Ann Coulter Attacks 9/11 Widows

Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:10 am
Leno on Bush last week:

The physician informed Bush after his physical examination that he was in good health...from the neck down.
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:34 am
Advocate -- I care about exact language. A friend of my daughter's came to a small dinner party at my house. I was in the middle of a complicated preparation when my daughter called from the high school, asking for a ride. I turned to Alexis and asked, "Did you drive here?" She said yes, so I asked her to fetch my daughter. Alexis then said, "I don't have the car. My mother drove me." I then pointed out that I didn't ask, "Were you driven?"

I strongly feel some words are gender specific. We all have a personal dialect. In mine, jerk and lout are masculine. There are other words that suit women who are less than intelligent or "unladylike" in their behavior.

Now, to call Coulter unladylike just isn't strong enough. It is inexact and doesn't sound the depths she sinks to. But loutish isn't bad. We can not call her a hillbilly, or a bumpkin, words that some might link to loutish, because she is too urban. Note: there is no e at the end of the word!

She does remind people of another association with loutish: crude.

The question is: could we align her with the women who expose themselves on the Jerry Springer Show, or is that too extreme an analogy?
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:40 am
Hi LW, how've you been lately?

plainoldme wrote:
The point we have been making here -- and many others make daily -- is the Ann Coulter is neither funny, informed or in good taste.

Frankly, Coulter is an exhibitionist. Were she a man, she would be described as "loutish."

Yes, it's true. No one is faulting Coulter for trying to deliver good satirical entertainment. Our point is that she's got lead for brains and she's heavy handed in her attempts. On the other hand, since she's trying to provide satirical entertainment to a literal minded, linear thinking audience, I suppose she's doing what she needs to do to be understood. For this reason, we can also fault her for the company she keeps. And we can extend it to all those other un-funny boobs otherwise known as TV personalities on Fox News.

SierraSong wrote:
Coulter doesn't represent the GOP any more than Franken represents the DLC.

This is either a profoundly naive or overly literal claim. Of course Coulter speaks for and to her largely fanatically conservative GOP audience. Just as Al Franken speaks for and to his liberal, largely Democratic listeners.

It seems to me that the difference in opinion we're having about how successfully funny Ann Coulter manages to be has to do with our individual orientations. Some of us need it simple and authoritarian while others of us prefer a bit of subtlety and sophistication in the productions of our humorists.
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:47 am
Main Entry: 2lout
Function: noun
Etymology: perhaps from 1lout
: an awkward brutish person


In these days of gender neutrality, there is probably a blurring of the gender separation in language. The more I think about it, "loutish" is the perfect adjective here.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:50 am
Advocate wrote:
Main Entry: 2lout
Function: noun
Etymology: perhaps from 1lout
: an awkward brutish person


In these days of gender neutrality, there is probably a blurring of the gender separation in language. The more I think about it, "loutish" is the perfect adjective here.

hear! hear!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 10:50 am
SS said:
Ann Coulter and David Letterman are not counterparts ... not even close.

That's surely a rational differentiation. (of course, earlier, both finn and tico described Ann as an entertainer, a claim which seems rather silly).

But there's something very interesting in this "counterpart" notion.

There are two relevant definitions for counterpart:
a - One that closely resembles another.
b - One that has the same functions and characteristics as another; a corresponding person or thing

That second definition commonly slips over (for anyone who thinks in black and white simplicities or dichotomies) into the assumption/insistence that if, say, Karl Rove smears and lies, then there will be a counterpart in the Dems who does it too, in the same way. Folks who think this way ususally do it quite unconsciously or unreflectively. If there is an Ann Coulter, there must be someone like her (mirror image) supporting Dems. Maybe Frankin, maybe Moore...but someone will be over there who is like Ann.

But it is the defensive posture only for black/white thinkers...they support "a side" in some conflict and if you claim their side does bad thing X, then they pull out the "your side does it too". They simply believe it must be so, as if there is an inevitable axiom at work.

Yet that axiom somehow doesn't apply offensively, or where they perceive that the other party is guilty of something bad. Your side either will not have committed the act or they will be justified in their behavior and acts. There's no mirror image justification granted for the other side.

For example, f4f might have the idea that anything Hezbollah is guilty of, Israel must be too whereas, for cheerleaders on the 'other side', if Israel does anything bad, then Hamas will have done it as well. Usually worse.

This saves all the effort involved in study and in thinking carefully. And it spares one the discomfort of facing or acknowledging that one's party or favored "side" might be uniquely shitty.
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 11:00 am
Blatham -- Good post! I have often heard David Letterman described as a "satirist." It is pretty obvious that the righties consider Coulter a satirist.

Certainly, we've had the alien concept that she is funny presented to us over and over again. People are more apt to like Letterman's comic skill than to detract from it.

Letterman does not take himself as seriously as Coulter takes herself. That is evident by Letterman's frequent jibes at himself. At the same time, I think Letterman is more secure than Coulter is. I have pointed out the difference in the way Coulter was dressed and made up when guesting with Katie Couric v. the way she was 'glamorized' for an appearance with Bill Maher. The Barbie-doll extremes she is willing to go illustrates that insecurity.

