Fight the U.N. Gun Ban

Fri 16 Jun, 2006 04:54 pm
JustanObserver wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
I lived in NY and had no access to functional
firearms ( tho I lusted for them, in the privacy of my mind ).

Yeah... pretty much explains it all.

More mudslinging.
I guess u believe that it helps something.


And I tease because you make absolutely absurd arguments. If I heard someone in the street talking the nonsense you do, I'd laugh in their face.

Not good manners.
By your words n deeds, u define yourself.
U appear to imply that there is agreement,
as to what is " ABSURD ".


By the way, I though "there is no way this guy can be serious" when you were talking about how there should be no minimum age for kids to carry guns. But you were. Common sense alone should tell you that there should be a minimum age for children to carry firearms.

I think it was in the 1980s,
that I read of the State of New Mexico
( maybe I 'm rong; it might have been Colorodo )
enacted a statute against people below the age of 18
carrying handguns, because Mexican gangs
were getting into too many rumbles.
Until then, there had been no problem.
No one appears to have given it much thought.

For 5 years, I was surrounded by armed kids,
of whom I was one, with no trouble, no complaints
of anyone of any age having bad manners with guns.

More people were killed by Ted Kennedy 's car,
than by any of our guns.
Tho we were young, we were not crazy.
Everyone, equally, has the right to defend his life.
No person shud have to submit to slaughter, because he is YOUNG.
The 2nd Amendment has no age limit on it.


Yeah, they may know how to use guns, but children (by their very nature) are not mentally or emotionally mature enough to carry something like that around.

Sounds like PREJUDICE to me,
inconsistent with observed experience.


Yeah yeah, I know your reply (something along the lines of how there are plenty of adults who are in the same boat), but come on, man. There are some adults who fit that category, but just about ALL children fill that category.

The ones that I knew,
were peaceful and rational.


Just because you can find a handful of incredibly mature/intelligent children that a person could trust with guns doesn't come close to justifying allowing all children to carry.

I remember seeing on TV, probably in the 1990s,
a singularly shocking, alarming and disgusting news report:
a 7 year old boy was riding his bike, after dinnner.
A pervert grabbed him,
cut his throat, and left him for dead,
after cutting off and taking his penis.

The victim was fully in compliance with your philosophy
and with all gun control laws; he paid the penalty for obedience.
He survived his wounds, tho not intact.

I cannot allege with certainty that he 'd have prevailed intact,
if he 'd been well armed, but at least he 'd have had a fighting chance.

The law shud not, by gun control,
enter into an alliance with the violent criminal,
to protect him from his victim s defenses,
if the victim is sufficiently young.

0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2006 05:03 pm
D'artagnan wrote:
Anyone who seems only to think about guns (and may have done so since childhood) can't be taken seriously.

There's more to life than that...

See how you are taking a LIBERAL interpretation,
twisting what I said and then blaming ME for the twisted result.

No one has raised the question
of thinking ONLY about guns,
except u, but in a spirit of liberalism,
u attribute YOUR elocution to ME.

0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2006 05:07 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:
That does not sound like objective reporting, to me.

It's a comment - such has nothing to do in a report - and was thought to be a response to your: "The English press was not in support of your opinion." - which is untrue.

I was referring to press reports of wildly increasing
violent crime since prohibition of law abiding folks' guns,
not to editorials.

I 'm not sure about the editorials.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2006 06:09 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:
U appear to imply that there is agreement,
as to what is " ABSURD ".

Sure there is. My thoughts and the thoughts of civilized people who DON'T "lust over guns" such as yourself.

OmSigDAVID wrote:
I remember seeing on TV, probably in the 1990s,
a singularly shocking, alarming and disgusting news report:
a 7 year old boy was riding his bike, after dinnner.
A pervert grabbed him,
cut his throat, and left him for dead,
after cutting off and taking his penis.


Seriously dude, chill out with the stupid dramatic idiocy. I can take a dramatic, terrible incident that happens once in a blue moon and use it to support my argument, but I don't. Know why? Because doing so is retarded.

