Immigration and Racism in Britain and USA

Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 02:55 pm
C'est ne pas anticonstitutionnellement en myélosaccoradiculographie ...
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Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 03:19 pm

Japan as a country is quite unique. The country does very well indeed due to a very robust economy (which shows it cracks nowadays, sure, but still). It's not correct to state its ethnocentricity is the reason for this succes, as your post seems to imply.

There are quite a few countries in SouthEast asia who view their Chinese immigrant population with a great deal of fear and mistrust, not unlike the way a lot of people look at muslims in for instance britain. Britain is not in the same position of said countries, however. Deporting those citizens (because that they are) is a violation of their rights, and the reulting diplomatic backlash would be severe.

Actually, I think current anti-racism laws are a direct result of the Second World War and a fear of the possible resurfacing of Nazi ideology.
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Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 03:25 pm
PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS (45 letters; a lung disease caused by breathing in certain particles) is the longest word in any English-language dictionary.

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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 03:33 pm
Chlorure d' aminométhylpyrimidinylhydroxyéthylméthythiazolium (49 letters). Laughing

Nothing, of course against the 63 letter-word, a law from 1999, in German
" Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz "
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Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 03:39 pm
I think German has a special penchant for compound words.
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Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 03:49 pm
Dear O dear, where to begin? Gottverdammt! - such a smõrgåsborg of pratfalls and comédies d'erreur! I need a garbage truck not a keyboard.

When I was teaching at the Sorbonne before moving to Heidelberg I used to tell my students...

... o never mind - another day perhaps.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 03:55 pm
Embarrassed Okay! Okay! - so yours is bigger than mine, Walter! Just don't flash it around here too much or you'll be getting some weird pm from some of the closet queens here (the bottom-feeders). http://www.xtrememass.com/forum//images/smilies/1203/kekekegay.gif

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Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 05:05 pm
Incidentally, the set up here is ridiculously inadequate. There's no way I can scroll back to earlier posts to copy-and-paste and give a reply to without losing my post-entry box. The scroll-back facility should cover at least the last two thread pages.

The only left-wing owned media I can name is the Guardian and possibly the BBC. Pretty much all the tabloids in the UK are right-wing, as is the Times, the Telegraph, even the Daily Star

.... "and possibly the BBC[/i]"... ? possibly? Helloooo... ? I think you just shot your credibility all to hell and back.

This subversive media organisation has been the propaganda arm of Britain's leftwing-elite chattering classes since shortly after Churchill retired from politics. It has for decades been shamelessly promoting and sponsoring every kind of 'social-progressive' PC agenda on behalf of Britain's legions of beard-stroking leftwing academics and the union-backed socialist brotherhood.

WolfScheiße - read my lips. I can assure you there are no 'right-wing' newspapers in the UK - none at all - not one. If there were, the ethnic communities would have long since used Britain's draconian vilification laws to close these down very promptly.

Which newspapers have been voicing the sort of nationalist concerns about preserving Britain's traditional Anglo culture and identity against the incursions of Islamic and Asian ghettoism as I have been doing here... ?

Sweet effing none is the answer.

WolfScheiße - I'm demoting you from mid-level plankton-feeder to detritus bottom-feeder. Improve your form and I just may decide to inflate your ballast-bladders to raise you up from the stygian darkness of your sandy domain.

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Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 05:31 pm
"british traditional anglo culture" as seen by herberts .


(try and identify herberts) . hbg
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Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 06:57 pm
Steve... (a very promising student who has graduated from one-time bottom-feeder to mid-level plankton-feeder)...
... we havent made things easier by blithely assuming that immigrants will by some natural process of asimmillation, become mostly like "us". It needs a more pro active approach than that.

What hope is there for assimilating the Muslims into British society when generation after generation they are obliged to learn Arabic in order to read the Koran and listen to their imams -- and generation after generation a sizeable percentage of the Islamic community ensures they send their children to exclusive, anti-multicultural Islamic private schools?

We further dont do ourselves any favours by somehow allowing a situation whereby "up to 600"* al qaeda trained potential terrorists run around in Britain "scot free".

This is NOT by accident - but is directly the consequence of official 'go-easy' policies towards errant ethnics lest the British government should attract international condemnation for its being deemed 'racist' and 'discriminatory' against its non-Anglo population.

