slkshock7 wrote:Bernard,
Thanks for your kind words...I agree that the left often seizes on half a story (like Advocate) that serves their purposes and ignores any contrary information. But conservatives are not immune to that fault either....that's why I like this forum. Gives me a chance to challenge my own thinking and make sure I'm not making that same error.
Wow! Comedy, thy name is slkshock! What a hoot! Half the story? You must have gotten turned around in the night and are facing in the wrong direction. It is the right that seizes on half the story or, more to the point, the right makes its decisions about things, like global warming or evolution or abortion, then attempts to rationalize those decisions using scientists and philosophers whose standing runs the gamut from renegade to crackpot.
And now for something completely different.
Someone -- not necessarily on this thread -- said the left could not brook the satire heaped upon the right. Well, politicians and causes from the center to the left are constantly satirized.
During the last presidential election, David Letterman satirized both Kerry and Bush. The only difference was when commenting on Kerry, the staff spliced his speeches together to create a chain of words that had little or nothing to do with the subject of the speech. A treat deal of editing occurred. However, in order to comment upon bush, they merely ran tape of the tongue-tied fellow. No set up needed.
BTW, Letterman still bashes Clinton, which ought to warm the cockles of several contributors here.