Ann Coulter Attacks 9/11 Widows

Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 03:16 am
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
I thought I had made a previous posting, and perhaps I did, but after several runs through the threads, I can't find it.

In any case, here is the gist of my contribution:

How amazing that Lefties find Coulter's cracks so inexcusably offensive, when they traditionally rally around any and all miscreants spewing offensive venom, based on their first amendment rights.

For some reason, Ann is not deserving of the protection of the First Amendment.

How many Liberals defended Howard Stern's right to be disgustingly offensive?

How many Liberals questioned the propriety of Janet Jackson revealing a boob on nation-wide TV?

How many times have outlandish and offense comments by Liberals been the subject of controversy?

How many Liberals charged to the front to defend Ward Churchill's despicable comments?

You blatant hypocrites!

Beyond this point:

You idiots, The $ ring up with every anti-Coulter screed you publish.

You idiots, Coulter, Limbaugh, Scarborough, Hannity, and Savage are media personalities - not governmental powers, or even journalistic influencers.

This is a perfect example of the American Liberal I abhor: The ranting. self-important critics of right wing media personalities.

Not only is this effort idiotic, it is reflective of the fact than modern American Liberals are all about spin, message not meaning.

Here is Coulter's massive sin: She has had the temerity to criticize the "9/11" families.

Well, cast your bile encrusted missiles at me as well. 9/11 did not create a pantheon of saints. We can and should, all commiserate with the suffering of the families who lost loved ones on 9/11. There is no reason, however, why we should invest these people with any sort of sanctity or authority.

Close to 3,000 people perished on 9/11. Is it reasonable to assume that all of the family members who lost someone on this horrific date are deserving of our special regard? Is there any reason not to rely on the laws of probability and assume that some small percentage of the 9/11 families might be scumbag opportunists?

I happened to attend the funeral of a NYC emergency rescue member who ran into the collapsing building but never made it out

He was, obviously, a hero, but so was his wife, the mother of two small children.

If Coulter had focused on this woman, I would be all for lynching her.

However, I also attended the funeral of a NYC fireman who lived on Long Island where I grew up. He was, undeniably, a hero, but his wife had told him she wanted a divorce prior to 9/11. I am not about to question the extent of her grief concerning the loss of the father of her two children, but I am here to tell you that I do know that the publicity hunger she was able to feed upon as a result of this tragedy had very little to do with her regard for my friend.

Coulter, as usual, crossed the line; not-with-standing that all of the "9/11 Families" are hardly saints, but it is ironic, to say the least, that Liberals might choose to apply absolute standards to Coulter, but not Stern, Churchill, Chomsky etc.

Not to mention....

Those of you former Abuzzers who found the vile excrement of marburg to be tolerable. Should any of you find fault with Coulter I dare you to explain how she is more offensive than that cockroach marburg!

Thing's gonna have some sort of seizure if it keeps getting so worked up.
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Joe Nation
Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 03:25 am
Fiinn wrote

Here is Coulter's massive sin: She has had the temerity to criticize the "9/11" families.

Well, cast your bile encrusted missiles at me as well. 9/11 did not create a pantheon of saints. We can and should, all commiserate with the suffering of the families who lost loved ones on 9/11. There is no reason, however, why we should invest these people with any sort of sanctity or authority.

Close to 3,000 people perished on 9/11. Is it reasonable to assume that all of the family members who lost someone on this horrific date are deserving of our special regard? Is there any reason not to rely on the laws of probability and assume that some small percentage of the 9/11 families might be scumbag opportunists?

Please note that if you ask your President to find out what happened the day your husband was killed in the most massive terrorist attack on US soil and you wait a year without result so you go to your Senators and Members of Congress and ask the same question, you might be called a possible scumbag opportunist.

That's what the truth is here and Ann Coulter is the disgusting opportunist and those who stand with her ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Joe(There'll will be no questions taken)Nation
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Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 06:36 am
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:

In any case, here is the gist of my contribution:

How amazing that Lefties find Coulter's cracks so inexcusably offensive, when they traditionally rally around any and all miscreants spewing offensive venom, based on their first amendment rights.

