Ann Coulter Attacks 9/11 Widows

Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 08:57 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Lightwizard wrote:
Well, plainoldme, she stimulates thoughts about how dumb many people have become about politics and society in general. She's from the Dark Ages and her form of inquisition is not even on a par with the great and witty curmudgeons of the past, my favorite being quite obvious to everyone.

Yet here we are, 57 pages into a discussion about her. Most typed in by those that dislike her... Says a lot for the job she is doing, and doing quite well apparently.

Hard to ignore, I suppose. She is like the court jester, only with humour replace by bile.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 09:13 pm
SierraSong wrote:
Lightwizard wrote:
In driving one nuts, is that like making sure there's an airsick bag at hand when she appears on the boob tube? She drives the right nuts with their false praise of a distinctly neutered personality and warped character. I can pay attention to a limited number of sound bytes or quotes from her books which usually make it onto The Daily Show, The Tonight Show, Conan O'Brien and Steve Colbert. I don't think she will be rushing to accept another Leno outing as Jay put her across the boards and instead of literally fu*king her, fu*ked up her head with some serious finesse.

See? Laughing

Very Happy
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 09:47 pm
blatham wrote:
finn wrote:
It need not be celebrated. It is funny. Whether or not it is concerned in any manner with the truth is something only Bill, Al, and Hilary can confirm. It is not substantive public discourse, but it may be admirable.

You find it funny. OK. And, as I suggested elsewhere, how about something like a cartoon of Laura Bush being sodomized by a St. Bernard? That funny too? And equally admirable?

I don't think the picture you describe would be particularly amusing, and I also don't see it as a equivalent to Coulter's brand of humor.

Ann Coulter is the Conservative equivalent of National Lampoon.

That she drives you Libs nuts makes it only that much funnier.

Blatham, you may not have been a fan of National Lampoon in which case your inability to see the humor in Coulter's remarks is understandable, but if you were, then there is something slightly (or more) hypocritical about taking Coulter's outrageous comments so seriously.

Let's face it, one of the reasons those of us with roots in the American Counter-Culture (and I include Canadians here as they have religiously mimicked American trends) enjoyed National Lampoon, Cheech & Chong, and Firesign Theater et al, is that their humor either baffled or repulsed our elders.

It is the same with Ann Coulter.

So, the equation is...if someone is baffled or repulsed, then whatever has produced that reaction must be funny, witty, admirable, a good time had by all? Perhaps that's why torture, war, child-molesting and the Holocaust provide such rich veins of classic humor.

Climb down from your high horse blatham. You don't like her politics and so you can't see the humor. Face it.

Your comparison of Coulter with NL or C and C or Firesign is...well, it's a bit baffling and repulsive, actually. Not least because of how indiscriminating the analogy is.

See above.

Perhaps if she was a Cabinet level Secretary, a Senator, or even a mayor, I might find Coulter's comments a bit much, but she is an entertainer.

That's just lazy and disingenous. finn. Ann is merely the same sort of creature as Cirque d'Soleil?

What is lazy and disingenuous is insisting that Coulter is some sort of horrible harpy who makes the world dangerous for liberals. She is an entertainer, not a public official. Obviously you do not find her entertaining, but then you have a stick planted well up your rectum.

For Lefties, figures like Lennie Bruce and Mort Sahl were brilliant satirists. Coulter is not only in their league but she takes them one step further by blurring the line between satire and pompous political commentary.

You Lefties that find her the virago from hell, and you righties that find her the Voice of Truth...you've all been had.

I find her simply vile and destructive, on par with Joe McCarthy or the Klan or Pravda. In style and in content, she moves your social discourse towards the very worst of tabloid fare and authoritarianism.

What utter hyperbolic nonsense. On a par with Joe McCarthy and the Klan? You can't be serious!

All of the examples of satirists you've given above (add Will Rogers, Twain, Mencken, Monty Python, Trudeau, and SNL or Jon Stewart) could and did laugh at themselves too - and at whomever was in the position of power or priviledge. Think of the skits SNL did on American presidents...party affiliation was not important. Take Stewart's show where guests Mehlman or McCain are treated with the same respect as anyone else and where no one escapes jabs, regardless of party. Saul and Bruce set out to violate taboos and to put fixed and unreflected social ideas and values up to investigation and, often, to ridicule. But their own families and social strata and political affiliates were targets as well.

