Ann Coulter Attacks 9/11 Widows

Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 25 Jun, 2006 12:20 am
yitwail wrote:
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:

In any case, here is the gist of my contribution:

How amazing that Lefties find Coulter's cracks so inexcusably offensive, when they traditionally rally around any and all miscreants spewing offensive venom, based on their first amendment rights.

For some reason, Ann is not deserving of the protection of the First Amendment.

and who are the liberals who are censoring Ms. A? number one NYT bestseller doesn't sound like censorship to me. you, and Ms. A perhaps, have a misunderstanding about her critics (and i am among them.) we do indeed believe that she should not have made her personal attacks on a group of 911 widows. we criticize her views, but we do NOT claim she does not have the right to utter disgusting opinions. for instance, have you heard anyone say that Ann Coulter is the reason witchcraft trials were invented? well, now you have, but that's rhetorical, since she called the widows witches, and has said Murtha is the reason soldiers invented fragging. my own personal opinion is, she's the reason earplugs were invented. the first amendment guarantees freedom of expression, no matter how distasteful, BUT, it also guarantees freedom to criticize others' opinions. it's the very right Ms. A is excercising when she "criticized" (attacked is much more accurate) liberals in her book & appearances to promote it; if she can't take the heat, she should get out of the kitchen.

be my guest, and rebut my opinion. i look forward to it, sincerely.

There are no Liberals censoring Coulter, but it's not for lack of desire.

You are, of course, free to criticize her comments. They are made with the intent to be criticized because that is how she makes a living.

I have no problem with Liberals criticizing Coulter. What I have a problem with is the phony indignation they muster for her comments while making excuses for the truly vile commentary of others.

You may or may not have been an Abuzz regular, but if you were you will know of marburg. This was a person posted that he hoped American cities would be nuked, that American soldiers would watch as their entrails poured out of the abdomens, that he longed for the day that the Jews of Israel were eradicated.

Any number of Abuzz Liberals, many who have become A2K Liberals refused to criticize marburg beyond the suggestion that he might be a bit extreme, but he was entitled to state his beliefs.

Likewise, many of those who are disgusted by Coulter, studiously refrain from criticizing Churchill, Bakara and Rubin. Now if you wish to point out Coulter's comments are so much more outrageous than any of the quotes Bernard has provided on the afore mentioned trio, be my guest.

Coulter not only can take the heat, she profits from it, which was also part of my post. That she and not Churchill, Bakara or Rubin have best-selling books tells us something. You may choose to conclude that it tells us that a serious percentage of our population are vile and hateful, so be it, it will not be unexpected.

Churchill, Bakara and Rubin are not the leftwing equivalents of Coulter. Franken, Garafola and Vanden Huevel are. You will no doubt find conservatives criticizing this trio, but never with the same bile devoted by Liberals to Coulter.

More importantly, you will not find any consistency among conservatives to shy from criticizing Fred Phelps, Tom Metzgar, or Pat Robinson.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jun, 2006 12:27 pm
BernardR wrote:
and Professor Paul Ehrlich-- Stanford University--

"The population of the United States will shrink from 250 Million to about 22.5 Million( THAT'S RIGHT-TWENTY TWO AND A HALF MILLION) before 1999 because of famine and global warming"

Only the left wing can make such ridiculous statements!!!

cut dr. ehrlich a break, bernard. he was merely wrong. it doesn't make him insulting or intolerant.

and no need to keep posting quotes you're copying from a book. that's stacking the deck in your favor, since i have to google everything. besides, if what you conservatives claim is true, academia is mainly populated by leftists. so most of the kooks are going to be leftist as well.

but here's one more far-right kook for good measure. and if you give me time, i'm sure i can find one more to maintain the 3-1 ratio you requested.

