BernardR wrote:I wrote that only 7.5% of the private working force is UNIONIZED
Yet you crowed mightlily in several posts when Lieberman got the endorsement of 14 mostly small unions. Now that Lamont gets the endorsement of big unions like the United Auto Workers, both teachers' unions and the Service Workers' union, (55,000 members in Connecticut!), Bernard lectures us on how union endorsements aren't important.
Sounds like Bernard is getting desperate to post anything that remotely sounds like good news for Lieberman-even if it directly contradicts what he already posted.
BernardR wrote:Do you know, Nimh, that the election in November will revolved around TURNOUT and NOT number of people registered or number of people polled?
Oh, polls aren't important, Bernard? Then why, when the first polls came out with Lieberman with a big lead, you triumphantly posted them on this thread over and over. When the polls then showed Lamont moving up fast, you deign to lecture us about how polls are unimportant.