SierraSong wrote:revel wrote:As media matters have noted, it's not the first time Coulter has suggested someone be shot. The reason why it is important to point out these kinds of statements from various high profile media types is because unfortunately they hold a lot of influence in certain parts of the American public. They need to be exposed over and over again in my opinion to get them out of the public eye (without violence) or at least loose their credibility with their followers.
Has media matters "exposed over and over again" the fact that Randi Rhodes of Airhead America has joked about assassinating the president - not once, but at least twice?
Or is this just another case of the Left believing in freedom of speech, but only THEIR freedom of speech?
Yeah, thought so.
Please provide a link to any transcript demonstrating Rhodes has done so.
Then, we can compose a letter together stating our disgust at such a level of political discourse along with a demand for the removal of the individual from the station(s)/publications which carry her/him. We can both sign and send copies to the relevant stations and publishers.
One letter will detail Coulter's statements. The second letter will detail Rhodes' statements.
Do we have a deal, sierra song?