Bob Jones University professor Richard Hand sent an e-mail to "fellow South Carolinians" stating that McCain had "chosen to sire children without marriage." It didn't take long for mainstream media to carry the charge. CNN interviewed Hand and put him on the spot: "Professor, you say that this man had children out of wedlock. He did not have children out of wedlock." Hand replied, "Wait a minute, that's a universal negative. Can you prove that there aren't any?"


all Sen. McCain did to deserve this was adopt an orphan from Bangladesh, and Bush supporting kooks tried to turn her into McCain's illegitimate black child.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jun, 2006 12:44 pm
The Fourth Estate is also overwhelmingly liberal. I guess that means that knowledgeable and thinking people tend to be liberal.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jun, 2006 01:41 pm
ok, one more for bernard, and i'm finished. it's nice that this comes from another prof at U of Texas, Austin, to balance the one with the non-standard pledge of allegiance.

Marvin Olasky, also advisor to G.W. Bush, the gubernatorial candidate, and advocate of "compassionate conservatism" and "faith-based" initiatives, wrote:

God does not forbid women to be leaders in society,
generally speaking, but when that occurs it's usually
because of the abdication of men. As in the situation of
Deborah and Barak, there's a certain shame attached to it. I
would vote for a woman for the presidency, in some situations,
but again, there's a certain shame attached. Why
don't you have a man who's able to step forward? God's
Word says very plainly that an elder is to be a man; he is to
be the husband of one wife. It's harder when there are
women who are CEO's of companies and so forth. Still, it
comes down to the question of "Do we trust God and do
we believe that He has wisdom that we don't have?"


guess GOP christians should be ashamed that Condoleeza Rice is secretary of state.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jun, 2006 02:28 pm
From the May 17 broadcast of The Glenn Beck Program:
BECK: Hang on, let me just tell you what I'm thinking. I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out -- is this wrong? I stopped wearing my What Would Jesus -- band -- Do, and I've lost all sense of right and wrong now. I used to be able to say, "Yeah, I'd kill Michael Moore," and then I'd see the little band: What Would Jesus Do? And then I'd realize, "Oh, you wouldn't kill Michael Moore. Or at least you wouldn't choke him to death." And you know, well, I'm not sure.

From the June 12 broadcast of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation:
SAVAGE: For all your doubts about the unbridled pursuit of self interest, few people have benefited more from capitalism than you. He says: I'm happy to acknowledge that. I have a platform because I made a lot of money. If I were just an intellectual, an obscure university professor, I would be saying these things and I wouldn't be heard.

Hey George, let me tell you something, I don't have as much money as you. I have 50,000 times the influence that you do, you punk, lying, coward, Satanist, backstabbing freak. You're the people -- people like you give Jews a bad name, Soros. It's people like you who brought about the Holocaust, Soros. I stand by those words. I stand by those words. I would debate you tomorrow, Soros, on any platform, anywhere. I'll debate you anywhere. It's people like you who brought about the Holocaust, Soros. That's why I need you to shut your mouth and understand the damage you're doing to this world and to the Jewish people, George Soros.

From the June 9 edition of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation:

SAVAGE: Here's the headline in the Chronicle, the shameful newspaper of the area: "How Aide's Betrayal Doomed al-Zarqawi." In other words, not the guts of the pilots, not the guts of the special forces, not a year and a half worth of work, but the betrayal of the aide. In other words, he's sort of a Jesus figure now to the liberals, and he was turned in by an aide.


SAVAGE: I wouldn't be surprised if the left doesn't make a T-shirt out of it and use it as a fundraising tool for [Sen.] Barbara Boxer [D] in California or [Sen. John F.] Kerry [D-MA] if he should run [for president] again, or sell them around [former Vice President] Al Gore movie -- you know, the Al Gore movie theaters. Make him into a, like, Che Zarqawi. You know what I mean, that could be -- start appearing on college campuses. Che Zarqawi. They could turn him into a hero even though he killed thousands of people and was arrested for sexual molestation in Jordan. Little-known fact, but I do my homework. He was an altogether piece of human offal, you know. He was like a Murtha -- he was like a human Murtha.