For some reason, Ann is not deserving of the protection of the First Amendment.

and who are the liberals who are censoring Ms. A? number one NYT bestseller doesn't sound like censorship to me. you, and Ms. A perhaps, have a misunderstanding about her critics (and i am among them.) we do indeed believe that she should not have made her personal attacks on a group of 911 widows. we criticize her views, but we do NOT claim she does not have the right to utter disgusting opinions. for instance, have you heard anyone say that Ann Coulter is the reason witchcraft trials were invented? well, now you have, but that's rhetorical, since she called the widows witches, and has said Murtha is the reason soldiers invented fragging. my own personal opinion is, she's the reason earplugs were invented. the first amendment guarantees freedom of expression, no matter how distasteful, BUT, it also guarantees freedom to criticize others' opinions. it's the very right Ms. A is excercising when she "criticized" (attacked is much more accurate) liberals in her book & appearances to promote it; if she can't take the heat, she should get out of the kitchen.

be my guest, and rebut my opinion. i look forward to it, sincerely.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 06:56 am
yitwail wrote:
my own personal opinion is, she's the reason earplugs were invented.

I've heard such as well.

The same informants told me that MassaGatoBerhard and ican were the reasons that mouses with scroll wheel are sold out.
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Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 07:24 am
Those personality types get a whole lot more publicity than any elected official and so influence a lot more people. It would be irresponsible not to pay attention to them and point out flaws.

Coulter has once again showed her true colors by not only not apologizing for her fragging remarks, but expanding on it by saying that if Murther did get fragged, he would at least deserve one of those purple hearts. Do these people know no shame? Yes by all means lets have a cow about someone showing a boob.

Coulter: If Murtha "did get fragged, he'd finally deserve one of those Purple Hearts"
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Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 07:31 am
Let's be understanding. Finn is simply stuck. He's in precisely the position of any of those Joe McCarthy followers who were, through whatever set of unfortunate personal circumstances, quite unable to reject the simple and easy 'answer' regardless of what the world arrayed right in front of their eyes.
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Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 08:40 am
Let's hope that Coulter doesn't run for the senate. She would be the next Joe McCarthy. Right now, Maggot Coulter can be laughed off. However, a Sen. Coulter could, like McCarthy did, do real damage.
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Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 09:38 am
and, sicker still - she'd have a constituency.
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Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 09:43 am
might even be a landslide, if she runs in a red state. she wouldn't be much worse than Santorum, and we might not have to listen to her as much, which is probably why she won't do it. Razz
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Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 01:15 pm
Anyone with half a brain who reads the comments below by the rabid dog Churchill and the race carder Baraka and the weirdo Professor Rubin and still thinks that Coulter's comments are more insulting and out of place is simply a partisan left winger.


Cases in point( Taken from "The Professors" by David Horowitz)

Here is what the scumbag, Ward Churchill said. It is far far more offensive than Coulter's


"Let's get a grip here, shall we? True enough,( the victims of 9/11) were civilians of a sort. But innocent? Give me a break. If there was a better, more effective, or in fact any other way of visiting some penalty befitting their participation upon the little Eichmanns inhabiting the sterile sanctuary of the twin towers, I would like to hear about it"
end of quote
Astonishing and Amazing!!!!!!!


Professor Amiri Bakara- Rutgers University

In his book, American Sexual Reference: Black Male, Professor Bakara wrote:


"Most American white men are trained to be fags, For this reason it is no wonder that their faces are weak and blank...the average ofay thinks of the black man as potentially raping every white lady in sight. Which is true in the sense that the black man should want to rob the white man of everything he has"

end of quote

What happened to Liberal tolerance???


Professor Gayle Rubin- Michigan University


"The recent career of boy-love in the public mind should serve as an alert that the self-interests of the feminist and gay movements are linked to simple justice for stigmatized sexual minorities...We must not reject all sexual contact between adults and young people as inherently oppressive

end of quote

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Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 01:24 pm
Are you saying that two wrongs make a right? Churchill, for one, suffered for his comments.
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Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 09:49 pm
BernardR wrote:
Anyone with half a brain who reads the comments below by the rabid dog Churchill and the race carder Baraka and the weirdo Professor Rubin and still thinks that Coulter's comments are more insulting and out of place is simply a partisan left winger.

so, you're conceding that Coulter's comments are insulting and out of place, right? then we agree, the comments you quoted are much more objectionable. so, by the way, is this one by Pat Robertson concerning 911:

We have allowed rampant secularism and occult, et cetera, to be broadcast on television. We have permitted somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 to 40 million unborn babies to be slaughtered in our society. We have a Court that has essentially stuck its finger in God's eye and said, 'We're going to legislate you out of the schools, we're going to take your Commandments from off the courthouse steps in various states, we're not going to let little children read the Commandments of God, we're not going to let the Bible be read -- no prayer in our schools.' We have insulted God at the highest levels of our government. And, then we say 'why does this happen?' Well, why its happening is that God Almighty is lifting His protection from us.

