President Bush: Is He a Liar?

Reply Sat 7 Oct, 2006 06:27 am
MM via Walter reports that NASA is now able to monitor surface temps on Mars within a variance to 1/10th degree F.
Fory reports that she has a cousin who has a friend who has a nephew who just returned from Mars and denies the temp variatian saying it's always a balmy 77 degrees.
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Reply Sat 7 Oct, 2006 09:15 am
dys, I recall Bush's pledge to send men to the moon and mars. When can we expect this to happen, and will Denny Hastert be included in the first flight?
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Reply Sat 7 Oct, 2006 11:03 am
Debra Law and Dlowan -- Your comments in response to MarionT are hysterical. My question is: Is Okie in on the plot or is he in the dark?
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Reply Sat 7 Oct, 2006 11:06 am
Sorry, ladies, dys topped you. His comment was funnier still.
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Reply Sat 7 Oct, 2006 12:15 pm
While the diehards on this thread keep nattering on about proof of intent or alleged bad intelligence and a prez too dumb to evaluate it intelligently, it looks like the American people have come to their own conclusions about George W. Bush, liar:

According to the most recent Newsweek poll:

"for the first time in the NEWSWEEK poll, a majority of Americans now believe the Bush administration KNOWINGLY MISLED the American people in building its case for war against Saddam Hussein: 58 percent vs. 36 percent who believe it didn't" (emphasis added).

And from the dictionary:

mislead (def): "to lead in a wrong direction or into a mistaken action or belief, OFTEN BY DELIBERATE DECEIT" (again, emphasis added).

Ah, if only BernardR, who has apparently once again violated the TOS, were here to see how his country is tossing him in the dustbin of history.
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Reply Sat 7 Oct, 2006 01:16 pm
BernardR is here. He just calls himself MarionT, and pretends to be something else, now.
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Reply Sat 7 Oct, 2006 01:23 pm
User, I am glad that the American public is coming to their senses over the fact that Bush lied us into the war. All one has to do is consider his Iran Group, whose mission was to generate reasons for invading. Moreover, I hope the public realizes what a monumental deceit this is, with its attendant deaths, injured, destruction, cost, etc.
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Debra Law
Reply Sun 8 Oct, 2006 01:27 am
Advocate wrote:
User, I am glad that the American public is coming to their senses over the fact that Bush lied us into the war. All one has to do is consider his Iran Group, whose mission was to generate reasons for invading. Moreover, I hope the public realizes what a monumental deceit this is, with its attendant deaths, injured, destruction, cost, etc.

But, people must continue to die so that 6 billion dollars a month may continue to flow into the pockets of the conservative party supporters so that they may continue to finance the election campaigns of conservative politicians so that they may be elected to office so that they may continue to finance the amorphous war effort wherein people continue to die . . . and the conservative cycle continues . . . and the rich get richer . . . and the poor get poorer . . . but HEY . . . at least gays can't marry each other in most of the states and that makes it all worthwhile.
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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 12:08 am
Debra L A W wrote:

But, people must continue to die so that 6 billion dollars a month may continue to flow into the pockets of the conservative party supporters so that they may continue to finance the election campaigns of conservative politicians so that they may be elected to office so that they may continue to finance the amorphous war effort wherein people continue to die . . . and the conservative cycle continues . . . and the rich get richer . . . and the poor get poorer . . . but HEY . . . at least gays can't marry each other in most of the states and that makes it all worthwhile.

What drivel!!! People continue to die? Are you talking about the 100,000 who died at the hands of Saddam?

6 Billion goes to the pockets of the conservative party supporters? What stupidity! What a complete lack of understanding of Economics? Does Debra L A W, from her shoddy office in Legal Aid, really think that the workers who are making military equipement all over the USA and getting good paychecks doing that are "conservative politicians"?

Does Debra L A W really think that the "rich get richer" does not include the fifty million people who hold 401K's who are firmly invested in the stock market? I know they pay Debra L A W peanuts in the Legal Aid office but some people who make 50,000 to 100,000 a year( Debra Law thinks they are "rich" because she is a Socialist who believes in the redistrubution of wealth) are doing quite well.

Go back to interviewing the junkies who come into the Legal Aid office, Debra L A W or better still, go back to a good law school like Harvard, Yale or Stanford, if they will let you in. Maybe, you can learn some real law there and not the feminist Socialism you dish out as L A W!
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Debra Law
Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 01:07 am
How The War Machine Is Driving The US Economy

The war has been a large part of the justification for the Bush administration to run ever-widening budget deficits, and those deficits, predicated largely on military spending, have in turn pumped money into the economy and provided the stimulus that low interest rates and tax cuts, on their own, could never achieve.

