BernardR wrote: Mr.Parados- I would suggest you do a great more study of Ms. Helen Thomas.
Funny, I was just about to say the same about yourself. Why? Read on...
BernardR wrote:You have egregiously erred.
Ms. Thomas is of Lebanese ancestry. She is Lebanese.
WRONG. Ms Thomas was born in Kentucky to
SYRIAN parents (
Link to proof). Seriously dude, you've made a fool of yourself
so many times that one would think you'd at least
try to avoid looking like an idiot if possible.
IT TOOK ME 20 SECONDS TO FIND THAT INFORMATION. You have access to the entire f*cking internet and you can't take a few seconds to make sure what your saying isn't complete horsesh*t?
I would think that you'd be embarrassed for making such a stupid comment/mistake, but it's pretty clear you're shameless. You'll just keep right on doing the same thing, as though this never even happened.
BernardR wrote:You may not wish to accept the judgment that she is irremediably ugly but that would make you a minoirty among those who have seen her in person, on TV and in photos.
She looks like an Arab Camel Merchant in drag!!!
As though that has something to do with anything. What a joke you are.
By the way, many people are thinking "BernardR" is just the most recent incarnation of the same person who'se posted under different usernames in the past. Is this true? I've never seen you address it.
Although I would understand if it is. If I made as much a fool of myself as yourself, I'd jump ship to a new username too.