And for Chrissakes, make an effort to write correctly. People might be able to take you a little more seriously. You supposedly have a law background (Rolling Eyes)... your writing should at least try to reflect it.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2006 06:36 pm
JustanObserver wrote:
One question- you hinted about allowing children to use guns. What is the cutoff age that you think is too young to allow a kid to carry around a firearm? I don't mean "lets go with daddy to the range and he'll help you shoot." I'm talking about "There's little Johnny, walking around with his 9mm."

I'm not sure I should risk a serious answer to someone who only insults, but I'd say 18 years old, for carrying a handgun everywhere they go.

I'd say responsible 16 year olds should be able to go hunting by themselves, with their parents' permission, though.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2006 07:13 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Montana wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Montana wrote:
I think it's too late to take away guns from the good folks because the ones that would be left with the guns are the criminals, who would be tickled pink to know that the law just made their life of crime much easier.
I know that a lot of accidents happen with guns, but the cold facts are that there are a lot of evil mother f*ckers out there who wouldn't think twice about blowing your childs head off right in front of you, so on that note, I think people should have the right to protect their family.

I also think that anyone who is allowed to own a gun should be required to go through some type of safety training first. There are far too many accidents that happen with guns and if people are to be able to own this deadly weapon, someone better teach them a thing or two.

What scares me more than criminals having guns is stupid people with guns. My neighbor, who is in his 70's was out in our field a few weeks ago at 9:30 PM shooting at porccupines. I was just starting to go to sleep, since I was working 12-13 hr shifts, 6 days a week and this moron (moms cousin) is shooting animals on my property at 9:30 at night, knowing that I love animals and am not crazy about guns, but if I had a gun, I think I would have shot his ass! <kidding> <kind of>

Bottom line is people need to be trained.

I had an FID card when I lived in the states and I got it just so I could buy mace, but I could have bought a gun as well if I wanted. I had no training what so ever and just because I had a clean record, they hand me a license to buy a deadly weapon or several if it pleased me. This just doesn't make any sense at all to me.
I was very young and if I had decided to buy myself a nice gun, I can imagine several situations that could have turned deadly.
The father of my son was very abusive towards me both physically and emotionally for several years and I can picture situations where I would have killed him or if he got the gun first, he most certainly would have killed me.

The man is dead, but I'm sure glad it wasn't me who killed him and even happier that he didn't kill me!

When I was in school,
we were informed that we 'd not graduate
unless we cud swim safely. In that same spirit,
students shud be taught safety in firearms use,
as early in life as possible.

I meant educating adults who can actually buy a gun and that doesn't belong in our schools.
There are enough things being taught in school that crosses the line and we don't need more.

No wonder kids these days are failing in important subjects, they're too busy being taught about sex and what not and I strongly think they better get back to what's important because from what I see, most of the teenagers today are out of control,
so we don't need to be teaching them how to aim a freakin gun.....

U think that if thay DON 'T get training in safe use of firearms,
then thay will NOT be aiming their guns ?? What will stop them ???

Safety training will result in fewer accidents.

The kids in my neighborhood
used to MAKE their own guns,
( even tho we had an abundance of commercially manufactured guns )
because it was FUN, fast and ez to do. Of course, the quality of
homemade gunsmiths varied quite a lot.

I'm glad I didn't grow up in your neighborhood!
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2006 07:18 pm
oralloy wrote:
I'm not sure I should risk a serious answer to someone who only insults, but I'd say 18 years old, for carrying a handgun everywhere they go.

I'd say responsible 16 year olds should be able to go hunting by themselves, with their parents' permission, though.

I would even be willing to go younger than that (for hunting), even as low as 13 (maybe 13 accompanied w/parent, 16 solo). With proper education and the like, of course.

"Carry anywhere" permits? I'm not sure. 18 or so seems on the low end, age-wise. I remember being 18 and knowing how people behave at that age. But then, people can vote and join the military by then, so it's a grey area.

Anyway, don't get me wrong... I don't "only insult." Make an absurd argument and I'll respond in kind. Just so happens that a small handful of people have really made it their mission to consistently make truly absurd arguments. It's like they're begging for it.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2006 07:22 pm
JustanObserver wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
I lived in NY and had no access to functional
firearms ( tho I lusted for them, in the privacy of my mind ).

Yeah... pretty much explains it all.