The result, according to economists, is a variant on Keynesianism that has particular appeal for Republicans. Instead of growing the government in general - pumping resources into public works, health care and education, say, which would have an immediate knock-on effect on sorely needed job creation - the policy focuses on those areas that represent obvious conservative and business-friendly constituencies. Which is to say, the military and, even more specifically, the military contractors that tend to be big contributors to Republican Party funds.
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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 04:18 am
Nice piece, debra. Thanks.
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Reply Thu 19 Oct, 2006 03:16 am
Debra L A W, who gets dumber in every post, apparently does not know what the "War Machine" means. She would have you think that the WAR MACHINE means that Plutocrats carry away ALL OF THE TAXPAYERS MONEY. She is very mistaken. I do not know that Bill Gates or Warren Buffett or Oprah Winfrey can be classified as war profiteers even though they make a great deal of money each year.

Debra L A W must have missed her economics classes. She does not know that the manufacture of weapons and the "war" effort takes Millions out of the tax coffers and gives millions to the workers and soldiers who are in that effort. Unless, Debra L A W would have us think that the Plutocrats are the ones who are working at the lathes building Hummers or patrolling the streets of Baghdad.

Surely, Debra L A W does not think that they are not being paid?

The charge--"war machine" is an old one. It comes from the Communist cells in New York before World War II.

Debra L A W apparently does not know that Communism is dead and Socialism is dying. Even China is adopting its own kind of capitialism. When the World is almost totally capitalistic, Blotham can go back to his igloo in Canada and there might be a place for Debra L A W in the Berkeley hippie dives. They still exist there, you know!
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Reply Thu 19 Oct, 2006 07:16 am
Debra L A W would have us think that the Plutocrats are the ones who are working at the lathes building Hummers

I didn't realize Hummers were hand turned on a lathe.

Possum always provides us with such enlightenment.
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Young Hybrid
Reply Thu 19 Oct, 2006 08:48 am
I hope bush dies Down with bush Down with bush he's a liar and hes fat down with bush down with bush He should die everyone knows that down with bush down with bush
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Reply Thu 19 Oct, 2006 08:52 am
I think I'm in a trance...
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Debra Law
Reply Thu 19 Oct, 2006 02:40 pm
Young Hybrid wrote:
I hope bush dies Down with bush Down with bush he's a liar and hes fat down with bush down with bush He should die everyone knows that down with bush down with bush

Mort B A T, Bernardagatto, MarionT, Renatus . . . is that you? Have you been rehatched as a hybrid? ROFL
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Reply Thu 19 Oct, 2006 03:19 pm
username -- You were wrong when you said MarionT is not Bernagatto. Here and on the Bill Clinton takes on Fox News thread, he showed his beating his head against the walls of his padded cell persona. Wonder whether he is in prison or a hospital?
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Reply Thu 19 Oct, 2006 03:54 pm
Debra Law wrote:
Young Hybrid wrote:
I hope bush dies Down with bush Down with bush he's a liar and hes fat down with bush down with bush He should die everyone knows that down with bush down with bush

Mort B A T, Bernardagatto, MarionT, Renatus . . . is that you? Have you been rehatched as a hybrid? ROFL

Let's see, Top Ten Reasons why YH may (after all, anything is possible!) not be bernagatto:

10.) YH's syntax is better.

9.) YH did not cite Posner.

8.) YH seems familiar with poetry.

7.) I can tell by the way YH types that this person is a female.

6.) YH's avatar does not resemble Bernagatto's.

5.) Fails to mention "carbon sinks."

4.) YH was last seen in the company of Streisand.

3.) YH's ________________ is larger.

2.) YH clearly is bicoastal.

and, the final reason,

1.) YH is known to shower!
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Reply Fri 20 Oct, 2006 01:41 am
Hey, cow, keep the bovine excrement off these threads. Please be so good as to go into the field to discharge your feces!
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Reply Fri 20 Oct, 2006 01:58 am
Debra Law wrote:

Debra L A W, who gets dumber in every post, apparently does not know what the "War Machine" means. She would have you think that the WAR MACHINE means that Plutocrats carry away ALL OF THE TAXPAYERS MONEY. She is very mistaken. I do not know that Bill Gates or Warren Buffett or Oprah Winfrey can be classified as war profiteers even though they make a great deal of money each year.

Debra L A W must have missed her economics classes. She does not know that the manufacture of weapons and the "war" effort takes Millions out of the tax coffers and gives millions to the workers and soldiers who are in that effort. Unless, Debra L A W would have us think that the Plutocrats are the ones who are working at the lathes building Hummers or patrolling the streets of Baghdad.

Surely, Debra L A W does not think that they are not being paid?


