Thomas wrote:Your excursion into Brandon's credentials as a physicist was unnecessary and unsubstantiated.
I must have missed where DD commented on Brandon's credentials as a physicist. Can you link that one in, perhaps?
After all, someone might start arguing that you are now "slandering" Drewdad, otherwise ... ;-)
I only saw DD note, if elliptically, that based on the crap Brandon posted here, he certainly didn't seem to understand, or act according to an understanding, of basic tenets of science.
Note, these were DD's initial posts that got Set all in a tizzy about DD's supposed "snide attempt to smear" Brandon:
"Brandon proves once again that whatever scientific training he has is sadly lacking", and
"The primary characteristic of a scientist is critical thinking. Brandon demonstrates again that he sadly lacks this crucial ability."
Well, Brandon's scientific training may be adequate for his job in physics, but here, yes, he proved that it apparently
is sadly lacking - sufficiently lacking, in any case, for a halfway valid interpretation of numbers on a topic like this.
So yes, in this thread at least (as in previous ones), Brandon demonstrated an inability to apply critical thinking.
You may split hairs on whether Brandon's inability is continuous or situational -- DD himself soon amended his point to "doubt[ing] you would allow such sloppy methodology to convince you of anything in your professional life" -- but a "smear" (Set), let alone one on "Brandon's credentials as a physicist" (you), there was none, here.
Setanta wrote:Others have contributed cogent criticisms which have shredded the contentions embodied in the original post. All you've done is flung turds at other members.
A description that, to the extent it is indeed true, applies equally to you. In fact, you have gregariously mirrorred him, on this count.
As for that tired old, "Who the f*ck appointed you hall monitor?" thing -- that one, of course, is
inherently ironic. After all, it is always uttered by someone who himself is expressing the opinion that the
other person shouldn't have posted that [x, y, whatever].