Civilians Death Rate in Iraq Less Than in Washington, DC

Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 03:05 pm
DrewDad wrote:
Someone check me on this... Does Set seem to be channeling Momma Angel?

Thanks for checking, but the answer is no. In fact, while I would probably have made Setanta's point in a less overbearing manner, I agree with it: It is possible to debunk Brandon's junk statistics on their own (lack of) merits. Your excursion into Brandon's credentials as a physicist was unnecessary and unsubstantiated. This derailed the thread, and added more heat than light to the discussion.

Just my opinion, of course.
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 03:06 pm
I'm glad you're amused . . . it makes for a wonderful counter-balance to the disgust you engender in me . . .
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 03:07 pm
There you go being all reasonable, Thomas.... Who let you in here?
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 03:12 pm
I never knew you had such delicate sensibilities, Set. Disgust! Forsooth!

How do you get out of the house with such thin skin?
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 03:14 pm
Invidious comments to those with whom you disagree seems to be your speciality--but i noticed that quite a while ago. I do just fine in real life, your sneers notwithstanding.
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 03:22 pm
And if my sneers do withstand?

I'm just wondering how long you'll keep it up. The rest of us realized that the horse was dead pages ago.

You think I'm an egregious, sneering jerk; I think you're an overinflated boob with a ruler in his rectum.

Shall we have a poll?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 03:22 pm
Wait, I forgot, you're sitting on it....
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Debra Law
Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 03:30 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
The point isn't whether it is or is not alright to "keep on in Iraq." The point is that the picture presented by some liberals, indicating that civilians are being slaughtered left and right is simply wrong. The fact that the death rate in place A is lower than in place B doesn't mean that the deaths in A are alright, it means that the death rate in A is lower than in B.

The point?

Your point is that the death toll of slaughtered civilians in Iraq is not as high as some people might have indicated? So what? Are you saying some people have exaggerated and somehow the death toll isn't as bad as indicated?

What is the fricken point of this thread that you initiated? Is this the point: So long as the daily death toll of Iraqi civilians remains lower than the daily death toll in Washington, D.C., then the death toll has not exceeded an unacceptable level?

What is the point you are trying to make by attempting to minimize the body count of dead Iraqi civilians through irrelevant comparisons?

Maybe the point should be this: It is unacceptable for any civilians, regardless how great or how few the number, to be slaughtered.
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 03:43 pm
Good evening. Yall have certainly been active in trashing each other. I offer some thoughts on statistics.
The point was made that the murder rate in Washington, DC, is higher than in Iraq (was it the murder rate, or was it all violent rate including rape? I'll stick to murder).
Comparing a country of 26,000,000 (Iraq) to a city of 550,000 (DC) is more than a bit disingenuous, it seems to me. Can I proceed?
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 03:48 pm
ehBeth wrote:

2) According to Pentagon's own data released today, there have been 94 violent casualties per day in Iraq between February and May of 2006. (see p.33). That translates into 34,310 deaths per year in Iraq. For an Iraqi population of about 26.7 million, plus another 150,000 coalition forces, the violent casualty rate in Iraq is 128 deaths per 100,000.

1) The King report uses 2002 data for Washington, D.C., finding a violent casualty rate of 45.9 deaths per 100,000 people. That number is badly outdated. Using the most recent 2004 data, the violent casualty rate in D.C. is 35.8 deaths per 100,000. There were 198 homicides total in D.C. for the entire year.

3) Lastly, the King report is trying to conflate the data for one urban area in the U.S. with the entire country of Iraq. As OpinionJournal writes, "The comparison with U.S. cities poses a problem of scale. Just as some municipalities here have high concentrations of crime, Baghdad and some other Iraqi cities have high concentrations of military, guerrilla and terrorist activity. A comparison of Baghdad with Los Angeles or a similarly sprawling U.S. city would be more enlightening than a comparison of Iraq as a whole with cities of well under a million people."

