Ann Coulter Attacks 9/11 Widows

Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 04:35 am
mysteryman wrote:
kelticwizard wrote:
Coulter has no connection to McCarthy?

Haw Haw.

So how did THIS picture (the image of Coulter at McCarthy's headstone) got on her very own website?

So,anyone having a picture taken at a grave means that they are connected to whoever was buried there?
Thats a stretch.

Um...well, there's also that book "Treason" (Joe was a really good guy after all but the liberals brought him down...a poor truth-loving angel shot through the heart with poison liberal arrows).

And..uh... there's that statement she made on MSNBC defending Senator Joseph McCarthy as "a misunderstood American hero whose sacrifices preserved America's sovereignty for thirty-plus years."
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Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 07:37 am
BernardR wrote:
( If indeed the coprophilia is performed using conservative material)


One does not "perform" coprophilia. One may have coprophilic interests, obsessions or perversions, etc. There's no law against it. Nor should it be the basis for any discriminatory activity. But you have to admit that it stinks. Or maybe you like the smell. Ann Coulter's followers don't seem to mind, now that I think about it.

cop·ro·phil·i·a ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kpr-fl-)
An abnormal, often obsessive interest in excrement, especially the use of feces for sexual excitement.

In any case, you seem to have missed Bernie's point. Ann Coulter takes liberties when she uses labels with no facts to support them. She speaks as if her opinion were fact. When she says something like, "it's obvious [fill in the blank] is a closet homosexual," and when asked to clarify what makes her think so she responds with something like, "well it's just obvious," it's like saying "just because." There's no information there. It makes her sound like an hysterical doofus. Which she apparently is.
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Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 08:18 am
Good Morning, Lola! Remember, "Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets," ("Damn Yankees") Very Happy

BernardR is engaging in a weak attempt at baiting by advocating various mental abberations and fetishes and then connecting them up to homosexuality. It works for him but nobody else. We can let him continue to fool himself into believing he's clever and if he is, as he is intimating, gay himself, he needs to seek therapy. I'm sure "he's" actual Coulter, or, at least, a moribund satirical character in a Kurt Vonnegut novel.
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Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 08:37 am
Several contributors to this thread accuse those here who are centrist to left of being angry at Coulter because she attacks the left.

What they fail to notice -- or is it comprehend? -- that there are plenty of social critics, satirists and comedians who make both the left and right the brunt of their jokes.

David Letterman satirizes bush simply by running uncut footage. During the last presidential campaign, he also poked fun at Kerry, but his staff had to cut and edit the footage to do so. Letterman still makes Clinton jokes.

Craig Ferguson relishes poking fun at the right but he also sticks it to the left.

The list can and does go on.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 09:30 am
Leno had a really brutal Bush joke this past week.

"Bush's doctor told him he was in very good health...from the neck down." Laughing

I think Leno tells more Bush jokes than Letterman but Jon Steward has a daily (!) Bush laugh-a-thon.

Leno, BTW, guested for Roger Ebert on "At the Movies" with Richard Roeper and was actually quite good.
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Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 10:03 am
plainoldme wrote:
Several contributors to this thread accuse those here who are centrist to left of being angry at Coulter because she attacks the left.

I don't. I think the Left is angry because she just does a better job of it than her counterparts.

plainoldme wrote:
What they fail to notice -- or is it comprehend? -- that there are plenty of social critics, satirists and comedians who make both the left and right the brunt of their jokes.

I'm aware of those groups. What's your point?

plainoldme wrote:
David Letterman satirizes bush simply by running uncut footage. During the last presidential campaign, he also poked fun at Kerry, but his staff had to cut and edit the footage to do so. Letterman still makes Clinton jokes.

Craig Ferguson relishes poking fun at the right but he also sticks it to the left.

The list can and does go on.

Coulter is a conservative political pundit (much like Al Franken, Michael Moore, etc. are liberal political pundits. Letterman, Leno, etal are comedic TV talk show hosts - no comparison whatsoever to Counter/Franken/Moore, etal.

Rush Limbaugh and Randi Rhodes would be 'counterparts'. (Maybe you should look up the word).

Coulter doesn't represent the GOP any more than Franken represents the DLC.

Sadly, the Dems don't understand this and that's why their party has become such a joke to so many.
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Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 10:17 am
SierraSong wrote:
Coulter doesn't represent the GOP any more than Franken represents the DLC.

See, that's where you are wrong. If a person gets praise and support from the leaders of a party, if they are quoted often by many supporters of that party, then it is fair to say that they speak for the members of that party to a real extent. The fact that you are not hired with the title Official Party Spokeman, complete with an office at the National Committee headquarters, does not change that.