None of those characteristics holds true with Coulter. You ought to get clear on why that is so.

Can you imagine Will Rogers, Twain, Sahl, Monty Python, Jon Stewart or Swift or C and C or Carlin or anyone else in our list who would ever have suggested that criticism of a President or of one Party was treasonous?

And you ought to take a step back, take a clearing breath and regain your perspective. You are putting this women on a par with the KKK. You should be embarrassed.

She hasn't suggested that criticism of the President or a Party, alone, is treasonous, but so what if she did? She is a pundit. Katrina Van Der Houvel is forever making outrageous statements about Republicans and Conservatives. Do you see conservatives calling for her head?

0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Aug, 2006 08:34 am
Coulter can best be described as the lout's heroine. Mencken was a great critic of the leaders and society of his time. However, his criticism displayed great wit and intellect. With Ann, it is a meat-ax, loutish, commentary.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Aug, 2006 10:42 am

You've managed to avoid even the slightest degree of reflection or analysis of my (or your own) claims/ideas here.
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Reply Sat 5 Aug, 2006 05:41 pm
Finn and McGentrix have volunteered as this week's political dummies.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 01:53 am
Finn wrote:
Climb down from your high horse blatham. You don't like her politics and so you can't see the humor. Face it.
end of quote
Of course he is on a high horse. All Mounties are on high horses.
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Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 01:55 am
Finn wrote:

quote to Blatham

What is lazy and disingenuous is insisting that Coulter is some sort of horrible harpy who makes the world dangerous for liberals. She is an entertainer, not a public official. Obviously you do not find her entertaining, but then you have a stick planted well up your rectum.

I protest- Finn.

Mr. Blatham has no stick up his rectum... All Mounties look as if they have a stick up their rectums, but it is just that they are so supercilious and righteous!!!!
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Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 02:01 am
Finn wrote:on Blatham
What utter hyperbolic nonsense. On a par with Joe McCarthy and the Klan? You can't be serious!
end of quote

Oh, he is serious, Finn. You must understand that as a Canadian he has no sense of proportion--

McCarthy = Klan = Coulter

You know Finn that people who have not read widely must reach for the obvious and the banal---McCarthy = Klan = Coulter.

As a Canadian, I am certain that Blatham knows nothing about McCarthy except what he read in the Nation Magazine!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 06:49 am
If Blatham has not seen "Good Night, and Good Luck," he does know a lot about American history and has lived in the U.S. (if I'm not mistaken, he's living here now). Coulter can be equated to Joe MacCarthy and has the typical fundamentalist bent on gays that is very much like the Klan. She'd be happy to don her pink sheet, size 0000000000000 and do some damage. However, in a high wind, the sheet would act like a sail and she'd be whisked off to a desert island with a library of one book:

Mein Kampf

Steve Colbert: satirical humorist
Dave Barry: satirical humorist
Jon Stewart: satirical humorist
Mark Twain: satirical humorist
Ann Coulter: wannabe satirical humorist
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 07:35 am
Coulter has no connection to McCarthy?

Haw Haw.

So how did THIS picture got on her very own website?

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Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 07:38 am
Are those dead flowers on the top of the tombstone? Looks more like she was too cheap to bring flowers. She should have brough a bouquet of man-eating plants.
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Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 07:38 am
kelticwizard wrote:
Coulter has no connection to McCarthy?

Haw Haw.

So how did THIS picture got on her very own website?


So,anyone having a picture taken at a grave means that they are connected to whoever was buried there?
Thats a stretch.
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Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 07:40 am
Oh, come on, mm -- nobody would take the trouble to have a photo-op taken over McCarthy's grave if they did not agree with him. You need another cup of coffee...or a drink.
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Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 09:48 am
She was grieving for McCarthy's demise. She picked up the dead flowers from a neighboring grave.
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Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 12:20 pm
Advocate wrote:
She was grieving for McCarthy's demise. He picked up the dead flowers from a neighboring grave.