he's no mere professor, he's the Chancellor of Regent University, as well as billionaire TV show host, GOP presidential candidate in 88, and speaker at the GOP convention in 92. so, the left doesn't have a monopoly on nutcases.
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Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 10:26 pm
No one has a monopoly on nutcases. Of course not. But, I submit that the comments made by Churchill, Bakara and Rubin are egregious and far more insulting than Coulter's comments.
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Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 10:44 pm
they may well be; i have no argument on that. so long as we both agree that Coulter's comments were egregious & insulting, i don't care how egregious & insulting they were.

incidentally, you might check out comments by Rev. Fred Phelps of Westboro Baptist Church. here's a representative sample:



you risk looking partisan when you single out leftist nutcases, and leave out nutcases like this one.
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Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 10:48 pm
Here is Mr. Nation's recent post:

Still doesn't match what you posted AND the NYT made a mis-print.
See number two. Unless the son of Gloria Vanderbilt has hooked up with Ms. Vicious. NYT Friday

Top 5 at a Glance
1. WISDOM OF OUR FATHERS, by Tim Russert
2. GODLESS, by Ann Coulter, by Anderson Cooper
3. MARLEY & ME, by John Grogan
4. DISPATCHES FROM THE EDGE, by Anderson Cooper
5. THE WORLD IS FLAT, by Thomas L. Friedman

Somehow on Serria's list HEREGodless was at number one. Wishful thinking?? Wishful linking? Hinky dinking?

and, of course, not important.

As to the last two posts by the Bobbsey Twins, liberals will continue to speak out for fairness in discourse. We don't pay much attention when Republicans try to tell us to shut up and get in line. I don't know what to make of Finn's comments- Howard Stern? Janet Jackson's boob? and a guy from Colorado who was rounded discounted from all sides. And poor BernardR, he has to fall back on Amiri Bakara for an example. (sigh)

Why aren't cutting up John Murtha? He's the real traitor, right?

Joe(back to bed)Nation

Here is the listing for Best Sellers( Non Fiction) from the New York Times--

Hardcover Nonfiction
Published: July 2, 2006
Week Last
Week Weeks
On List
1 WISDOM OF OUR FATHERS, by Tim Russert. (Random House, $22.95.) The host of "Meet the Press'' presents readers' letters about their fathers in responseto his book "Big Russ and Me.'' 3 4
2 GODLESS, by Ann Coulter. (Crown Forum, $27.95.) The columnist argues that liberalism is a religion with sacraments, a creation myth and a clergy.


Mr. Nation is miffed that I noted the race carder Bakara as an egregious case. Mr. Nation does not know that there are another 100 left wing kook professors listed in Mr. Horowitz' book who have spewed garbage far far more offensive than Anne Coulter. Since Mr. Nation seems to be unaware of them, I will offer some more examples__-

Professor Michael Schwartz_ State University of New York, Stony Brook

quote Schwartz in November of 2004:

"We as Americans have to hope America will lose. If we win, we have to expect more wars, more destruction, Iran is next. Syria is next and this is only the beginning>"

and what about---Professor Joe Feagin- Texas A and M


"One can accurately describe the United States as a total racist society...In the United States, racism is structured into the rhythms of everyday life, It is lived, concrete, advantageous for whites, and painful for those who are not white"

and, we must not forget Professor--Professor Timothy Shortell- Brooklyn College


"American Christians like to think that violence is a problem only for other faiths. In the heart of EVERY Christian, though, is a tiny voice preaching self-righteousness, paranoia and HATRED. Christians claim that theirs is a faith based on love but they'll just as soon kill you"

end of quote

Only mindless left wing partisans would say that the quotes from the Professors above are not more insulting and intolerant than the quotes of Coulter on the New Jersey ladies.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 11:29 pm
Joe Nation wrote:

Why aren't cutting up John Murtha? He's the real traitor, right?

Joe(back to bed)Nation

No, just someone who isn't particularly very bright, and may actually be suffering from dementia.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 11:31 pm
dlowan wrote:

Thing's gonna have some sort of seizure if it keeps getting so worked up.

How cute, now I'm a "thing."

Believe it or not dlowan the extent of your disdain for me is directly proportionate to the measure of my self-esteem.