And less still when incompetent government and disfunctional management somehow allow up to 1000 convicted immigrant criminals to go free because they were to be deported: thus disappearing into the community some to re offend.

Once again - not by accident. This is all the consequence of official laxity with regard to a large number of people of Third World identity who Britain's legions of fifth-column leftwingers deem to be the victim of 'harsh and unfair discriminatory practices on the part of a heartless government bureaucracy'.

Herberts is lucid and makes an attractive case

Pur-leez... no fan mail.

The way out of this mess is to have clear goals about the best sort of society we can achieve in future.

You're a deep thinker, Steve...

Also to admit our own failings

No Steve - dare to be called a 'racist' and a 'bigot' and admit to their failings - and then tell them to shape-up or ship-out.
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Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 09:23 pm
Well, i supposedly said my last post, but herberts has kept it going. I guess if you keep feeding them they'll keep producing sh^t. Its good how herberts keeps providing good rational arguments and everyone else just snipes "hee hee your a this your a that". Some peoples brains would rattle in a cockroaches skull, but its good not everyone is so stupid.
Wish we still had Churchill, if stupid communists like some people in these forums had been in power Britain would be a Nazi state now.

You lot are still blerting out your labels arent you? "heeheehee racists heeheehee nationalists".
So the muslims come over and start building their mosques.
"Oh thats OK, we mustn't be racist"
They build their own communities and displace native workers.
"Oh thats OK, we mustn't be racist"
They slowly gain political power and allow futhur immigration of muslims. Natives start to leave.
"Oh thats OK, we musnt't be racist"
They become the dominant people in the country and become a majority in national politics. They imprison non-muslim infidels. Native emmigration furthurs.
"Oh thats OK, we musnt'be racist"
They abolish native law, and the country comes under muslim law. Natives are treated as second class citizens as they do not accept muslim rule.
"Oh thats OK, we musn't be racist"
Britain becomes an arab-muslim state, because their right-wing ideas were superior and more powerful than the inferior left-wing native ideas.
"Oh thats OK, we musn't be racist... actually SH^T! how stupid have we been!"

Understand? No course not.
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Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2006 10:55 pm
It's the Englishman's own misguided sense of 'fair play' and culture of Judeo-Christian decency which in the end will be his undoing.

Through his very own democratic institutions, and his very own concessions to a 'Multicultural Britain', and his very own self-effacement with telling migrants they have arrived in Everybodyland where no one's cultural traditions or national identity is to be deemed superior or preeminent over others - these are the holes beneath the waterline which eventually will sink the Englishman's 'Great Britain' beneath a seething patchwork quilt of ethnic tribalism in the suburbs of his major cities.

The English themselves have concocted the sure-fire recipe and formula for inviting their own extinction upon the anvil of political correctness and an ignorant, if well-meaning tolerance for a burgeoning Islamic culture which will not be satisfied until it has swamped the Houses of Parliament with its own elected representatives.

Upon the mandate of a poorly-educated, imbecile, and ignorant British electorate - successive British governments have fashioned the means of bringing about their own demise through 40-years of carefully selecting immigrants who are at greatest odds and disparity with the British cultural ethos and identity.

You have grown and harvested the hemp. You have plaited the rope. You have looped it into a hangman's noose. And you have dropped this over your collective head.

It only needs now a few more years for the 'ethnic communities' to finally kick away the chair so as to send you moronic English voters into the oblivion of archival history which you pathetic idiots so richly deserve.

A people who are unwilling to defend their preeminence in their own national homeland deserve nothing less than to be unceremoniously kicked aside as an irrelevance - and that's precisely what your Islamic community is in the process of doing in many and subtle ways.

All those private Islamic schools across the British nation are right now preparing their next generation to be smarter, and more skilled, and more able to usurp you British in your own homeland.

Vale Britannia.
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Reply Sun 30 Apr, 2006 01:43 am
Lol, its a shame really. I probably shouldnt laugh. But "come the revolution" we should do OK. Britts have a history of doing well when it comes to fighting and war.
Hopefully Australia wont go the same way. Theres already a suburb in Brisbane called sunnybank which is now an asian town. I have several asian mates who I don't have a problem being around (that makes me a non-racist by the way you communists), but I dont think they should be flooding our country either. We won it fair and square.

