material girl wrote:Chai Tea wrote:What do you mean you know he's not interested?
He is attractive with skill and his own company+ Im me= He is not interested.
Okay, MG, listen up: NOTHING makes my boyfriend laugh out loud. In our entire relationship I think I've made him laugh two times, and I have other people in stitches all the time. So I read this out loud to him, and he cracked up!! You're hilarious, girl! A sense of humor is so adorable, and you are so funny.
confident, you have
so much to offer. You've been one of my favorite posters since the very first time I found a2k, and I'm really serious about that. How sweet and funny and nice you are is easy to tell from your posts (unless you're really a creepy 65-year-old man who's read Briget Jones waaaay too many times).
Now let me draw your attention back to this:
material girl wrote: I hope he is a guy that likes a cuddly lass with average (2)legs, a big butt,average to small boobs, long dark hair, and has been described from cute to beautiful.
Well, maybe I'm biased because I also have small boobs and a big butt, but darling, this is a cute girl you've described right here! Why are you always making it sound like you're a hag?!

You even admit people have said you're beautiful, and on here you're always picking on yourself! So QUIT THAT! You can do it to be funny, but in your own head, you'd better not be serious with all this bearded lady nonsense!
All right, I've lectured enough, now I'm adding my positive vibes to Chai's (mine arrive through the tip of your nose-- try not to sneeze), so you're good to go. And don't forget I told you about me asking a guy out-- looking back, he was a real as$hole-- and so you owe it to me to try. I have karmically earned a "yes," and I'm giving you my karma so you can have a yes for me. Okay! Let's go! I can't wait to get my vicarious thrill through you!!