Right now I feel very good -- and thanks for worrying about my health.
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Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 11:32 pm
BernardR, another non-leftist professor for your list; unlike you, i don't have a book to consult, so it takes time to dig these up.

Zionist Pressure to Expel Anti-Holocaust Professor

TEHRAN, Feb. 12--US-based Zionist lobbies are trying to expel an American professor, Arthur Butz, from the Northwestern University after he voiced his support for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's description of Holocaust as a myth.
In the university's bulletin, a number of Jewish university students expressed anger over Butz' support for Ahmadinejad's statement.
The students were infuriated when the Chicago Tribune republished statements of the American professor on Sunday.
In a letter to Iran's Mehr News Agency, Professor Butz welcomed the initiative of investigating Holocaust as proposed by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Professor Butz is assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering who teaches at Northwestern University in Chicago. He has also written a book titled "The Hoax of the Twentieth Century".
Butz said Ahmadinejad's statements are similar to sections of his book and that he has extensively investigated the subject.
"I congratulate Ahmadinejad for being the first head of government who explicitly and transparently commented on Holocaust. I also regret because Ahmadinejad is not the head of a western country," he said. Commenting on how the world has reacted to criticisms regarding Holocaust, Professor Butz noted there were not many censorships pertaining to Holocaust before 1975.
However, it is difficult to think about holding a similar meeting clandestinely today," he said.
Meanwhile, Northwestern University in a statement announced that nothing can be done against Butz, including expulsion from the university, since the professor has made the statements outside the university.

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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 11:46 pm
Joe Nation wrote:
Fiinn wrote

Here is Coulter's massive sin: She has had the temerity to criticize the "9/11" families.

Well, cast your bile encrusted missiles at me as well. 9/11 did not create a pantheon of saints. We can and should, all commiserate with the suffering of the families who lost loved ones on 9/11. There is no reason, however, why we should invest these people with any sort of sanctity or authority.

Close to 3,000 people perished on 9/11. Is it reasonable to assume that all of the family members who lost someone on this horrific date are deserving of our special regard? Is there any reason not to rely on the laws of probability and assume that some small percentage of the 9/11 families might be scumbag opportunists?

Please note that if you ask your President to find out what happened the day your husband was killed in the most massive terrorist attack on US soil and you wait a year without result so you go to your Senators and Members of Congress and ask the same question, you might be called a possible scumbag opportunist.

That's what the truth is here and Ann Coulter is the disgusting opportunist and those who stand with her ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Joe(There'll will be no questions taken)Nation

Joe (It's tough not to resort to something crude here) Nation

Here's what happened:

Islamo-fascists flew planes into American buildings.

Neither our government nor us believed such a thing was possible and we did not sufficiently defend ourselves against such an attack.

People made the same mistakes that they had been making for the years during which no one flew planes into American buildings. In fact a car bomb under the World Trade Center wasn't enough of a wake-up call.

Her loved one, tragically, was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Someone always is. There is no other answer. There was no one poor decision that if not made would have saved her husband; there was no one action if it had been taken would have saved her husband.

Her question is understandable but impossible to answer in a way that will satisfy her. Of course she is not a scumbag opportunist and your suggestion that I might think she was is absurd, but predictable.

The only way that it might have been possible to prevent 9/11 was for the government to take the sort of actions it is now taking and which Joe (Wants it both ways) Nation is screaming bloody murder about.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jun, 2006 12:11 am
Mr.Yitwail. I know about Butz. He is a kook. But you do realize, I hope, that the Universities are filled with left wing kooks. You can never find enough professors on the right to match the extremists on the left.

You reference Butz?

I have already referenced six left wing nuts!

I will give you three more and can continue to give you three for one because the Universities of the USA are so loaded with these superannuated protestors.

Professor Dana Cloud- University of Austin, Texas


"I pledge allegiance to all the ordinary people around the world who...labor not under God but under the heel of the multinational corporations, I pledge alllegiance to the peoples of Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan, and to their struggles to survive and resist slavery to corporate greed..."


Professor Juan Cole--University of Michigan

"Saddam Hussein never gave any real support to the Palestinian cause and he did not pay suicide bombers to blow themselves up"

and Professor Paul Ehrlich-- Stanford University--

"The population of the United States will shrink from 250 Million to about 22.5 Million( THAT'S RIGHT-TWENTY TWO AND A HALF MILLION) before 1999 because of famine and global warming"

Only the left wing can make such ridiculous statements!!!
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