Why oh why do these players not listen to me...
I'm 3 for 7 so far.
Pantalones was right. Told ya he would win this thing...
edit - moving along to 3 out of 8, a new low..
Through the early games we are all doing, in varying degrees, pretty poorly. I changed my picks in two games and lost both of them. Memo to johnboy: Stop listening to am radio.
For what it is worth, Fbaezer is in the lead at 5-3 along with Cowdoc. I think the rest of us may this week be toast.
And sure enough, through the late games, it is not getting much better.
The best of the best of us are Fbaezer and Cowdoc at 8-4. Both of them have Dallas in the Monday night game with total points being 39 and 41, respectively. If the NY Giants win, though, JPB, Pantalones and Cjhsa get involved.
5-7 here, I think. Slaps self, but for which precise games? lost a bunch by a little.
Glad for fbaezer. CowDoc always sharp.. or sharp-ish.
I am glad to be again leading the group in deviant pernts.
So, I think I went 9-4. Correct? Lots of points put up last night too.
cjhsa wrote:So, I think I went 9-4. Correct? Lots of points put up last night too.
I have you at 8-5 with losses by Philly, San Diego, Pittsburgh, Jacksonville and Seattle. But fear not. Results for the week follow.
Week #7 was a weak week for us as a group. We piled up 114 incorrect picks, equalling Week #1.
We ended up with 5 players, I say 5 players, tied at 8-5. The most we have ever had before was perhaps 3. Finishing at 8-5 were Fbaezer (who had set 39 as the total points in the Monday night game, JPB (17), Pantalones (33), Cjhsa (45) and Cowdoc (41). The final score was 36-22 for a total of 58. Cjhsa wins the weekly title in his first week of participation. Well done!
7 weeks and 7 different winners.
Ending up at 7-6 were Region, Child, and Tico. Clumped at 6-7 were JPinMilw, Osso, Sublime and Kicky. Then came Liontamer, Chiso (with an uncharacteristically bad week), Jespah and Johnboy (my second 5-8 week in a row). And then there was George at 4-9.
The best ESPN expert came in at 7-6. The worst was right down there with George at 4-9.
awright, George!!
WTG, cjhsa.
Here are the standings through 7 weeks. I am surprised that there wasn't a lot of shuffling around:
1) Cowdoc (with a winning % of .730)(Last week he was #1)
2) Chiso (.690)(2)
3) Region (.680)(3)
-) Best ESPN Guy (.670)
4) Child (.660)(5)
5) Pantalones (.650)(8)
6) Kickycan (.649)(4)
7) Sublime (.640)(6)
7) JPinMilw (.640)(6)
9) JPB (.610)(12)
9) Osso (.640)(10)
11) Cjhsa (.615)(-)
12) Lion (.600)(9)
13) George (.580)(11)
13) Johnboy (.580)(12)
15) Fbaezer (.560)(16)
-) Worst ESPN Guy (.560)
16) Tico (.540)(15)
17) Jespah (.510)(17)
I included Cjhsa even though he has only played 13 games. Had he had an exceptionally good or bad week I would have left him out until he gets in more games.
And I really thought those were good picks (well, Dallas and Detroit were a stretch).
Ma, che disgrazia!
It's my birthday, won the week, got a new gun, Dallas lost...
Today's your birthday? Have a happy!!!

It's from a Geico commercial with Mini-me... sorry!
The Schedule for Week #8 --- 14 Games to pick:
Sunday, October 29 @ 1 pm:
San Francisco (2-4 for the season) @ Chicago (6-0)
Atlanta (4-2) @ Cincinnati (4-2)
Arizona (1-6) @ Green Bay (2-4)
Houston (2-4) @ Tennessee (1-5)
Seattle (4-2) @ Kansas City (3-3)
Baltimore (4-2) @ New Orleans (5-1)
Tampa Bay (2-4) @ NY Giants (4-2)
Jacksonville (3-3) @ Philadelphia (4-3)
4 pm or so:
St Louis (4-2) @ San Diego (4-2)
Pittsburgh (2-4) @ Oakland (1-5)
NY Jets (4-3) @ Cleveland (1-5)
Indianapolis (6-0) @ Denver (5-1)
Sunday night:
Dallas (3-3) @ Carolina (4-3)
Monday night:
New England (5-1) @ Minnesota (4-2)
and the total number of points in that game.
4 teams mercifully have the week off. Together they have a season record of 6-22. Buffalo, Miami, Detroit and Washington.
Thanks for all the hardwork you're doing johnboy. I still intend to do the program, but now I'm sure I'll start come vacation time and not before.
Also, never in my best predictions I would've said being only .020 below the best ESPN guy.
I'm beginning to hate all these teams...
Johnboy quickly makes his picks. Thinking about them any longer won't make any difference.
Green Bay
Kansas City
New Orleans
NY Giants
San Diego
NY Jets
New England (37)
Green Bay
NY Giants
San Diego
NY Jets
San Francisco @ Chicago : Toss up, edge to home Bears
Atlanta (4-2) @ Cincinnati (4-2) : Cincinatti
Arizona (1-6) @ Green Bay (2-4) : Green Bay
Houston (2-4) @ Tennessee (1-5) : Tennesee
Seattle (4-2) @ Kansas City (3-3) : Kansas City
Baltimore (4-2) @ New Orleans (5-1) : New Orleans (another tossup)
Tampa Bay (2-4) @ NY Giants (4-2): Giants
Jacksonville (3-3) @ Philadelphia (4-3) : Philly (home field adv)
St Louis (4-2) @ San Diego (4-2): San Diego
Pittsburgh (2-4) @ Oakland (1-5): Pittsburgh (both suck, P's Superbowl win was a fluke and referee assisted)
NY Jets (4-3) @ Cleveland (1-5): Jets
Indianapolis (6-0) @ Denver (5-1): Denver
Sunday night:
Dallas (3-3) @ Carolina (4-3): Carolina (why do people love the Cowpies?)
Monday night:
New England (5-1) @ Minnesota (4-2) : Minnesota (45)
Honestly if there's one team in the league I could watch every Monday night it would be Green Bay. I don't understand how teams like Dallas continue to get the marquis games when they suck. Green Bay IS the NFL, and I'm a 49ers fan.