So she must be demonized!
Ann Coulter has a new book out. Ann Coulter wants to generate publicity for her new book, in order to increase sales. She does this by saying outrageous things to get attention. Fine ... it just happens that the outrageous things happen to be true, and Coulter says them much better than anyone else. Her latest effort is no exception. In her new book 'Godless: The Church of Liberalism,' Coulter takes on a small group of the 9/11 widows, saying among other things: "I've never seen people enjoy their husbands' deaths so much." Oh Lordy .. how the left doth rage! View video of Ann on the Today Show with Matt Lauer.
The fact is what she wrote was true! And the left is busy right now making Coulter's point for her. There is a small set of 9/11 victims whose loved ones were tragically killed on that day....who have chosen to step into the arena of politics. They criticize the Bush Administration at every turn and they showed up at the 9/11 Commission meetings to try and back Richard Clarke. These widows are the perfect spokesmen for the left! Think about it ... they're set up as icons for no reason other than their husbands happened to have a job at the World Trade Center. Once they have been established as untouchable icons, they start parroting the leftist anti-Bush, anti-war line. The difference here is that you're just supposed to sit here and take it. The rules of politically correct engagement dictate that you are not allowed to criticize them or what they say because they are 9/11 widows! Ann Coulter crossed that line, as only Ann Coulter can ... and now the left is playing their cards exactly the way the play book says they should.
This is not unlike Cindy Sheehan. Some say she shouldn't be criticized because her son was killed in Iraq. But when she chose to become an activist and push her cause, she opened herself up to debate. All bets are off. This is the same thing. A very small group of 9/11 widows are milking what happened. Did they want their husbands to die? Of course not. But now they're perfectly willing to wrap themselves in the shield of 9/11 widowhood while they take their shots at Bush and our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
By the way ... Ann Coulter will be on the show today. She can say all of this much better than I can.