In that sense, Coulter does represent Republicans, and Franken does represent Democrats.
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Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 11:07 am
Lightwizard wrote:
Oh, come on, mm -- nobody would take the trouble to have a photo-op taken over McCarthy's grave if they did not agree with him. You need another cup of coffee...or a drink.

Hold on .... your argument is that if someone has had their picture taken at any grave, they must agree with the person buried there? Bizarre.

I'm not claiming that Coulter doesn't admire McCarthy ... I'm just saying I find your logic stunning.
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Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 11:08 am
blatham wrote:

I gotta lighten up.

Always good advice, am I right? ****, it doesn't even matter who it comes from. Maybe a guy in a yellow polka dot clown suit, and he's peeping through secret little holes drilled through two big hairy moles on a mask of Barbara Bush's naked ass (this is a BIG mask... and wrinkles...god you do NOT want to know) and he's wearing a strap-on and the dick is an EXACT duplicate (they did a cast) and it's Jeff Gannon's 9 and a half (cut) inches.

And THIS GUY can tell you to lighten up and it'll be good advice.

Finn can tell me to lighten up. In fact, he did. Maybe he was wearing or even gobbling a Gannon strap-on when he typed his helpful note or maybe not but that has no bearing on the universal applicability of the advice. Because the funny stuff...the really witty top-drawer political satire...well, you don't even SEE it otherwise. It's like you're standing on the corner of Broadway and 9th and you're burrowed down into some stupid serious liberal crap and and a bus goes by on its way to a Republican convention and it's full of Evangelists and Department of Defence White House officials when a fragmentation bomb goes off inside the bus...and you MISSED it! No side-slapping belly laughs for you.

Why impoverish yourself? Lighten up.

Or imagine you are getting a tour of the White House and your tour group catchs a glimpse of Harriet Myers and (I know this'll take some work to even imagine but) no one bursts into laughter at the sight of her legs and so you can actually hear the guy beside you say "Those teeth aren't yellow, they are chicken." If you are heavied up, well hell, that's one great bit of political humor that might just as well have gone down the toilet.

And speaking of toilets, which we definitely are, I have some insights to offer on Ann herself. Now, this isn't new stuff. It's just that liberals can't handle it. Too serious. They are stuck down where nothing moves like that frappacino and crack concrete in a welfare queen's colon.

Ann, it looks pretty obvious to me and a lot of others, is a coprophiliac. I mean, if that ain't a ****-eating grin, I've never seen one. Come on! There's a lot of study on this because that's the kind of thing that intellectuals study. Tell me she doesn't have the whiff about her of the shithouse.

Sigh. God it is good to lighten up. Hey, finn, thanks. Now, that's entertainment!

Lightwizard: If you were looking for an example of "wannabe" humorist, see the above.
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Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 11:09 am
kelticwizard wrote:
SierraSong wrote:
Coulter doesn't represent the GOP any more than Franken represents the DLC.

See, that's where you are wrong. If a person gets praise and support from the leaders of a party, if they are quoted often by many supporters of that party, then it is fair to say that they speak for the members of that party to a real extent. The fact that you are not hired with the title Official Party Spokeman, complete with an office at the National Committee headquarters, does not change that.

In that sense, Coulter does represent Republicans, and Franken does represent Democrats.

Michael Moore gets praise and support, and is quoted often by Democrat supporters. And you might also remember he sat in former President Carter's box at the DNC convention in 2004. Does Michael Moore represent Democrats? What about Cindy Sheehan?

Does Sean Hannity represent Republicans? Liimbaugh? What about Bill Kristol? William F. Buckley? Rich Lowry?
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Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 06:48 pm
Lightwizard wrote:
Oh, come on, mm -- nobody would take the trouble to have a photo-op taken over McCarthy's grave if they did not agree with him. You need another cup of coffee...or a drink.

To answer, Ticomaya wrote:
Hold on .... your argument is that if someone has had their picture taken at any grave, they must agree with the person buried there? Bizarre.

I'm not claiming that Coulter doesn't admire McCarthy ... I'm just saying I find your logic stunning.

Given this context, that is about the only conclusion that can be drawn.

By far, the most common reason people visit gravesites is to pay homage to the deceased. In special occasions, there could be other reasons. For instance, a person might get their photo taken at the gravesite of an enemy to show their final triumph over them. You have to be pretty vindictive to do that, but it is a remote possiblility.

In this case though, given Coulter's political position and expressed admiration for Joseph McCarthy, it is clear that she is there to show her support for him.
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Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 07:07 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Michael Moore gets praise and support, and is quoted often by Democrat supporters. And you might also remember he sat in former President Carter's box at the DNC convention in 2004. Does Michael Moore represent Democrats? What about Cindy Sheehan?

