Mac wrote-
Quote:Most of them, of whatever stripe, are a deeply dishonourable lot IMHO.
I can't possibly agree with that. It's the public who are a deeply dishonourable lot. They expect far too much and scapegoat politicians, and others, for their artificially created disappointment.
I even like Mr Prescott. I think envy drives bloody journalists these days.
They would knife their own mother for a leak.
Ted Heath-dishonourable-don't be so daft.
Just try lying in bed imagining what it's like to try to get to sleep in No 10.
I've been round the roads today and there are less flags than for Portugal. Definitely.
In weather like this it is easy to sympathise with those mullahs who want to keep women indoors in hot countries. There are sights out there a man shouldn't be required to see.