It was a nice effort, til someone looked at his numbers.

I wonder where Mr. King did his degree in statistics.

Numbers are actually harder to mess with than he thinks.


the source for my info - the usual suspects - as was Brandon's. (I also get newsmax updates)

Nah. Brandon's right, the numbers can clearly be compared favorably...
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 03:51 pm
DrewDad wrote:
And if my sneers do withstand?

I'm just wondering how long you'll keep it up. The rest of us realized that the horse was dead pages ago.

You think I'm an egregious, sneering jerk; I think you're an overinflated boob with a ruler in his rectum.

Shall we have a poll?

I did not, of course, call you any such names. But this is a wonderful testament to the value of your contributions to such a thread. Others have contributed cogent criticisms which have shredded the contentions embodied in the original post. All you've done is flung turds at other members. That appears to be your online metier.
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 03:57 pm
Well, I'd say you're slower than a turtle in a lake of molasses... but I wouldn't call you stupid.
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 03:59 pm
No, you'd probably go for something more outrageous, if you thought you could get away with it.

Once again, others have provided cogent rebutals of Brandon's position--all you've done is smear other members. I've thought for quite some time that this is all you do here.
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 04:08 pm
Well, it's nice to know you've had one... a thought that is.

Boy, I could fling these turds all day....
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 04:09 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
My point was not that it's valid because comparison is possible. My point was that the mere fact that the death rates are in the same neighborhood [..]

That was, however, not actually the point you were making when you started this thread - in your initial posts.

Your point back then, after all, was merely to restate the article's assertion of "The fact that the death rate in place A [Iraq] is lower than in place B [DC]".

That "fact", of course, was none at all; the numbers were swiftly debunked.

You only reverted to this "point" once the initial assertion turned out to be false - although of course, you have refused to actually acknowledge that, preferring to instead pretend you were saying something else all along. Which is kinda childish.

In any case, as for the numbers allegedly being "in the same neighbourhood" - your new "point" - I wouldnt, myself, particularly consider 36 deaths per 100,000 (the most recent number for DC) "in the same neighbourhood" as an annual rate of 128 per 100,000, which would be the number you'd get extrapolating from the number of violent casualties per day in Iraq between February and May of 2006.

36 in fact is not even particularly "in the same neighbourhood" as 49-54 per 100,000 - which is the number you get for the past three years in Iraq counting only the casualties directly related to the war - in itself just a subset of the total rate of violent death.

So your new point doesnt seem to be much of a point either.

Brandon9000 wrote:
JustanObserver wrote:
This bears repeating. Brandon posted an article that is based on false and misleading information. That bullsh*t argument was promptly shot down with credible information, and what's the best he can follow up with? That somehow, the mere ability to compare the information makes his argument more valid (or should I say..."less false").

I posted the article, because it seems to support my position - period.

It may have seemed to support your position when you first read it; but its numbers have notedly been debunked here since. So no, the article doesn't seem to support your position anymore - not that of "the death rates [being] in the same neighborhood".
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 04:33 pm
Thomas wrote:
Your excursion into Brandon's credentials as a physicist was unnecessary and unsubstantiated.

I must have missed where DD commented on Brandon's credentials as a physicist. Can you link that one in, perhaps?

After all, someone might start arguing that you are now "slandering" Drewdad, otherwise ... ;-)

I only saw DD note, if elliptically, that based on the crap Brandon posted here, he certainly didn't seem to understand, or act according to an understanding, of basic tenets of science.

Note, these were DD's initial posts that got Set all in a tizzy about DD's supposed "snide attempt to smear" Brandon:

"Brandon proves once again that whatever scientific training he has is sadly lacking", and

"The primary characteristic of a scientist is critical thinking. Brandon demonstrates again that he sadly lacks this crucial ability."

Well, Brandon's scientific training may be adequate for his job in physics, but here, yes, he proved that it apparently is sadly lacking - sufficiently lacking, in any case, for a halfway valid interpretation of numbers on a topic like this.