For a person allegedly trained in law, Debra L A W indulges in sloppythinking. She throws around meaningless slogans like "war Machines'>Now, I know she fears answering me since I will beat her down so she will just respond with a smary remark, but I will stuff her nose with some data- real data- that she cannot rebut

Economic gloom isn't right on the money

October 19, 2006
Recently Bill Clinton, at the British Labor Party's annual conference, delivered what the Times of London described as a ''relaxed, almost rambling'' and ''easy anecdotal'' speech to an audience of leftists eager for evidence of U.S. disappointments. Never a connoisseur of understatement, Clinton said America is ''now outsourcing college-education jobs to India.''
But Clinton-as-Cassandra should not persuade college students to abandon their quest for diplomas. The unemployment rate among college graduates is 2 percent.

Clinton is always a leading indicator of ''progressive'' fashions in rhetoric. Every election year -- meaning every other year -- brings an epidemic of dubious economic analysis, as members of the party out of power discern lead linings in silver clouds.

Nancy Pelosi vows that if Democrats capture Congress they will ''jump-start our economy.'' A ''jump-start '' is administered to a stalled vehicle. But since the Bush tax cuts went into effect in 2003, the economy's growth rate (3.5 percent) has been better than the average for the 1980s (3.1) and 1990s (3.3). Today's unemployment rate (4.6 percent) is lower than the average for the 1990s (5.8) -- lower, in fact, than the average for the last 40 years (6.0). Some stall.

Economic hypochondria, a derangement associated with affluence, is a byproduct of the welfare state. An entitlement mentality gives Americans a low pain threshold -- witness their recurring hysterias about nominal rather than real gasoline prices -- and a sense of being entitled to economic dynamism without the frictions and ''creative destruction'' that must accompany dynamism. Economic hypochondria is also bred by news media that consider the phrase ''good news'' an oxymoron.

The Jack No. 2 well, in deep water 170 miles southwest of New Orleans, recently discovered a field with perhaps 15 billion barrels of oil -- a 50 percent increase in proven U.S. reserves. This news triggered a gusher of journalistic gloom: More oil means more woe -- a reprieve for that enemy of humanity, the internal combustion engine, and more global warming, more air pollution, more highway fatalities, more suburban sprawl.

The recent 20 percent decline of the cost of a barrel of oil, from a nominal record of $78.40 (which, adjusted for inflation, was well below the 1980 peak of $92 in 2006 dollars), has produced an 81-cent decline in the average cost of a gallon of regular gasoline in 70 days. For consumers, that is akin to a tax cut of more than $81 billion.

President Bush's tax cuts were supposed to cause a cataract of red ink. In fiscal 2006, however, federal revenues as a share of GDP were 18.4 percent, slightly above the post-1962 average of 18.2. And the federal budget deficit was $247.7 billion, just 1.9 percent of the $13.1 trillion GDP. That is below the average for the 1970s (2.1), 1980s (3.0) and 1990s (2.2).

It is said that workers' compensation has been stagnant. But to tickle that bad news from the statistics you must treat ''compensation'' as a synonym for wages, and then ignore the effect of taxation on individuals' well-being. Kevin Hassett and Aparna Mathur of the American Enterprise Institute, writing in National Review, say annual wage growth since 2000 has been 0.6 percent, but the annual increase in real hourly compensation, including benefits -- and if you do not include them, why are they called benefits? -- has been 1.3 percent. And taxes -- particularly those paid by middle-class families with children -- have declined substantially.

Furthermore, as Hassett and Mathur write, consumers, by modifying their behavior, protect or enhance their well-being in ways not captured in economic statistics. For example, an American who, prompted by higher energy prices, traded in a Hummer for a Prius has preserved his or her standard of living.

Finally, today's widening income disparities will be partly self-correcting. Granted, income statistics show the increasing disadvantages of persons with education deficits. But that is the market saying -- shouting, really -- ''Stay in school!'' Over time, the voice of the market is rational, credible and therefore a potent instrument for changing behavior.


Are you too stupid to rebut that, Debra L A W? or do you just want to utter your idiotic and irrelevant unsourced crap about War Machines?

Stick those statistics in your craw-

Unemployment- 4.5% lower than average for 1990's--5.8
lower than average for last 40 years- 6.0

Unemployment for college grads.--2%

Growth Rate for Economy-Bush years-3.5%

Better than 80's( 3.1%
Better than 90's( 3.3%

Stick the stupid and meaningless generalization- war machine- where the sun doesn't shine, Debra L A W and show that you are REALLY a L A W Y E R by rebutting the statistics above.

I will understand if you don't because I know you are really a fraud who could never handle such a task.

Debra L A W!!!! L O L
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