And I tease because you make absolutely absurd arguments. If I heard someone in the street talking the nonsense you do, I'd laugh in their face.

By the way, I though "there is no way this guy can be serious" when you were talking about how there should be no minimum age for kids to carry guns. But you were. Common sense alone should tell you that there should be a minimum age for children to carry firearms.

Yeah, they may know how to use guns, but children (by their very nature) are not mentally or emotionally mature enough to carry something like that around. Yeah yeah, I know your reply (something along the lines of how there are plenty of adults who are in the same boat), but come on, man. There are some adults who fit that category, but just about ALL children fill that category. Just because you can find a handful of incredibly mature/intelligent children that a person could trust with guns doesn't come close to justifying allowing all children to carry.

My sentiments exactly!
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2006 07:55 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:
parados wrote:
You mean the unsupported claims from Australia pushed by gun nuts?

The claims that were soundly debunked in this thread earlier. The only argument against the evidence of the reduced crime in Australia seemed to be we had to wait to see if 3 years of a lower crime rate was an anomaly.

The fact of the matter is that both England and Australia have a crime rate that has gone down

If it adds to the happiness of your life,
u can believe that, if u want to.

Yeah, and you can live in your fantasy world.

We just prefer people who ignore reality to not have guns.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2006 07:59 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:
That does not sound like objective reporting, to me.

It's a comment - such has nothing to do in a report - and was thought to be a response to your: "The English press was not in support of your opinion." - which is untrue.

I was referring to press reports of wildly increasing
violent crime since prohibition of law abiding folks' guns,
not to editorials.

I 'm not sure about the editorials.

Oh, you were referring to something that doesn't exist. Of course.. Your failure to live in the real world again.

FACT, crime has gone down in England since the "prohibition of law abiding folk's guns." Crime has gone down in Australia as well. Your unsupported claim is nothing but the ranting of a gun nut at this point. You haven't presented any evidence. I wonder what happened to your claim you had to be away all weekend so that was your last post earlier in the day. Are your weekends away just fantasy too?
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2006 09:38 pm
parados wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:
That does not sound like objective reporting, to me.

It's a comment - such has nothing to do in a report - and was thought to be a response to your: "The English press was not in support of your opinion." - which is untrue.

I was referring to press reports of wildly increasing
violent crime since prohibition of law abiding folks' guns,
not to editorials.

I 'm not sure about the editorials.

Oh, you were referring to something that doesn't exist. Of course.. Your failure to live in the real world again.

FACT, crime has gone down in England since the "prohibition of law abiding folk's guns." Crime has gone down in Australia as well. Your unsupported claim is nothing but the ranting of a gun nut at this point. You haven't presented any evidence. I wonder what happened to your claim you had to be away all weekend so that was your last post earlier in the day. Are your weekends away just fantasy too?

Y do u feel a need to be so nasty ?
I was not about to undertake a long research project.
I expect to leave around 5 AM.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2006 09:43 pm
Kids shouldn't be hunting. It's not like it's needed to survive anymore and they are simply not responsible enough to be holding any gun.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2006 09:48 pm
JustanObserver wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
U appear to imply that there is agreement,
as to what is " ABSURD ".

Sure there is. My thoughts and the thoughts of civilized people who DON'T "lust over guns" such as yourself.
U define reality as agreement with your own position;
fine, BE that way.

OmSigDAVID wrote:
I remember seeing on TV, probably in the 1990s,
a singularly shocking, alarming and disgusting news report:
a 7 year old boy was riding his bike, after dinnner.
A pervert grabbed him,
cut his throat, and left him for dead,
after cutting off and taking his penis.


Seriously dude, chill out with the stupid dramatic idiocy. I can take a dramatic, terrible incident that happens once in a blue moon and use it to support my argument, but I don't. Know why? Because doing so is retarded.

And for Chrissakes, make an effort to write correctly. People might be able to take you a little more seriously.
What I say will stand or fall on its own merit.
I don 't need to make it personal.

You supposedly have a law background (Rolling Eyes)... your writing should at least try to reflect it.

I have no need to impress anyone.

The degree of hostility coming from u
moves me to wonder whether further communication
with u is worth it. I have my doubts.

