometimes you blame american imperialism and sometimes on MOSSAD why dont you nut jobs make up your mind!

because, nutjob, it is both: american imperialism and mossad. they are one and the same. can you possibly assimilate that fact? duh
0 Replies
danny boy
Reply Thu 12 Oct, 2006 03:48 pm
Do you think if you post twice it makes you right? You believe and advocate far fetched BS to justify your anti-semitism and I am the nut job?
Just explain to me what dont you blame on mossad??

Name me some major **** going down in the world that you dont believe mossad was behind??

Do you think they are behind global warming also?? Which if it existed you would most certainly blame on Israel.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 12 Oct, 2006 09:39 pm
danny_boy wrote:
Do you think if you post twice it makes you right? You believe and advocate far fetched BS to justify your anti-semitism and I am the nut job?
Just explain to me what dont you blame on mossad??

Name me some major **** going down in the world that you dont believe mossad was behind??

Do you think they are behind global warming also?? Which if it existed you would most certainly blame on Israel.


Don't get caught in pachy's web.

I have no doubt he believes the outlandish nonsense he spews, but at the same time he loves to come to these threads and attempt to provoke Americans. If they happen to be pro-Israeli Americans, so much the better, and if they happen to be Israelis...I suspect he is in heaven.

Provocation is not so bad, it is the mind numbing repetitiveness of pachy's that is objectionable.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Oct, 2006 11:17 pm
Americanadian wrote:
mrcool011 wrote:
pachelbel wrote:
mrcool011 wrote:
This takes blaming the jews for everything to a whole new level. Hitler would be proud!

Hitler? You mean Bush? Same thing.

Yeah a man who started a war that killed 60,000,000 and killed 6,000,000 jews and bush are the same. You're a nut

Ha..ha..ha... convenient of you to place all of the blame on Hitler and nothing on any other party that had a role to play in the war.

If you know your history at all, what started WWI ? Who assassinated the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria? A Serb. When Serbia refused to put the assassin on trial, Austria declared war on them. So....who supported Serbia? Russia, who was backed by France, who was further backed by Britain. Those are the big players anyhow. Italy was in there as well, but they weren't anything to worry about.

Fast forward to the Treaty of Versailles, 1918. The allies totally stripped Germany of everything. They were made the scapegoat to pay for WWI as if they were the culprits who started it all. They were merely supporting the country who had justification in the whole war. And I might add, that if it wasn't for America entering the war, Germany had everyone beat, hands down. As early as 1916, they had the "upper hand" with no battles being fought on German soil. The Soviets were off to deal with their civil war, France was backing out, Britain was on the brink of starvation and lack of supplies, due to the surprising and successful U-boat campaign. Germany offered to leave everything as is, but just to end the war. Britain was considering it, until the Zionists approached the British War Cabinet and made a deal to bring America into the war on their side, in exchange for Palestine at the end of the war. (The Zionists had a lot of pull in Germany as they ran many of the banks, shipping companies etc...)

Once Britain agreed to this deal, the media propaganda machine went to work, using their smearing and villifying tactics to portray the Germans as evil people who ate babies and whatever else they could conjure up. You might remember their media posters stating "beat back the Hun", encouraging Americans to do their part to support the war. America was brought into the war and we know the rest of the story.

Now the interesting thing, was the Germans were unaware of the deception by the Zionists. Not until the Zionists held up the paper of the Balfour declaration at the Treaty of Versailles, did the Germans realize what had occurred. This set the stage for WWII.

On another note altogether, one must also consider historic events that were a few centuries prior to all of this.

On a more religious note in history, if I may draw your attention to the 16th century where the Vatican held all the power in Europe. It wasn't until a German monk by the name of Luther, defied the Vatican and translated the Scriptures into German, so everyone could read it for themselves instead of being manipulated and controlled by the Roman Church. This was called the Protestant Reformation.

The Vatican set up what is called a Counter Reformation. This is what is known as the Jesuits. The two world wars were simply the materialization of the planning and execution of the Vatican plans for "breaking" Protestant Germany. Revenge enacted on the very country which stood up against the Vatican in the 16th century. Islam and America (Protestant) are the next targets. Of course, America is used as the pawn to win these battles, as noone can dispute the industrial might of the US. America is being deceived into believing they are at risk by Islam, when they are not. It is the Vatican using their influence through the Zionist Israel, and other agencies to weaken America by fighting to weaken Islam. The Vatican then achieves their goal of eradicating two religious entities.

One other note, is that there are only 5 countries remaining in the world that do not have a centralized bank. This may have been posted by another member here, but this is interesting.
North Korea

Ahghanistan and Iraq were #6 and #7. But as we observe, they have been attacked and restructured. Iran is a target, North Korea is part of the "Axis of Evil", Sudan is enduring a civil war, and Libya & Cuba have always been dubbed as "Communist/terrorist" countries, so that's a no brainer.

Combine that with the plans to amalgamate North America into the NAU (North American Union between Canada, US and Mexico. Much the same as the EU) and a one world banking system will be in place to further control the money, and therefore, the people.

Yes, I have found out that the Zionists are indeed a problem, but they are a subterfuge for the entity working 'behind the scenes', and have been ever since the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century; the Vatican.
This should be alarming to anyone whether you're religious or not. They WILL force everyone to conform to their religious ideology otherwise, dissenters and heretics will be dealt with. Freedoms such as speech and religion will be no more. Things will return to the way they were when Rome was in power back in the dark ages. They'll just have more technology and toys to keep people in line, that's all.

I suppose, Finn, you think that anyone who is Canadian (especially those ex-pats) are objectionable. Just because it doesn't fit your worldview doesn't make it wrong. I think Americanadian is right on. Anyone with a brain stem would think so.

As for Israel, I have objections to a country who has WMD's, who practices terror on citizens (Palestinians) and who are supported by the US, who, for some obscure reason, don't wish to call Israel a terrorist nation.

The fact is, Israel wants every country around it to disarm. How would YOU feel if you were an Iranian? Israel could blow them away.

You can spew your brew somewhere else Finn. It doesn't wash here :wink:
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