We know nothing about Coulter. How old is she? Is she educated? How did she get to be a published author?

We know Letterman is 59, from Indiana where he attended Ball State University and that he began his career as a tv weatherman.
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 11:25 am
Always able to supply the mot juste, BL! I think "uniquely shitty" sums her up well.
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 12:42 pm
blatham wrote:
SS said:
Ann Coulter and David Letterman are not counterparts ... not even close.

That's surely a rational differentiation. (of course, earlier, both finn and tico described Ann as an entertainer, a claim which seems rather silly).

But there's something very interesting in this "counterpart" notion.

There are two relevant definitions for counterpart:
a - One that closely resembles another.
b - One that has the same functions and characteristics as another; a corresponding person or thing

That second definition commonly slips over (for anyone who thinks in black and white simplicities or dichotomies) into the assumption/insistence that if, say, Karl Rove smears and lies, then there will be a counterpart in the Dems who does it too, in the same way. Folks who think this way ususally do it quite unconsciously or unreflectively. If there is an Ann Coulter, there must be someone like her (mirror image) supporting Dems. Maybe Frankin, maybe Moore...but someone will be over there who is like Ann.

But it is the defensive posture only for black/white thinkers...they support "a side" in some conflict and if you claim their side does bad thing X, then they pull out the "your side does it too". They simply believe it must be so, as if there is an inevitable axiom at work.

Yet that axiom somehow doesn't apply offensively, or where they perceive that the other party is guilty of something bad. Your side either will not have committed the act or they will be justified in their behavior and acts. There's no mirror image justification granted for the other side.

For example, f4f might have the idea that anything Hezbollah is guilty of, Israel must be too whereas, for cheerleaders on the 'other side', if Israel does anything bad, then Hamas will have done it as well. Usually worse.

This saves all the effort involved in study and in thinking carefully. And it spares one the discomfort of facing or acknowledging that one's party or favored "side" might be uniquely shitty.

David Michael Letterman (born April 12, 1947) is an American late night talk show host, comedian, television producer, Indy Racing League car owner (Rahal Letterman Racing), and philanthropist.

Letterman's ironic, often absurd comedy is heavily influenced by comedians Steve Allen and Johnny Carson. He is the host of The Late Show with David Letterman on CBS.


Ann Hart Coulter (born December 8, 1961, New York City) is an American author, columnist, and pundit. She frequently appears on television, radio, and as a speaker at public and private events.

Known for her controversial style and conservative views, she has been described by The Guardian as "the Republican Michael Moore," and "Rush Limbaugh in a miniskirt."Coulter has described herself as a "polemicist" who likes to "stir up the pot" and makes no pretense at being "impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do." She is known for her expressed disdain for the Democratic Party and American liberalism.


That's all I'm sayin'. I don't need to 'pick a side' (I already have) to see two separate entities.

Letterman slams both sides. Ann reserves her disdain strictly for the looney-left, same as her counterparts, Moore and Franken, reserve theirs for the righties.

I do recall Letterman's many, many references (very funny) to Bill Clinton's pasty white thighs in the 90's. He and Paul even had a song about it LOL.

Letterman also, ahem, made some references to Bill being gay back in the day.
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 01:25 pm
plainoldme wrote:
The point we have been making here -- and many others make daily -- is the Ann Coulter is neither funny, informed or in good taste.

And Natalie Maines is fat (at least she has "fat tendencies") and can't sing.

Oh, and Cindy Sheehan is so ugly, I'm not sure makeup could help.
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 01:28 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
plainoldme wrote:
The point we have been making here -- and many others make daily -- is the Ann Coulter is neither funny, informed or in good taste.

And Natalie Maines is fat (at least she has "fat tendencies") and can't sing.

Oh, and Cindy Sheehan is so ugly, I'm not sure makeup could help.

There's that Natalie Maines is fat bullsh!t again. Geez, Ticomaya, you must LOVE Ann Coulter. But it figures...conservatives are endlessly hung up when it comes to women and sex.

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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 01:35 pm
Dookiestix wrote:
There's that Natalie Maines is fat bullsh!t again.

I qualified it to "fat tendencies."

Anyway, I thought we were just expressing our opinions here. You may not agree, and that's your prerogative.

Geez, Ticomaya, you must LOVE Ann Coulter.

You must hate her. Why are leftists so full of hate?

But it figures...conservatives are endlessly hung up when it comes to women and sex.


Hey, it's the leftists who keep bringing her up. So I guess it's the leftists who are hung up on women and sex, huh?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 02:37 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Dookiestix wrote:
There's that Natalie Maines is fat bullsh!t again.

I qualified it to "fat tendencies."

Anyway, I thought we were just expressing our opinions here. You may not agree, and that's your prerogative.

Why do conservatives endlessly feel the need to say that? As if I might one day not have the prerogative and/or right to express my own opinion? Laughing

Ticomaya wrote:
Dookiestix wrote:
Geez, Ticomaya, you must LOVE Ann Coulter.

You must hate her. Why are leftists so full of hate?

We're not full of hate. We just hate Ann Coulter.