I think it's actually some kind of fancy baroque or rococo ornament on the top of the tombstone. He isn't rubbing himself against it, is he? Er, I mean, she.`
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 01:01 pm

I gotta lighten up.

Always good advice, am I right? ****, it doesn't even matter who it comes from. Maybe a guy in a yellow polka dot clown suit, and he's peeping through secret little holes drilled through two big hairy moles on a mask of Barbara Bush's naked ass (this is a BIG mask... and wrinkles...god you do NOT want to know) and he's wearing a strap-on and the dick is an EXACT duplicate (they did a cast) and it's Jeff Gannon's 9 and a half (cut) inches.

And THIS GUY can tell you to lighten up and it'll be good advice.

Finn can tell me to lighten up. In fact, he did. Maybe he was wearing or even gobbling a Gannon strap-on when he typed his helpful note or maybe not but that has no bearing on the universal applicability of the advice. Because the funny stuff...the really witty top-drawer political satire...well, you don't even SEE it otherwise. It's like you're standing on the corner of Broadway and 9th and you're burrowed down into some stupid serious liberal crap and and a bus goes by on its way to a Republican convention and it's full of Evangelists and Department of Defence White House officials when a fragmentation bomb goes off inside the bus...and you MISSED it! No side-slapping belly laughs for you.

Why impoverish yourself? Lighten up.

Or imagine you are getting a tour of the White House and your tour group catchs a glimpse of Harriet Myers and (I know this'll take some work to even imagine but) no one bursts into laughter at the sight of her legs and so you can actually hear the guy beside you say "Those teeth aren't yellow, they are chicken." If you are heavied up, well hell, that's one great bit of political humor that might just as well have gone down the toilet.

And speaking of toilets, which we definitely are, I have some insights to offer on Ann herself. Now, this isn't new stuff. It's just that liberals can't handle it. Too serious. They are stuck down where nothing moves like that frappacino and crack concrete in a welfare queen's colon.

Ann, it looks pretty obvious to me and a lot of others, is a coprophiliac. I mean, if that ain't a ****-eating grin, I've never seen one. Come on! There's a lot of study on this because that's the kind of thing that intellectuals study. Tell me she doesn't have the whiff about her of the shithouse.

Sigh. God it is good to lighten up. Hey, finn, thanks. Now, that's entertainment!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 01:53 pm
Blatham, what a great post! I even learned a new word, which I will use in the future with considerable relish.

I was pleased to see you refer to Jeff Gannon, male prostitute and ace Republican reporter. I assume he continues to make a good living in DC, especially with his recently-found fame in the political arena. He can certainly charge more now, being able to provide political insight along with his other services. I hope for Karl's sake that he managed to get one of the Gannon signature strap-ons.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 12:51 am
The Mounted Policeman wrote:

Ann, it looks pretty obvious to me and a lot of others, is a coprophiliac. I mean, if that ain't a ****-eating grin, I've never seen one. Come on! There's a lot of study on this because that's the kind of thing that intellectuals study. Tell me she doesn't have the whiff about her of the shithouse.

end of quote

And, Mr. Blotham, exactly what is wrong with Coprophilia? I know it is not everyone's cup of tea but why are you against Human Freedom? As long as she does not force you to indulge in coprophilc activities, why do you care? I'll bet that you are also a homophobe, against polyandry and polygamy, opposed to pederasty and dead set against bestiality.

Fascists like you are what are ruining this country.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 01:11 am
Finn wrote: to Blatham

What is lazy and disingenuous is insisting that Coulter is some sort of horrible harpy who makes the world dangerous for liberals. She is an entertainer, not a public official. Obviously you do not find her entertaining, but then you have a stick planted well up your rectum.

end of quote

I must regretfully inform Mr. Blatham that if Mr. Finn is indeed correct, the insertion of a stick( even one that is sterile) in the rectum is far more dangerous to one's health than coprophilia( If indeed the coprophilia is performed using conservative material) On the other hand, the use of Liberal excrement is highly dangerous since it has been recycled so often.
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