So yes, in this thread at least (as in previous ones), Brandon demonstrated an inability to apply critical thinking.

You may split hairs on whether Brandon's inability is continuous or situational -- DD himself soon amended his point to "doubt[ing] you would allow such sloppy methodology to convince you of anything in your professional life" -- but a "smear" (Set), let alone one on "Brandon's credentials as a physicist" (you), there was none, here.

Setanta wrote:
Others have contributed cogent criticisms which have shredded the contentions embodied in the original post. All you've done is flung turds at other members.

A description that, to the extent it is indeed true, applies equally to you. In fact, you have gregariously mirrorred him, on this count.

As for that tired old, "Who the f*ck appointed you hall monitor?" thing -- that one, of course, is inherently ironic. After all, it is always uttered by someone who himself is expressing the opinion that the other person shouldn't have posted that [x, y, whatever].
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 04:38 pm
Of course, on an aside - even had Brandon's quoted numbers remotely stood up to the test of scrutiny, I would personally phrase it the other way round: "Civilians Death Rate in Washington, DC Higher than in Iraq!". And I'd have drawn a wholly different lesson from it. But that's just a question of perspective, I'm guessing...
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 04:45 pm
nimh wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
My point was not that it's valid because comparison is possible. My point was that the mere fact that the death rates are in the same neighborhood [..]

That was, however, not actually the point you were making when you started this thread - in your initial posts.

Your point back then, after all, was merely to restate the article's assertion of "The fact that the death rate in place A [Iraq] is lower than in place B [DC]".

That "fact", of course, was none at all; the numbers were swiftly debunked.

You only reverted to this "point" once the initial assertion turned out to be false - although of course, you have refused to actually acknowledge that, preferring to instead pretend you were saying something else all along. Which is kinda childish.

In any case, as for the numbers allegedly being "in the same neighbourhood" - your new "point" - I wouldnt, myself, particularly consider 36 deaths per 100,000 (the most recent number for DC) "in the same neighbourhood" as an annual rate of 128 per 100,000, which would be the number you'd get extrapolating from the number of violent casualties per day in Iraq between February and May of 2006.

36 in fact is not even particularly "in the same neighbourhood" as 49-54 per 100,000 - which is the number you get for the past three years in Iraq counting only the casualties directly related to the war - in itself just a subset of the total rate of violent death.

So your new point doesnt seem to be much of a point either.

Brandon9000 wrote:
JustanObserver wrote:
This bears repeating. Brandon posted an article that is based on false and misleading information. That bullsh*t argument was promptly shot down with credible information, and what's the best he can follow up with? That somehow, the mere ability to compare the information makes his argument more valid (or should I say..."less false").

I posted the article, because it seems to support my position - period.

It may have seemed to support your position when you first read it; but its numbers have notedly been debunked here since. So no, the article doesn't seem to support your position anymore - not that of "the death rates [being] in the same neighborhood".

Same neighbourhood?

Well, they ARE both numbers....
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 04:54 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
DrewDad wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
My point was not that it's valid because comparison is possible. My point was that the mere fact that the death rates are in the same neighborhood belies the typical liberal image of civilians being killed left and right.

Do I read that right? In one breath you are admitting that the comparison is not valid. In the next you continue to assert that the article has some kind of meaning beyond being bad prose.

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date.

No, you are not reading it correctly, which is odd, since it isn't very complicated. I am saying that even the fact that the Iraqi civilian death rate is in the same ballpark as the murder rate in some American, cities belies the notion, often presented by some liberals, that Iraqi civilians are being slaughtered like cattle.

Yeah 300% higher is the same ballpark which puts the 300% higher US military casualty rate in the same ballpark. Are you telling us it is just as safe for US military personnel in Bahgdad as it would be for them in DC?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 04:55 pm
As JustGiggles once posted "one million illegals cross the mexico/america border every month" which, of course was bullshit. Just numbers indeed.
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