Sorry xguymontagx, I was only teasing, please forgive...
besides, it's way too expensive to have phone sex on an overseas call...
Txt me, when you have a hand free
yeah I know hence all the winking.
Quote:does any one know where i have seen this quote before:
occasionally a woman is a good susbstitute for masturbation.
I can't remember where I've read it.
Didn't know you'd noticed the sampler above my bed...
If you were BRITISH! I could crack lots of jokes and double entendres about winking...
...but you're not - so I won't
but :wink:
I masturbate so much my foreskin is starting to develop Carpal tunnel syndrome.
Well, you know all those instructions they give you at work on how to avoid RSI, Repetitive Strain Injury - take a break of at least 10 mins every hour, dont work with your tool more than 6 hrs a day, etc...
I masturbate as a protest against the Christian religious right that is attempting to destroy this country! I masturbate as an expression of Freedom! I masturbate because the man forbids us from masturbating! Are we going to allow ourselves to be frigid and sexless just because our government tells us to be? NO WAY!!! Let's all masturbate and enjoy the organs God gave us! Let's celebrate horniness and enjoyment! Who's with me???
Dammit NIMH! If I work my tool only 6 hours a day, wha am I supposed to do with the other 18 hours? Sleep?
I think most people visiting this thread are with you...
It's some of the OTHER thread's that are in need of a collective masturbation session...
You are correct smorgs. Let's face it, each one of us (with VERY few exceptions) are the result of an erect penis and a moist vagina. If we do not masturbate then we are forced to have more sex thus increasing the world population to the point where mankind can no longer exist! There would be famines! We would defoliate the planet as we consume the vegetation! CO2 levels would rise! The Earth would burn to a cinder! Let's be glad we masturbate and encourage all our friends to do the same!
So... what your saying is 'if I masturbate regularly, I will lessen my Carbon Footprint and prevent world hunger,'?
back soon...
I'm on a mission...
All I can say is that if the dutch soccerteam had worked their ball only half as hard as I work with my two, we'd have trounced Portugal 5-1 or something like that.
Nick, in order to propagate your POV on masturbation and the resulating benefits for the world at large, is it perhaps a smart move to start giving
'How do I masturbate' classes in high school? In order to find a safe venue for all those raging testosterone and Oestrogen hormones?
Yes I think masturbation should be taught in schools and each child should be given homework assigments in that regard.
How much homework are we talking about? And how should they bring prove they have completed the assignment to their teacher's satisfaction? Indeed, difficult questions to ponder about.
Indeed they are. But for the future of the planet and humanity we have to offer self-pleasuring as a viable alternative to sex. Mutual masturbation, sex toys, dildos, lubricants etc would help reduce teen pregnancy as well.
Then they would never get any homework done..
The children could explain to their algebra teacher, "I couldn't do my homework bacuse I was masturbating". Then the teacher would give them a pass.
Masturbation. I wasn't familiar with the word, so I had to look it up in my trusty dictionary.
Wow! You people have opened the gates to a new world.