nimh wrote:Brandon9000 wrote:
Amazing that I do not succumb to the trenchant logic of littlek's airtight disproof of my thesis.
Not so amazing that you choose to respond to littlek's rollingeye smiley and blueflame's Iraq story, but
not to any of the posts that actually doublechecked the numbers you quote and found them false - Cyclo's, JustanObserver's, Parados's.
This bears repeating. Brandon posted an article that is
based on false and misleading information. That bullsh*t argument was
promptly shot down with credible information, and what's the best he can follow up with? That somehow, the mere ability to
compare the information makes his argument more valid (or should I say..."less false").
He then follows it up by grasping at straws in saying that it downplays the "Liberal" perception that "bodies are flying all over the place every five minutes," and
then follows that with a completely random article about four deaths in D.C., as though that somehow supports his argument.
Brandon, you make this too easy for us sometimes.
The "Liberal" (translation: realistic) perception is that Iraq is far from a safe country, long after our supposed "victory." Civilians are dying violent deaths daily. That's the point. No one ever said bodies were flying "every five minutes" (seriously, how old are you?).
I'm sure reporters would love to do pieces on another school opening in Iraq, but they can't, because it's still too damn dangerous (look at the CBS reporter in critical condition and her two assistants killed by a car bomb just the other day).
And that posting of the people killed in D.C. the other day reeked of desperation. It's clear you know you're losing the argument when you resort to that. What's that? People were killed in a major metropolitan city? No sh*t.
Brandon is the
PERFECT example of cognitive dissonance. As stated by another person here, it's clear that he is educated in some form or another. Unfortunately, his unequivocal love of Bush makes him go to extraordinary measures to not recognize any arguments made against the man or his administration.
We've seen it in many threads already. Whenever presented with information disproving his assertions, he will either make up a strawman to argue about and redirect the thread, or he will simply not recognize it.
I don't know if its more sad that he goes to such extreme lengths to support ANYTHING Bush does, or that he doesn't seem to realize that he's doing it. I feel bad for the guy.