0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2006 09:52 pm
Montana wrote:
Kids shouldn't be hunting. It's not like it's needed to survive anymore and
they are simply not responsible enough to be holding any gun.

Naked prejudice.

That does not accord with my experience
of 5 years direct observation,
including myself. There were no problems.

Are u sure that u are justified
in throwing other peoples' rights away in the garbage ?
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2006 10:03 pm
oralloy wrote:
JustanObserver wrote:
One question- you hinted about allowing children to use guns. What is the cutoff age that you think is too young to allow a kid to carry around a firearm? I don't mean "lets go with daddy to the range and he'll help you shoot." I'm talking about "There's little Johnny, walking around with his 9mm."

I'm not sure I should risk a serious answer to someone who only insults,
but I'd say 18 years old, for carrying a handgun everywhere they go.

I'd say responsible 16 year olds should be able to go hunting by themselves, with their parents' permission, though.

That will be fine,
as long as 17 year olds will never be attacked.
I hope that the bad guys will co-operate.

My mind goes back to a family of tourists from Utah
in the NYC subway. Their mother was attacked by 2
youthful thugs, with a knife.

Her teenage son came to his mother 's rescue.
Some liberals will rejoice that he was in the fullest compliance
with every gun control law that ever existed,
being absolutely unarmed
The criminals cut his throat; fatally,
in front of his family, but he obeyed the gun control law.
I guess that was the IMPORTANT thing; right ?
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jun, 2006 07:10 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
parados wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:
That does not sound like objective reporting, to me.

It's a comment - such has nothing to do in a report - and was thought to be a response to your: "The English press was not in support of your opinion." - which is untrue.

I was referring to press reports of wildly increasing
violent crime since prohibition of law abiding folks' guns,
not to editorials.

I 'm not sure about the editorials.

Oh, you were referring to something that doesn't exist. Of course.. Your failure to live in the real world again.

FACT, crime has gone down in England since the "prohibition of law abiding folk's guns." Crime has gone down in Australia as well. Your unsupported claim is nothing but the ranting of a gun nut at this point. You haven't presented any evidence. I wonder what happened to your claim you had to be away all weekend so that was your last post earlier in the day. Are your weekends away just fantasy too?

Y do u feel a need to be so nasty ?
I was not about to undertake a long research project.
I expect to leave around 5 AM.

Why do you feel the need to lie?
You lied about the facts of gun crime in England and Australia.
You said you didn't have time to do any research because you had to get ready to leave. Research of English newspapers takes less time than it does to post 5 times in this thread. It would only be a long project if recent stories don't exist.

I don't think we should trust anything you say anymore. You are establishing a record of being disingenuous if not out right lying.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Sat 17 Jun, 2006 08:33 am
I'm sure these so-called stories about " wildly increasing violent crime since prohibition of law abiding folks' guns" will stay alive as long as gun-lovers and war-mongers can post it.

I see some similarities with that about "Switzerland and no crimes there because everyone got a gun": even the Swiss embassador in Washington said a couple some months ago, it was useless to tell the facts (namely that Switzerland has the same rules and laws about guns like any other European country [besides if you are member of the army]): no-one would believe him.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jun, 2006 09:42 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Montana wrote:
Kids shouldn't be hunting. It's not like it's needed to survive anymore and
they are simply not responsible enough to be holding any gun.

Naked prejudice.

That does not accord with my experience
of 5 years direct observation,
including myself. There were no problems.

Are u sure that u are justified
in throwing other peoples' rights away in the garbage ?

Naked prejudice? Laughing You must be joking!

I am now convinced that you live in la la land, since you obviously have no clue!

Childrens brains are not fully developed yet, which is why we call them children ;-)
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jun, 2006 10:14 am
Hey Montana, childish minds is one subject these fruit's should understand well. They've got nothing to worry about. The UN is NOT going to take their guns off them. If there's no suitable liberal cause for them to froth at the mouth over, they'll invent one.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jun, 2006 10:28 am
Wilso wrote:
If there's no suitable liberal cause for them to froth at the mouth over, they'll invent one.

Pretty much hit the nail on the head with that one. The "persecution complex" seems to be a common theme with the arguments these guys keep trying to make.
0 Replies

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