You are some fun, MM.
First, you tell me where you got the idea that someone was saying the world and western civilization as we know it is going to end because of Bush? Tsk, tsk, don't overblow what is legitimate criticism. It makes you a shouter.
And second, my dear friend, even as we speak, your right to privacy is disappearing before your very eyes. The NSA taps are just the tip of the iceberg. Been on an airplane lately? If so, some government agent can peruse your flight information, oh and all your financials too, your credit cards, bank loans, insurance policies all the stuff you might have thought was a little private.
Third, the Attorney General not only thinks torture is okay in some circumstances (whatever happened to cruel and unusual) but now says the right to a free press should not be absolute when it comes to national security. Golly, do you think he will find a national security reason to crush press information and opposition. Nah.
Last but not least, and not the only other example I can cite: If the President of the United States decides tomorrow that it is within his powers to suspense habeas corpus due the circumstances of this war on terror, he can. He may not, he may go back to merely trying to disassemble Social Security, but if he did there wouldn't be thing one you or I could do about it.
That's not fearmongering, that's based on the CAPPS II law your guy shoved through the Republican Congress and the other is based on both statements his administration has made regarding prisoners and the actions his lawyers took trying to deny that right to an American citizen.
"In June 2005 the US Supreme Court ruled that Yaser Esam Hamdi, a US citizen held for more than two years in military custody without charge or trial as an "enemy combatant", was entitled to due process and habeas corpus review of his detention by the US courts. His case was remanded for further proceedings before the lower courts."
Full history here.
Meanwhile, although OmsigDavid sees the opposite, the Democratic Party for the past seventy years has been the leader on the expansion of rights and freedoms. It is the Republicans who want to put Amendments into the Constitution which would for the first time since Prohibition RESTRICT the rights of Americans. Look at all the other amendments, they open up more freedoms, only the GOP sees that not how to govern.
Joe(can you hear me now, they can?)Nation