Finn d'Abuzz wrote:Put the Democrats in power and the numbers flip.
What that assumption ignores is that the poll numbers listed above are not y'r usual party-in-power numbers. You can quickly check that by looking at the plus/minus numbers compared to even just a few months ago. Even just last January, the perception that the Republicans were the more corrupt wasnt as marked as it is now.
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:Notice the poll didn't ask whether or not those polled believed the Democrats to be a party of integrity.
Well, there's this poll below. And conveniently enough, it was held both last January, with Bush and the Republicans in power (but
before the latest slide in the image of the Republicans in this respect) - and in July 1994, when Clinton and the Democrats were in power.
It doesnt make it look like your assertion that, "Put the Democrats in power and the numbers flip", holds any water.
Pew Research Center for the People & the Press survey
conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International.
Jan. 4-8, 2006. N=1,503 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.
"Please tell me if you think the phrase I read better describes the Republican Party and its leaders or the Democratic Party and its leaders.
Which party do you think is better described by the phrase [see below]?"
"Governs in an honest and ethical way"
January 2006
30% Republican Party
37% Democratic Party
33% Both Equally (vol.) / Neither (vol.) / Unsure
July 1994
32% Republican Party
35% Democratic Party
33% Both Equally (vol.) / Neither (vol.) / Unsure