Doug Giles

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women, Sex and Feminism

Giles then asked:
BTW ... have you ever seen a feminist around a womanly woman and not one of her butch buddies who's sporting a Tim Allen haircut? (Question: If feminists and lesbians hate men like they do, why do they try to look like us?)
Additionally, in praising Lukas, Giles called her "a girl who got her bachelor's at Princeton, her Masters at Harvard and did it without drinking the lesbians' -- I mean the feminists' -- Kool Aid." He also predicted that Lukas's book "will get all the feministas' big panties in a major wad."
Giles added that Lukas's book "is going to liberate ladies to be ladies" and that "contrary to the propaganda belched forth via our universities and MSM [mainstream media], there are a whole lot of lassies" who:
• "Look to their husband's [sic] to provide rather than looking to the feminists' sugar daddy, Uncle Sam."
• "Don't want their vagina turned into a sexual turnstile. Who don't want to be the village bicycle. ... Who can be sexy without being a skank."
• "Want to get married to a man versus a career."
• "Want to have a baby before half of their life is history. Who don't want to be in diapers when their child is. *BTW girls, the longer you wait the more difficult it's going to be to get pregnant. If you're waiting strategically 'til your mid 30's -- 40's well, uh ... good luck."

Giles is the creator, host, and director of ClashRadio.com and "The Clash" radio shows. Guests on his weekly one-hour program have included Ann Coulter, Cal Thomas, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Michelle Malkin, and fox News host Brian Kilmeade. He is also the founder of Clash Christian Church in Aventura, Florida, and a columnist for the conservative website TownHall.com.

IMUS: If he's -- if he goes around the country and says what he thinks and doesn't do what that buck-tooth witch Satan, Hillary Clinton, is doing and patronize everybody on the planet or some -- or these other folks -- I mean, is Al Gore thinking about running?

0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jun, 2006 02:47 pm
if we could just give them honorary degrees or something. that's the problem, then, the leftist fringe is simply better credentialed than the far-right fringe.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jun, 2006 04:00 pm
Revel, thanks! It is obvious that the lunatics have taken over the asylum. It is of little wonder that we are so hated around the world.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jun, 2006 04:30 pm
An honest man--

Advocate says that: "The Fourth Estate is also overwhelmingly Liberal"

Thank You- Mr. Advocate. You speak the truth and have told us why the American People receive information slanted toward the left.

You are to be commended for your honesty!!!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jun, 2006 06:09 pm
BernardR wrote:
You speak the truth and have told us why the American People receive information slanted toward the left.

don't think he said that...a reporter can be liberal and still be objective.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jun, 2006 06:11 pm
yitwail wrote:
BernardR wrote:
You speak the truth and have told us why the American People receive information slanted toward the left.

don't think he said that...a reporter can be liberal and still be objective.

The question is not "can a liberal be objective?" but rather "can a lunatic post anything other than fartbubbles?"
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jun, 2006 06:18 pm
Mr. Dyslexia: Please--You are posting vulgar language which is not allowed according to the TOS.

You are wrong--Yitwail is NOT a lunatic and he does NOT post fartbubbles>
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jun, 2006 06:30 pm
i appreciate your objections on my behalf, Bernard, but Dys may have been refering to a third party.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jun, 2006 06:55 pm
BernardR wrote:
Mr. Dyslexia: Please--You are posting vulgar language which is not allowed according to the TOS.

You are wrong--Yitwail is NOT a lunatic and he does NOT post fartbubbles>

3rd party, yeah that's it, 3rd party. I'm quite sure Possum R Fartbubbles is definitely a 3rd party.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jun, 2006 07:01 pm

made me laugh.
0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Mon 26 Jun, 2006 02:34 am
He makes us all laugh.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Jun, 2006 05:16 am
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Jun, 2006 01:28 pm
Well, you have to meet the pre-req.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Jun, 2006 06:11 pm
...and what would that be, Lash?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Jun, 2006 07:48 pm
You have to have a ******* sense of humor.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Jun, 2006 08:51 pm
Right,you need a sense of humor snood. Think back to when you were a kid and used to giggle at making fart bubbles in the bath tub.

The image it conjurs up... bubbles of pure undiluted fart gas, in other words pure stinkum.
0 Replies

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