okie wrote:I realize every life of a soldier is precious, but it seems like a tolerable price to pay to be rid of a guy that had every intent of developing WMD, and if given the chance, would pass them to terrorists to use here on us to kill millions or more.
Oh yes. Over 2,500 dead Americans because some dictator had wet dreams over WMD and a lot of speculation based on no evidence. You seem to forget that Saddam needed a conservative government like the Reagan administration to help him develope those WMD. Saddam didn't have that did he?
Obviously you put very little value on life of the American soldier. Lets let him go out and die for speculation and conjecture.
I noticed you conservatives are very prophetic about the people you dislike. You know for certain, without a shadow of doubt, what they're going to do. If you guys are so prophetic why is it your not rich from your lottery bets.
If you guys know so much about what your enemies are going to do why is it you failed to see the God awful mess our blundering president got us into? Why is it you couldn't see the power vacuum that would arise with the overthrow of Saddam Hussein; a power vacuum that would be filled by Iran?
Tell us okie, O' Great Prophet, what is Iran going to do in the coming year. Is Iran developing a nuclear weapon and if so how long will it take? What will Iraq be like a year from now and what will the final outcome of this conflict be. What course of action must we take with regards to the rise in power of Iran?
If you have the gift of prophecy such that you know for certain what Saddam would do if he had acquired WMD's then these questions of prophecy should be childs play for you.