BernardR wrote: Mr. Candidone unfortunately refers to the "mass slaughter of innocent civilians for entertainment"
Inasmuch as the case has not been tried yet( I do believe that there is an investigation being made) it might be a trifle premature for such a judgment to be made.
Perhaps "for entertainment" was an unfair statement to have been made this early, you are correct.
I made the comment based on
news emerging from the Haditha massacres, some of the , and from the not-so-recent incidences at Abu Ghraib.
BernardR wrote: Indeed, as Mr. Mystetyman succinctly points out--only blind partisans would charge anyone of "supporting the murder of innocent civilians".
No, not just the blind partisan would make this claim.
The naivity of the right lies in the belief that the superiority of the technology used by the American army is in fact, "smart" and does not, in fact, target civilians, unintentionally or otherwise.
That there was an intentional and horrific massacre of innocent civilians at Haditha is beside the point.
Supporting the war entails also supporting whatever "collateral damage" gets in the way of the so-called "smart bombs".
Murdering innocent civilians doesn't just happen in face to face combat, it also occurs when a bomb is launched into a city from afar.
BernardR wrote:I offer a possible explanation--It may be that Mr.Candidone was thinking of the Islamo-fascists who set off bombs in market squares and murder scores each day. But even if he was thinking of those people, he certainly could not append the qualifier "for entertainment" to his statement and make it believable.
Abu Ghraib was entertainment. IMO, the Haditha massacre was done "because we can". But that is my opinion.
The insurgents too have an agenda, and it's yet unknown what that is. Many contend that they are opposing a foreign occupying force and they too don't mind the collateral damages that get in the way of their human bombs.
I do not condone what the insurgents are doing any more than I do what the American forces are doing.