I would say that Michael Moore's positions speak for a fairly large percentage of the Democratic Party. Some may find flaws with some of the things about Fahrenheit 911, but most Democrats agree with many of his positions.

Cindy Sheehan seems to be a strict anti-Iraq person more than a Democrat. She has expressed real problems with the Democratic Party, so I would not say she speaks for the Democrats, no. Although many like some things she does. Incidentally, how many Democratic leaders have visited her?

Ticomaya wrote:
Does Sean Hannity represent Republicans? Liimbaugh? What about Bill Kristol? William F. Buckley? Rich Lowry?

I don't there are too many Republicans who don't agree with most of the positions of the National Review, so to a large extent Buckley and Lowry could be said to speak for Republicans in an informal sense.

Republican leaders and representatives just love to appear on Hannity's show, where they are treated with kid gloves, so I would put him on the list as well.

As for Limbaugh, back in the nineties, Mary Matalin-certainly a Republican insider-said on her TV show that after Clinton's victory in 1992, and a Democratic House and Senate, that Rush Limbaugh was about the only thing the Republican Party had going for it in those early years. On Election Day 1994, Rush kept on saying "we are taking the House, we are taking the Senate" over and over and over again on his show. I didn't hear anyone from the Republican side take pains to disagree with him after the election. That speaks volumes.

Just as both parties have official party spokesmen and elected officials who serve as official or quasi-official spokesmen, (theoretically a Senator speaks only for himself and his state, but his words will reflect strongly on his party), so too are there commentators who serve as informal spokesmen for the party, since so many people in that party refer to them and agree with them.
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Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 09:28 pm
The only thing stunning on this thread is that pair of crystal chandelier earrings you're wearing.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 08:43 am
SierraSong wrote:
plainoldme wrote:
Several contributors to this thread accuse those here who are centrist to left of being angry at Coulter because she attacks the left.

I don't. I think the Left is angry because she just does a better job of it than her counterparts.

Sadly, the Dems don't understand this and that's why their party has become such a joke to so many.

Perhaps, it is a matter of taste. Whoever this previously unknown to me poster is, she -- assuming gender based on a feminine sounding nom d'email -- tried to insult me. Interesting.

The point we have been making here -- and many others make daily -- is the Ann Coulter is neither funny, informed or in good taste.

Frankly, Coulter is an exhibitionist. Were she a man, she would be described as "loutish."
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 08:51 am
Coulter couldn't hope to be Jon Stewart, Steve Colbert, Al Franken or any of the late night comics who have a field day with the right. She isn't featured on the nightly news for their comments. They are.

(Now we will get the liberal media BS).
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 08:51 am
plainoldme wrote:
SierraSong wrote:
plainoldme wrote:
Several contributors to this thread accuse those here who are centrist to left of being angry at Coulter because she attacks the left.

I don't. I think the Left is angry because she just does a better job of it than her counterparts.

Sadly, the Dems don't understand this and that's why their party has become such a joke to so many.

Perhaps, it is a matter of taste. Whoever this previously unknown to me poster is, she -- assuming gender based on a feminine sounding nom d'email -- tried to insult me. Interesting.

No. Merely pointing out you were comparing apples to oranges. Ann Coulter and David Letterman are not counterparts ... not even close.

plainoldme wrote:
The point we have been making here -- and many others make daily -- is the Ann Coulter is neither funny, informed or in good taste.

Your opinion - of which we've had 50-some odd pages.

plainoldme wrote:
Frankly, Coulter is an exhibitionist. Were she a man, she would be described as "loutish."

So you've told us. On a daily basis.
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 08:53 am
Even FOX quotes the late-night comics who are actually funny. Coulter couldn't elicit a laugh out of a laughing hyena. Why doesn't she have a TV show, like on FOX? Answer: she's a one-trick pony (and nobody wants to ride her).
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 08:56 am
"Loutish" is an excellent description of Coulter's rantings. I never heard that the term is gender-specific.

The Republicans have succeeded so well due to their ability and willingness to employ the big lie. Moreover, they repeat it so often that people view it as the truth. Examples of this are the denigration of really excellent people on the left, such as Hillary, Kerry, Moore, Cleland, et al.

Further, the principal failure of the Democrats is that they don't have the stomach for the big lie. They seem limited to defending themselves and stating the truth. Unfortunately, this is not enough for the unwashed in our country.
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 08:58 am
The fact is, there are many and have been many "counterparts" to Coulter. The difference is none of them are bleached-blond, skinny harpies.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:06 am
I'm trying to make it a practice not to respond to posts that are:

A.) psychopathic in tone;

B.) ignorant.
0 Replies

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