okie wrote:I have no clue who Monte Hieb and Harrison Hieb are. I do not know what their background is in the field of climate science.
I think that would be somehow important, though. I'll later explain why.
okie wrote:Why does it link to whole bunch of fossil fuel info sites? I don't know, perhaps they may think fossil fuel people are credible. You do not?
No, I don't think so. The fossil fuel people might be credible when the topic would be fossil fuel exploitation. I would trust the statements of the fossil fuel people over, say, an Hollywood actor any time, provided the topic was fossil fuel exploitation. But the topic is global warming. What do you think, who is more credible when it comes to the negative effects of smoking: your doctor or the tobacco industry?
okie wrote:Why are his/their arguments the most valid? I did not say they were, Walter.
Good. If their arguments or not valid, why did you post the link, though?
okie wrote:I simply liked the site because it provides some nice graphs, pie charts, and statistics.
Bloody f*cking hell, okie, that must be the most stupid argument I've ever heard! Really, you're smarter than that! Come on! You like the site because it has some
nice graphs???
Here, let me start this program.... then I'm gonna enter some numbers, click on "draw graph", save it... Now, let me upload it to the internet and post it here:
Isn't this a
nice graph? Good. Glad you like it. So we have established that Global Warming is largely due to apples, oranges and bananas! Gosh!
okie wrote:I think the statistics are in the ballpark of what I've seen before, so I thought they were nicely presented and easily understood on this site.
You know, the problem is that they can be nicely presented and easily understood, but at the same time
completely wrong. Believe me, I could build a website like the one you linked to in less than a day. I could just make up the numbers, and post some very, very nice graphs and statistics. What would that show? Nothing.
Darn, okie, don't you think we should, maybe, look at the credentials of the guys who post stuff online? Monte Hieb and Harrison Hieb? Even you have no idea who these guys are!
Hey, there's nothing wrong at looking at "both sides of the argument." But maybe we should check who's talking first. You say Walter is attacking the messenger instead of looking at the numbers these guys provide.
Lovely. That's exactly the argument the 9/11 conspiracy guys use! Whenever it's pointed out, even with evidence provided, that, hey, this guy is an unemployed burger flipper who set up this website from his garage, the 9/11 nutjobs go "That's unfair! You're attacking the messenger!! Look at what he is presenting, and then argue against that instead of smearing the messenger!!"
Not productive. By the way, that's why I wouldn't go to get information from dedicatedly "pro-global-warming-sites" either.
What I'm saying is: try to get some good information. Good information, from people or organizations or institutions with good credentials. Then draw your conclusions from that data, and form your opinion.