And the Englishman didnt always have this misguided sense of fairness and decency. What ever happened to 'for king and country'. It used to be us going over to the muslim lands and trying to convert them to christianity as I recall (the crusades, and not that I would endorse them)
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Steve 41oo
Reply Sun 30 Apr, 2006 06:24 am
Herberts quoted me thus

Herberts is lucid and makes an attractive case

when what I actually said was

Herberts is lucid and makes a superficially attractive case...but only to those who as Setanta points out, are motivated by race.

Now, boys and girls can anybody spot the difference? Yes! that naughty Herberts has deliberately misquoted me to change the meaning of what I said...what a little sh1t he is isnt he boys and girls?
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Reply Sun 30 Apr, 2006 07:22 am
OOoooh! I know the answer to that one! Pick me! Pick me!!!
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Reply Sun 30 Apr, 2006 09:33 am
RaceDriver205 wrote:
Theres already a suburb in Brisbane called sunnybank which is now an asian town. I have several asian mates who I don't have a problem being around (that makes me a non-racist by the way you communists), but I dont think they should be flooding our country either. We won it fair and square.

I should know better than to reply to this, but one phrase leapt out at me.

"We" "won it" "fair and square"

We: ex-British colonials and their descendants

won it: murdered the inhabitants and shipped them off the best land

fair and square: see above
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Apr, 2006 04:34 pm
Pearl before swine. I sometimes wonder why I bother. It's just that I'm addicted to that delicious crunching sound when I step on you cockroaches every day upon opening up my PC. It's that nice crackling sound as your carapaces snap, crackle, and pop with the pressure of my incontestible logic.http://www.liquidninjas.com/bbs/images/smilies/klan/cool.gif

Yes! that naughty Herbert has deliberately misquoted me to change the meaning of what I said...what a little sh1t he is isnt he boys and girls?

Well spotted, Steve! You're keeping awake! I like to leave these little surprises for you just to keep you on your toes and paying attention.

Since assigning you to be a mid-level plankton-feeder it's even so quite possible that if you show promise I might move you up into more warm and sun-lit waters where you can feed upon jelly-fish and baby squid.

But first I want to see you demonstrating a little more rightwing kick-ass concern for your British homeland fast becoming little more than an ethnic workplace utility rather than it being the domestic residence of the Anglo-Celtic peoples.

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Reply Sun 30 Apr, 2006 05:28 pm
herberts wrote:
. . . my incontestible logic

Conflating "nationhood" with notions of "appropriateness" and "compatibility" with "race" isn't logical.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Apr, 2006 05:54 pm
Conflating "nationhood" with notions of "appropriateness" and "compatibility" with "race" isn't logical.

Sure it is.

Here in Australia we hear it from the aborigines all the time - how we 'whiteys' have stolen their land. And over there in Uganda Robert Mugabe has quite correctly been saying that the immigrant white settlers are an alien and colonial presence in a nation of historic black identity.

Even in my own lifetime I remember when I could walk the length and breadth of England and see only people of white English identity - a people united in their racial, cultural and historic identity and ethos.

I've got nothing against black skin per se - in fact it's quite possible that with my own Portuguese blood I've got African blood coursing through me from the days of the Moors. Not a problem. It's probably why I'm a chestnut-brown by the end of each summer.

My objection is that blacks and whites soon divide upon racial and prejudicial grounds - and upon ethnic and 'colour' preferences - and thus create divisions and animosities and community rivalries where before none existed.

The blacks in the UK who have my greatest support, goodwill and respect are those who have had the commitment to depart from the homeboy ghetto-stereotype to go marry into the white indigenous British mainstream.

They have my 100% support in all their endeavours. They have truly given themselves over to assimilating with the natives.

But what really pisses me off are such organisations as The Association of Black Lawyers of Great Britain - and many thousand other like that which make an issue of distinguishing black from white.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 30 Apr, 2006 06:00 pm
Herberts, You ever hear of Mahatma Ghandi or Martin Luther King, Jr?
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