Why are conservatives so hung up on fat? :wink:

Ticomaya wrote:
Dookiestix wrote:
But it figures...conservatives are endlessly hung up when it comes to women and sex.


Hey, it's the leftists who keep bringing her up. So I guess it's the leftists who are hung up on women and sex, huh?

But I thought it was hate, not sex?

Why is it that conservatives can't make up their minds?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 03:23 pm
Dookiestix wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Dookiestix wrote:
There's that Natalie Maines is fat bullsh!t again.

I qualified it to "fat tendencies."

Anyway, I thought we were just expressing our opinions here. You may not agree, and that's your prerogative.

Why do conservatives endlessly feel the need to say that? As if I might one day not have the prerogative and/or right to express my own opinion? Laughing

I'll assume that is leftist humor, and let it go at that.

Dookie wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Dookiestix wrote:
Geez, Ticomaya, you must LOVE Ann Coulter.

You must hate her. Why are leftists so full of hate?

We're not full of hate. We just hate Ann Coulter.

Why are conservatives so hung up on fat? :wink:

I can't speak for all conservatives, but I'm not hung up on fat.

I just like pointing out that Michael Moore and Natalie Maines are fat. And I usually do so right after some leftist has made a similarly shallow remark about some conservative they hate. As you know, I'm entitled to voice my opinion.

Why does it make you angry when I do?

Dookie wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Dookiestix wrote:
But it figures...conservatives are endlessly hung up when it comes to women and sex.


Hey, it's the leftists who keep bringing her up. So I guess it's the leftists who are hung up on women and sex, huh?

But I thought it was hate, not sex?

Why is it that conservatives can't make up their minds?

You are full of hate, and hung up on sex. Get it right, Dwight.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 03:37 pm
Coulter is uninformed.

Maines is fat.

I don't know about anyone else but I see a big difference in those "insults." Coulter claims to be informed. Maines doesn't claim she is thin. One disagrees with a person and how they view themselves, the other outright attacks on a basis that wasn't brought up before.

Frankly, Michael Moore is uninformed sometimes. I don't see that criticism as an insult.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 03:47 pm
You must hate her. Why are leftists so full of hate?
Hey, it's the leftists who keep bringing her up. So I guess it's the leftists who are hung up on women and sex, huh?[/quote]

For many years, I lived in this town without hearing a political word mentioned. Oh, there was the failure of an elementary school principal -- Suzanne V whose last name I mercifully can not remember -- who stirred up matters by continually asking people to be "sensitive" to the beliefs of others. Some would call her attitude 'politically correct,' but, politically correct is not a doctrine of the left but of the confused and wanting-to-believe they are conforming members of the so-called middle.

Anyway, enough of setting up this piece.

After the man who is giving all Baby Boomers a wretched place in history occupied the White House, political opinions blossomed. I discovered that all the nice people in town, the ones I had sat with at the beach while our kids learned to swim; the ones who greeted you at the grocery store; whose homes were open to you, were all on the left.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 03:51 pm
Advocate wrote:
Main Entry: 2lout
Function: noun
Etymology: perhaps from 1lout
: an awkward brutish person


In these days of gender neutrality, there is probably a blurring of the gender separation in language. The more I think about it, "loutish" is the perfect adjective here.

We would never refer to men using the famous words that rhyme with itch and runt. Nor would we use the second word of that anonymous and ubiquitous trio -- Tom, Dick and Harry -- to describe a female. And do we have linguistic gender neutrality or tip-toeing, as in chairperson or waitron for a server in a restaurant?
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 03:52 pm
Who is Natalie Maines? A descendant of Marjorie?
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 03:56 pm
parados wrote:
Coulter is uninformed.

Maines is fat.

I don't know about anyone else but I see a big difference in those "insults." Coulter claims to be informed. Maines doesn't claim she is thin. One disagrees with a person and how they view themselves, the other outright attacks on a basis that wasn't brought up before.

Well the matter of Maine's fat was brought up before, on another thread. Some leftists too offense at the suggestion (not mine) that she was the "fat one" (of the Dixie Chicks) -- and even offense at the suggestion (mine) that she was "formerly fat."

But let me see if you agree there are other differences and similarities you didn't mention. Some posters on this thread have asserted that Coulter is not funny. Yet I think she's extremely funny. There really isn't any way to quantify this, because humor may be in the ear of the beholder. But Maines we could sit down on a scale and weigh, and do a BMI test, and determine if she is obese or merely "big boned." And yet there are those who would say "fat" is in the eye of the beholder.

So, I think the answer is clear: You are entitled to your opinions (just ask Dookiestix) about the relative level of humor employed by Coulter, and I am entitled to my opinion about the relative level of fat of Michael Moore and Natalie Maines.
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 03:57 pm
plainoldme wrote:

After the man who is giving all Baby Boomers a wretched place in history occupied the White House, political opinions blossomed. I discovered that all the nice people in town, the ones I had sat with at the beach while our kids learned to swim; the ones who greeted you at the grocery store; whose homes were open to you, were all on the left.

I guess that's another entry on your Master List of Everything Good is Liberal, Everything Bad is Conservative.
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