cjhsa wrote:Isn't it amazing how brain dead and brainwashed Europeans are by the U.N.?
Thank God for Tony Blair.
What I'd like to know is what the difference is between the guns criminals use and those owned by upstanding citizens?

Isn't it amazing how absolutely brain dead and brainwashed cjhsa is by the idea of an evil UN?
Do you really want illegal weapons out there on the market? Tell me that. Do you want illegal weapons out there on the market? Do you? Is it that difficult for you to understand that illegal weapons must not be made and that it must be cracked down on?
If this treaty is passed and enforced, it makes it less easy for criminals to get guns, right? This means that criminals will only be able to get guns through legal means. This means that they will be subject to review for suitability.
How will this affect the upstanding citizen? Not by much. You know, if the NRA had an ounce of sense about it, it would ensure that the Government enforced the treaty in such a way that it would not affect the citizen that has no criminal record and is psychologically sane.
Take a car, for example. Would you want somebody driving a car without a licence? Without insurance? Without having taken lessons? No. Why not? Because they might end up killing themselves and/or other people in an accident.
So why must a gun be exempt from this? Why must a weapon designed to kill be exempt?
I'm all for the sane, upstanding citizen owning a gun. What I'm not for is insane people or criminals owning a gun. What I'm not for is a Government that stands by and lets such people own a gun.
Is that so hard to understand?